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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Are we seriously arguing a wrestler's merits w/r/t whether they should be in the WWE's hall of fame? Come on, guys. The only criteria are if some people know you, you're on Vince's good side today, and they need bodies to fill out the list after they've picked the headliners. Also, remember that Goldberg ended Bret Hart's career and injured himself bare-handedly punching out a window because "Goldberg wouldn't use a lead pipe." He was a rare combination of being dangerous to everyone and a giant mark for himself. I don't know if that rules him out or makes him a perfect fit but the man strikes me as a big dumb douchebag.
  2. I have no idea what you're talking about but Jeff did recently purchase an industrial laundry
  3. No problem at all. Have them go 50/50 with nothing but rollups and screwjobs. If neither looks strong, then both look strong! We have always been at war with Eastasia.
  4. Do they have enough refs or will Drake Younger get the callup? Paying based on the house is so fucking antiquated. They have built it up so the company is the draw, yet still pay as if the wrestlers are. If The WWE Brand couldn't draw a house with a set of crayons, why punish the boys for that?
  5. The first sentence of #2 is Trump-esque. Point #4 is awesome in its old-timey quaintness.
  6. Fans fat shaming Matt Hardy is lolsome when, sight unseen, I can guarantee he was in better shape than most of the crowd.
  7. Can we sticky an all purpose "Hardy Boyz Dumpster Fire Thread" on the main page and move all posts to there?
  8. LOL! I don't think there's any strict enforcement of anything in that part of NC as evidenced by Jeff dirt biking on actual roads. I don't know what Matt's accent is supposed to be since it goes back and forth between Madonna's fake English accent, something vaguely Jamaican and Dave Chappelle as Prince. The Hardys are the definition of hillbilly new money. Awesome, beautiful mansion with a glorified quonset hut out back. Really nice house with a dirt bike jump built 10 feet away. Jeff does get points for not having an above-ground pool, though.
  9. It's not a zero-sum game. Yes, WWE has actual writers, but the verbiage they come up with is so stilted and unrealistic that I find myself looking for the puppeteer's hands up the wrestlers' asses during promos. The best of both worlds would be: don't have a bloated staff of failed sitcom writers following the whims of a mad septuagenarian AND don't have wrestlers do stupid vignettes unless they've had some actual acting experience. The Hardys' skit here is a perfect storm of shit, poorly conceived and executed, but better writers wouldn't have helped. Hell, half of Matt's lines actually sound like the overdone shit you'd hear on any Monday night.
  10. Dustin's Cross Colors leather jacket is the most 90's thing. God Damn.
  11. I just can't believe they cleared the meth lab out of their warehouse just to shoot that vignette. That's some serious commitment to their craft. The Hardys are up there in that category, "guys WWE let go and never signed again, and it didn't make sense at the time, but now it totally does." The Kurt Angle Category, to be more succinct.
  12. Close. it's actually "depiction of lesbian on Cena's pants sends AJ into blind rage"
  13. Oh definitely. I loved the Matt Facts, his MFer Shannon Moore, the Monster Magnet theme song, all that. Absolutely his career apex.
  14. I kept waiting for the rawdogging to start because that acting was porn-level bad. Guys guys remember when Matt was suspended/fired from WWE, or maybe injured, I can't remember, after the Edge/Lita stuff first came to light and we kept hearing that he'd shot his own vignettes and written his own awesome angle that we'd never get to see? Like he'd totally recreated his character? And then it turned out to be that corny "Angelic Diablo" shit? Good times. Good times. On a side note, I find gauged ears to be fucking gross. That video needed a trigger warning.
  15. "Brock Lesnar can be on either show because we're afraid to tell him otherwise"
  16. Watching AMC, I always see commercials for "Turn" and "Hell on Wheels" despite having never met anyone who watches these shows and never reading about any sort of critical acclaim. How are these programs still on? Are they part of some elaborate tax dodge scheme?
  17. Smackdown should go back to this theme
  18. I hope WWE can track down this young up and comer from the FCW days. Whatever happened to him?
  19. I just tried it. It's a prerecorded message form Famous B himself.
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