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Everything posted by jojomellon

  1. Do you not remember this actually being used on WWF TV? Shawn had the midget wearing this mask along with the appropriate outfit the night after Montreal.
  2. He was coming up on 10 years out of his prime. 1992-1993 was really the last time he was consistently pretty decent in the ring. APA stuff was fun, but just to see him smash dudes, not because he was great in the ring. I think he was around 45 when the APA broke up. OOps, thought you meat Bradshaw. Nevermind this post.
  3. Just starting this show and the first episode had me laughing when they called Sabby Piscatelli's NFL career 'impressive'.
  4. I still remember the origins of Krone Metzler. He posted like a 2 week old story on here about Randy Orton being injured(surprise surprise) and when he was politely informed that it was old news, the poor kid flipped. Meanwhile Kent Jones was just a bizarre hillbilly mark/troll. I remember his youtube videos devolved into his being naked and watching out for his mom coming home.
  5. You should see the no-rope cage match they had in FMW then. Vader powerbombs Shammy so hard he spits up blood. Unfortunately I tried to find it online to no avail. Ah that was just Shamrock's go to spot. He 'bled internally' in damn near every big match he ever had. He must have loved biting down on those condoms filled with red corn syrup.
  6. I guess so. They put on a helluva match, and even the outsiders were used well. (not always the case in Attitude Era, as we well know) It just stood out for me. A year later, or whenever the piledriver injury happened, I suspect he started changing his tune. I haven't made a focused study, but I suspect post 2000 Austin took a lot fewer risks. The piledriver injury was SummerSlam 97. That's largely why Austin switched to the punch-kick offense of the Attitude Era. 2001 Austin took 10 German suplexes from Chris Benoit, the risk involved there far exceeds anything he did before 2000. I dont know, Benoit's Germans in WWE were pretty safe and were pretty much glorified back bumps.
  7. What would you guys consider the best Itami match on the Network?
  8. Shame that those two never got a program together outside of their phenomenal Smackdown title match in late '03.
  9. There's a bunch of us that have enjoyed reading this project, so keep it up man! Oh yeah and I think Chono sucks too, aside from that Rude match, vs. Takayama, vs. Mutoh, and the WAR tags. I challenge anyone to name something else he was in that was interesting. Please. I was entertained by his match against Kobashi in 03/04 maybe, in NOAH. Kobashi pretty much murders him.
  10. Why arent all of the nxt specials on there? I was looking for 8/21/13, specifically Cesaro/Zayn. Am I missing it?
  11. Garbage can, huh? That's what you think of me?
  12. I think its a matter of Bryan being more of a face for the company. You can write off the old ECW guys' concussions on their ECW days whereas Bryan's were suffered while working for WWE. Just a guess. It is an odd double standard, I'll give you that.
  13. True, but signing Mallet for $2.5 million is just dumb. Where is Tavaris Jackson when we need him? It's not really for 2.5 million. Those are just escalators he can earn if he actually, *shivers*, starts some games. It's likely for the minimum.
  14. Sid was like a man possessed in that Survivor Series 96 match. He had his fuckin' working boots on. Totally carried that match and pulled out a lot of moves he doesnt always use. Not to mention that the crowd in MSG marked out for Sid big time.
  15. Before I listen, is this interview similar to the Observer interview? As in Buff being batshit insane and delusional? Or does Steve keep it entertaining?
  16. Maybe it's more the Reddit crowd that does this, but are not the Hardyz totally overrated as a tag team? I can't think of a single non gimmick match they had that was even at the Very Good level. The TLC and Ladder matches, fine. They're great spot fests. But did the Hardyz, during their run that lasted a whole 3 years, ever have any good straight tag matches?
  17. The wheel was not not gimmicked. You're fooling yourself. From this very site, Feb 14 Im sure I can find the observer in question.
  18. The wheel was gimmicked. Where did you invent this story that it wasnt? To suggest it wasnt would mean that WCW would have had to have had a cage set up and ready to go as well as all of the other gimmicks. Coal Miner's glove was a big draw in Mid South and Watts assumed it would be again. He was wrong.
  19. You've never seen a person take a German suplex by flipping over onto their stomach? Pretty common. But then again I dont think of John Cena when I think of people taking Germans. Only shitty WWE germans are taken fully on the back. Usually they're taken on the upper shoulders/neck or just a complete flip. Please don't watch Williams/Kobashi if you think suplexes are taken on the back.
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