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Everything posted by EVA

  1. ...but Allana(Jacen's daughter) on the other has been prophecized as a queen who is going to bring balance to the galaxy. Oh, boy!
  2. I think people call them "Trayvon" and "Zimmerman" because those are more distinctive names than "Martin" and "George."
  3. Yeah, let's not do this again.
  4. Sheesh. The more reviews that come in, the more I worry I'm going to be the one dude with negative things to say about his book.
  5. EVA

    Random music thoughts

    I said "takes a mulligan on his second album." Are you familiar with the word "mulligan" as a term for a "do-over" in certain games and sports, particularly golf?
  6. EVA

    Random music thoughts

    That's what I'm saying. "Home" was this huge hit that kickstarted a whole new, obnoxious genre, but his second album was really spare and kind of a downer. And it just came out last year. So either this guy has the work ethic of Prince or Ryan Adams, or he had an epiphany, "Oh, shit, I'm missing out on a bunch of money right now. Better get a fun album out before the scene is over."
  7. EVA

    Random music thoughts

    I haven't listened to it yet, but I assume this is where he takes a mulligan on his second album and tries to cash in on the bright, jaunty folk-pop genre that he accidentally created with "Home."
  8. It's not so much the shape as the visual texture of it. It's really incongruous with the Superman logo. It really does look like a bad photoshop somebody slapped onto the background.
  9. Yeah, I don't like what they did with the Batman logo at all. The BATMAN/SUPERMAN logo that showed up in I AM LEGEND looked way better.
  10. EVA

    Random TV Thoughts

    I can't get into RAY DONOVAN. His job hasn't been as interesting as you'd think it'd be, and I'm still not sure why I'm supposed to care about what Jon Voight is up to.
  11. I understand it's a story from the comics, but that is a terrible title. For people who don't keep up with contemporary comics, those are just...three random words somebody slapped together. I guess they're playing the loooooooong game on Thanos.
  12. Apparently, it's HALO meets GROUNDHOG DAY and has, like, 8 screenwriters, so...the title is probably the least of it's problems.
  13. Not really, because we haven't had the chance (and apparently are never going to have the chance) to see him in action as Batman before this movie. Even if they try to position him as having been active as Batman for "x" period of time between the end of TDKR and this, it won't carry the same weight as Bale would, because we've SEEN Bale handle some big time shit as Batman. I'd give him a shot against a superpowered alien, not some greenhorn rookie.
  14. Well, boo. I'll try to be open to however they approach this, but I just don't think it works as well if it's not Christian Bale coming out of retirement to get a handle on this alien shit post-MOS.
  15. I don't know if "overwhelmed" is the word I'd use, but I mostly agree with you about the acting being mostly off in this thing. Shockingly, CHARLIE DAY is the only guy in this movie who actually succeeds in being a character. Everybody else is just standing around being an archetype, either doing the absolute bare minimum or seemingly uncertain as to what exactly they're supposed to be doing. I like Elba as much as the next guy, but he's not some infallible uberthespian. Dude is a stick in this thing. The little bit he does with his ear toward the end is the only time Stacker really comes to life. Part of it was the terrible writing, sure, but part of it was him. If you put Tom Cruise in that role, as was the original idea, Cruise would have owned every perfunctory second of his screen time. Elba is one of those guys who's good if the script or the part is good, but if it's not, he's just out at sea with the rest of the movie. I think that's what's ultimately holding Elba back from being a bigger deal (besides the paucity of lead roles for black guys who aren't Denzel) - he hasn't yet developed that Movie Star quality where he can elevate material just by how much he convinces you he believes in what he's doing. Cruise has that. Denzel has that. And when they walked out in their flightsuit at the end, they would have made it mean something. As it is, you're just like, "Oh, he's about to heroically sacrifice himself in 15 minutes, okay..."Pearlman is fine, but he's clearly just playing "Ron Pearlman in a funny costume."
  16. AMERICAN PSYCHO would've been a lot better if it had been closer to 200 pages than 400 pages. Concision is a good thing.
  17. While the board was down, I could've sworn I read a news story about Superman killing someone in the comics in a fit of rage just recently.
  18. I think people let the 3rd movie color their opinion of Maguire's work too much. He was terrific as Peter Parker in the first two movies. Not his fault the 3rd one was shit and forced him to do all that stupid stuff.
  19. I use the term "evil" as shorthand. I guess what I'm saying is I forsee them letting Dexter off the hook a bit by saying that, while he might have been a fucked up kid, he could have been helped and didn't *have* to grow up to be a killer of any sort, if not for Harry making the unfortunate choice to seek professional advice from a nutter. While it's good that he has been programmed him to only kill bad guys, it would be better, for Dexter and the innumerable people who've been sucked into the violence surrounding his life, if he didn't kill anyone. And the code is to blame for that, is how I'm thinking this goes.
  20. I'm going to laugh so hard when they drag out the Dr. Vogel reveal and expect us to be shocked. It's like they learned nothing from the season with Colin Hanks' imaginary friend.
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