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Everything posted by Ace

  1. This is the official debut event of anything for FS1, isn't it? And the prelims are on the same station?
  2. Did Chavo do more than one televised match as Kerwin White?
  3. This'll benefit him in the long run, I think. Sheamus had gotten quite stale.
  4. Don't watch the final season. It turns into shit REAL quick.
  5. Magnum Tokyo, you're next! Detective Alan Kuroki will investigate!
  6. Foley said it was an intentional spot in their match to call back to the Vader match.
  7. Ace

    Random TV Thoughts

    I just want Drunk Sam Waterston.
  8. Cena has some inches on me, and I'm 5'8"ish. He's around 5'11" - 6'0"
  9. He can still make recommendations, I imagine. It's not like the CFO or the Carters know fuck-all about wrestling or talent beyond "This is cheaper than letting Dixie fuck up things for Panda Energy".
  10. Ace

    Random TV Thoughts

    I not only dislike it, but it's ruined almost every other Sorkin creation for me.
  11. The Vince/HHH/Steph saga is essentially what stopped me watching. I got tired of the McMahons a decade ago.
  12. Ace

    Random music thoughts

    And I got squashed in a crowd during a Flogging Molly ballad. I also stagedove at a christian rock concert in my younger days. A band can be both punk and pop. Stop treating "pop" like it's such a insult just because some boy bands appropriated it 15 years ago.
  13. I couldn't do it for years. I'm okay at it now.
  14. Luckily, CA doesn't put parallel parking on the test.
  15. Fan mail from the 12th Doctor. Other interesting tidbits that have come out: * Capaldi auditioned to be the 11th Doctor, but wasn't chosen * He was the only auditionee for the 12th Doctor * Apparently Smith wasn't the first choice for the 11th Doctor. According to Neil Gaiman, a black actor was offered the role but turned it down. Gaiman won't say who, but I'm going to guess Lenny Henry.
  16. Some cousin destroyed my priced Sgt.Slaughter GI.Joe when he turned heel in 91. I was furious, a few years later and I would have likely did a stint in Juvie. Me and my friends burned the faces of our Sarges, so we could have a Freddy Kreuger figure.
  17. Considering the show is possibly more popular worldwide than it ever has been, I don't quite see how desperate they are.
  18. Didn't Corney mock some of the matches on Wrestling Gold? That being said, his Cabana explanation is still complete bullshit. "We realize that you're charismatic and over with the crowd, but you're not cosplaying Benoit & Malenko like the rest of these guys."
  19. TJ Quinn from ESPN sez 214 games for A-Rod (rest of 2013, all of 2014). However, if he appeals, he can still play.
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