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Everything posted by Raziel

  1. Considering both NATO and the EU came out and said that Scotland's on their own if they break away, that might not be outside the realm of possibility.
  2. The irony being that wrestling is FULL of people who have done far worse than punching their girlfriend, including first degree murder, rape, and child molestation, and have gotten away with it scott free. Up until a couple years ago, NFL players got away with this stuff scott free as well.
  3. Well, this means 1 of 3 things. 1) They have a new deal with someone, but at substantially less money, and they figure that they can cut what they got and hire cheaper people right out of school or abuse internships as a cost cutting measure. 2) There's no deal coming anywhere, they don't believe there is one, and this is the beginning of the end. 3) There's 2 months of TV in the can and pre-taped PPV's and they layed off the staff to save money and let them collect unemployment until they have a deal somewhere and promise to rehire them when they start taping again. Problem with 3 is that Dixie's word means about shit, so its unlikely that there's production staff that'll sit collecting 60% of their salary because she "promises" that she'll hire everyone back.
  4. But, but, Spike is OK with them, they'll extend them again!
  5. And this is what happens when all your eggs are in one basket.
  6. I think its more "Fuck, everyone's stoning the NFL right now on half-assed punishments that we better up ours before someone turns away from the Goodell Dumpster fire long enough to notice we're just as bad."
  7. Aw man, I'm missing this? Someone update!
  8. The Moment in Time is a two way street. You can get out from the inside. They were using the cracks that first appeared in Smith's first episode to send the "Doctor Who?" message, using the Doctor's real name as a key to know it was ok to break out there. In the Christmas episode, it just happened that everyone that could want to destroy the Time Lords heard the message and were going to wait for them to pop out and kill 'em all before they could react. Also how they sent the Doctor's Regen Reset to him so that he could continue since his last regen was about to expire.
  9. Where was that show taped, because the look is quite awesome.
  10. The irony of the line passing by the Ray Lewis statue.
  11. Vince finally stepping down? Indy/Japan Horsemen invasion? CENAWINSLOL!!!?
  12. Its not so much Heyman failed, its that booking failed. Axel wasn't getting over as a singles no matter what at the time, his team with Ryback was the best thing for him. Cutting Ryback and Cesaro off at the nuts for whatever fucking reason that inane Creative Team decided this week is what failed to get them over. Not Heyman.
  13. Yeah, pretty much the only people that think what happened was bad were the people voting against it.
  14. But the rolling iCloud backup still is.
  15. Yeah, iPhone users are amazed at shit Android users are already used to. My wife has a Windows phone and just got the Cortana update. She constantly shows off to my father-in-law how much better than Siri Cortana is (in law is an iPhone user, who's asking me how the new stuff works.)
  16. What is this Final Fantasy Type-o that CrunchyRoll was pimping to me today?
  17. Seriously? Could you take the pretension down a notch or two, please? We get it, you know a lot about wrestling. You don't need to flaunt it in the faces of all us plebes. How is it pretenious? Zayn/El Generico and Neville/Pac are very well known Wrestlers online and have been on Raw. This is the opposite of pretentiousness. Actually, it is entirely possible, if you don't watch NXT and/or don't watch RAW regularly, that you have no idea what Zayn looked like unmasked and Neville could not be quickly recognizible. What's pretentious is your constant belief that there should be a litmus test of minimum knowledge across the globe of people to post here and that you find it unbelieveable that people don't match your knowledge of everything wrestling. You're like Antacular, just confined to the Wrestling Subforum instead of the entire board.
  18. I don't know what is worse: Sad thing is, I can actually make legit arguments for each of these within the context of the story. Assuming you're playing a certain way up to those points.
  19. Think the trailer already filled out my Final Fantasy Stables Bingo Card. Combat system looks like... something. Hard to gauge by what they showed.
  20. Yeah, not to defend Rice, but he didn't lie. Its on the NFL/Ravens that they didn't do the propers until the video came out and shit hit the fan. Its also why Rice plead Guilty and took a deal to avoid trial. The "Rice lied" talking point is bullshit from Goodell's office in a piss poor attempt to Cover Their Ass about the video. AP and Dwyer on paid leave until Legal Issues are resolved is an ok choice considering. They're in legal shit, going to be all season, they're not losing money, and the mob is OK with them not playing at least.
  21. I used to like Vampires and Zombies. Then Twilight happened and killed vampires completly. Zombies, I'm just burnt out on. I also blame Twilight for the horriffic amount of shitty tween-Young Adult Vampire Slashfic currently on the market. Lord of Light, the shit I had to wade through on my library app on my Nook to get past that shit and into the actual decent fiction was disturbing.
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