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Everything posted by cwoy2j

  1. You forgot to add, "for the workin man!"
  2. I feel like the matches for WM13 were up in the air pretty close to the event. Bret had that one day reign, Taker somehow was the #1 contender, Sid won the title, Austin was still hovering around but had a personal issue with Bret, Vader was still around. The only match I can remember really being built up for 13 was the LOD/Ahmed vs. NOD street fight.
  3. I recently discovered Fallout 3. It's quickly shot up my list of favorite games ever.
  4. Interesting point. I guess he is limited by the character he plays. He has to play it fairly simple to stay within the confines of his character. If that's what he's doing, I love that he seems to be growing every week and the announcers really should play it up that he's getting better due to Bray's tutelage.
  5. I'm in the "Rude was always awesome" camp myself.. Yeah, he was decent in Florida and Memphis, better in World Class, and half of the greatest team ever in Crockett. I don't think he was terrible or anything but he seemed to take a huge leap from "guy who has decent matches sometimes" to "awesome worker" pretty quickly. I can't think of too many standout matches he had pre-Mania 5. From then on, he was money.
  6. Rick Rude went from pretty meh in the ring to pretty badass in a fairly short amount of time in my opinion. I don't remember him being much of anything when he was in World Class or NWA and the first few months of his WWF stint. Then in 1988, he got damn good.
  7. True but I don't think Sheamus was all that bad when he first started out. Rowan seemed like he was Batista 03 level bad not too long ago.
  8. Did Rowan go from completely terrible to pretty damn good faster than anyone in history? He was pretty useless when The Wyatts first got called up but I'm loving his monster heel stuff now.
  9. I could see The Usos doing that to Ambrose or Rollins.
  10. Well fuck... I should just close that sub-forum down then. Steve Austin said so. Sorry both Santos. Sorry Blue Panther. Sorry Eddie. Stupid flippy-floppies! It's a good thing a guy in a lucha mask has never been a WWE champion. Oh. Right. Let's all fondly remember Rey's 2.5 hour reign as WWE Champ. Or his 2 different runs as World Heavyweight Champ since everyone is being smart alecky today I remember those. Just not fondly. What you don't remember his two ppv title defenses against JBL and Jack Swagger? Or him being pinned in non-title matches every week?
  11. cwoy2j


    Really? I don't get that vibe from him at all. Yeah, it's very subtle. I dont' mean he's playing him prissy or anything. But he definitely displays some signs of...overrefinement for his station in life. I guess you can kinda trace that back to the episode when he was quibbling over his cafe con leche. Well he did take all of those economics classes in prison.
  12. One difference between Ambrose and Honky is that HTM had Jimmy Hart to deal with all of the paperwork associated with title defenses. Poor Ambrose has to do it all himself. Rollins and Reigns don't have to worry about that now that they've lost their titles. No wonder they're so laid back and Dean's on edge.
  13. According to Bret's book, Austin had a really bad case of the flu. I also remember Austin doing an interview on RAW where he was railing against Vince for making a sympathetic video of Shawn Michaels when he (HBK) hurt his knee but Austin got nothing for going into the Final Four sick as a dog and with a blown out knee. It had the line, "you treat me like a dog and expect me to smile, you remind me of a jackass."
  14. Looks to me that pic was taken after he lost to Jericho in the "Loser Wears a Dress" match in 1999 and he started going with the Marilyn Manson look and using a Beautiful People knock-off theme.
  15. cwoy2j


    Duffy is pretty reliable. Like Boyd, he's way more competent than your average tv criminal.
  16. cwoy2j


    I had kind of forgotten how big Rappaport is until the scene with the Nazi guy. He's probably a legit 6'3 or so.
  17. cwoy2j


    Really? I don't get that vibe from him at all.
  18. At first glance, I thought this was Vince and Dave Coulier.
  19. What if Bret, Sting or Luger were the 3rd man? Does the nWo take off or are they all eating legdrops by Starrcade?
  20. I must've had the one in bold b/c I remember the Flair/Dusty swap and being quite upset over it. I really hated Dusty back then. I also remember my uncle cheering Shaska in the hair vs. hair match b/c of the backstory of Shaska being pissed that Valiant called him "the best Black" athlete instead of just the *best* athlete.
  21. Just did a quick google search for Bash 85 vhs and it looks like the matches are from different cards. Run time of 129 minutes. Here's what a product description from Amazon yields:
  22. I don't recall it being that long. Maybe an hour or so? I didn't mean that it had all of those matches on the tape. It seems that the tape I had consisted of a few matches from both of those nights as I remember the Dusty/Flair switch on that tape as well as one of those taped fist matches, Valiant shaving Paul Jones' head and a couple of others. I was about 7 years old so I may be misremembering things.
  23. I don't recall Flair ever using that. I thought it was Terry Funk who used that on occasion.
  24. The list on wwe.com only has GAB events from 88 onwards, Starrcade's are there though. I'm starting to think I'll never see the 85 Bash uncut. Bummer but makes sense as GAB was kind of a summer long tour thing in 86 and 87. I think the tape my cousin had consisted of clipped versions of these two cards: July 5, 1986 in Charlotte, NC (Memorial Stadium) NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion Denny Brown fought Steve Regal to a draw Robert Gibson defeated Black Bart Ole and Arn Anderson defeated Sam Houston and Nelson Royal Manny Fernandez defeated Baron Von Raschke (with Paul Jones) in a Bunkhouse match Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jimmy Garvin (with Precious) in an Indian Strap match Ron Garvin defeated Tully Blanchard (with James J. Dillon) in a Taped Fist match Road Warriors (with Paul Ellering) def. Ivan and Nikita Koloff in a Russian Chain match Jimmy Valiant defeated Shaska Whatley (with Paul Jones) in a Hair vs. Hair match Dusty Rhodes, Magnum T.A. and Baby Doll defeated The Midnight Express and Jim Cornette in a Steel cage match Ric Flair defeated Ricky Morton in a Steel Cage match to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship July 26, 1986 in Greensboro, NC (Greensboro Coliseum) Steve Regal defeated Sam Houston Black Bart and Konga the Barbarian defeated Denny Brown and Italian Stallion Manny Fernandez defeated Baron Von Raschke (with Paul Jones) in a Loaded Glove on a Pole match Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jimmy Garvin (with Precious) in an Indian Strap match Tully Blanchard (with James J. Dillon) defeated Ron Garvin in a Taped Fist match The Rock 'n' Roll Express fought Ole and Arn Anderson to a draw Paul Jones (with Shaska Whatley) defeated Jimmy Valiant in a Hair vs. Hair match Magnum T.A. defeated Nikita Koloff (with Ivan Koloff) in a match in the Best of 7 series for the NWA United States Championship to make the series 3-1. Road Warriors and Baby Doll (with Paul Ellering) defeated The Midnight Express and Jim Cornette in a Steel Cage match Dusty Rhodes defeated Ric Flair in a Steel Cage match to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship
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