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Everything posted by Casey

  1. Coach not being an annoying fucker who tries to get himself over on commentary is a welcome change of pace after the last few months.
  2. I Quit match? I don't think it's been done in NXT yet, either. Cage, Ladder, Ironman and Last Man Standing matches all have.
  3. Me. Where do I send WWE money for correcting this horrible problem that's persisted over the last few months? 100% improvement, I'm very happy to get Booker T off my fucking TV.
  4. Why was the yachting thing "legendarily" bad? It's an actual fact from her life and it plays into her gimmick.
  5. the way you're going on about this, i'm surprised you like MMA as much as you do.
  6. It looked pretty intentional to me.
  7. Braun potatoed him with a knee before that, so.
  8. Travis Browne is a piece of shit yadda yadda but this was sweet
  9. Didn't you say you didn't watch tonight? Or maybe you just missed it, but Stephanie straight up name dropped Chyna on commentary so referring to her as the "8th wondrous elephant in the room" is a false statement. EDIT: @Craig H with the quick fingers
  10. Sounds like Meltzer just got fucked with, in my opinion.
  11. I have a hard time believing they'd throw out a Mysterio return on a free to watch YouTube preshow.
  12. Ronda’s shirt is on WWEShop right now.
  13. Whoever decided to kill time before the PPV officially starts with Ric Flair just rambling on should be fired.
  14. Maybe they decided the "big surprise" was probably better saved for the actual Rumble match instead of jobbing to boring Roode?
  15. On the plus side, if Mojo wins, the tears from @Brian Fowler will be... glorious.
  16. Let's get a close up of those nails...
  17. I remember this story - it came out around Rumble time that year, too, since the 2006 edition was being held in Miami and that’s why Vince was at that tanning salon. It’s an old story that has cultural relevance now because of all that’s going on, but didn’t back then because, honestly - no one gave a fuck about this stuff 11 years ago. At least in the mainstream media. If this starts to gain traction in bigger outlets than the NY Daily News and the Daily Beast, this might turn into a problem for WWE. Odd/funny/whatever that this is coming out again after WWE stock hits an all time high after the XFL announcement.
  18. so Kondron has two accounts he posts under on SC? What a shitposter.
  19. If you’re talking about the one that looks like a black metal shirt, it’s a Bruiser Brody shirt made by @Virtualpros
  20. Jervis was actively campaigning on r/SquaredCircle earlier in the week to get hired by WWE, even tagging their official Reddit account in his posts.
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