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Everything posted by Brisco

  1. Man sloths prefer Doritos, I thought everyone knew that.
  2. Even when "What I Got" comes on the radio in SR3 and your character sings along with it? This was my first thought after reading the initial post. "What I Got" almost comes out of nowhere and is one of the few sing-a-long moments I have experienced in gaming.
  3. Thanks for the codes. This game is going to be awesome, hope I am in town when it releases.
  4. Dragon Crown seems to be free for the PS3 this month and not just the Vita.
  5. I was at WM4 when they released the first batch of SNME's, so I stopped to watch the Main Event's that preceded WM4. I had never seen any of these shows and they hold up as solid wrestling shows. Vince throws in some entertainment segments (especially in the early episodes) but ultimately the show is still about the wrestling. Watching these has given me a better appreciation for Hulk Hogan and just how over he was with the fans. The match with Andre at the Main Event before WM4 might be the hottest crowd I have ever heard. This match was a big fucking deal for these people. I see where the argument of Hogan whines after losing the title to Andre but to be fair the man lost a title he held for four years on a pinfall where his shoulder was clearly up at one. He has a right to be upset. Terry Funk was a breathe of fresh air on the early SNME's and every WWE match he is involved in is worth viewing. he turns the goofy up to 11 and it works well in cartoon land.
  6. Are you requesting a Miz fashion watch from Piranesi?
  7. Being the preseason would it hurt anything to have Scott Norwood redeem himself tonight?
  8. ....with an electric eel You guys no sold the fact that he packed his stuff and drove 70 miles ON A POSSIBLE BROKEN HIP!
  9. I failed at making a badass character during the beta. My Titan ended up looking like an African American Tranny with long red hair. Hopefully there will be more option in creating a charcter upon release.
  10. I think I'd understand the uproar if it was a sponsor logo or something - but the school logo? Not a big deal. I get it, it's a tradition for nothing to be there, etc, but...yeah, a year from now, nobody will care. When the past is all you have to hang your hat on it becomes a big deal......just ask Clemson.
  11. I know this isn't a life or death thing but after cutting cable this past spring we got cable back today and it RULES. I finally have sports and am in the process of a baseball OD session. The icing on top of the cake is that since we did not eliminate cable in the spring (only cutting down to one box and an extremely basic family plan) our DVR season recordings are saved and I do not have to find and reset these recordings again. They in effect laid dormant since were not subscribed to the channels over the spring and summer. Life is good!
  12. Done, and thanks for the help.
  13. The companion app shows 6 members and 3 admins with Gonzo, Matt and myself showing as members.
  14. Joined the group, brought the missing bubblegum.
  15. I just downloaded and played for 30 minutes. Had a message pop up saying if you play the beta tomorrow at 2pm you will receive a reward that will carry over to the real game.
  16. I bit on the $8 Injustice hook and learned that beating this game will be a monumental task.
  17. I had double hash at the Waffle House this morning, it kicked my ass.
  18. While I plan to finish off the campaign for KZ:SF, I have no desire to finish the multiplayer. It just takes too much time to meet those lofty goals in a game I probably won't get the platinum in anyhow due to the no death run trophy. Poe good luck on earning this platinum. I finished the good karma campaign for Infamous: Second Son. The heart wrenching part of the story did nothing for me but it is a lot of fun flying around the city taking out DUP troops once you have all of your powers. I plan on going for the platinum and all that is left is a couple of action trophies I will gain before playing bad karma on the hardest difficulty.
  19. First time playing and while I expected it to get John McClain and Jesus, I never expected it to get Ray Finkle.
  20. I think I can speak for most on the board that we have suffered through so much horrible wrestling and still maintained a love for the sport that it is too late to leave now. I would only find it disturbing if this were in the confines of real life and not fake pro wrestling. She agreed to take the move in a safe planned spot. I have no excuses for the guy taking the upskirt picture, some guys have no life.
  21. Vs Ken Shamrock BJ Whitmer powerbomb botch http://youtu.be/kynnG06ItaY Jacobs & Shelley vs Ace Steel & Colt Cabana Vs Jay Lethal Vs The Barbarian http://youtu.be/bOMJTSBA8Kw
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