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Everything posted by tbarrie

  1. <shrug> I don't see how treating "its" differently from every other possessive pronoun would make English less stupid. (Though maybe I'm jumping the gun by suggesting it's only "its". If you could change it, would you do the same thing for "whose" and "hers"?)
  2. You don't say "him's" or "me's", you say "his" or "my". "Its" is the same way. The apostrophe-s rule is only for nouns; it's never used for pronouns.
  3. Do people bet on soap opera storylines?
  4. I got Lords of Waterdeep and Struggle for Catan. Lords of Waterdeep I was already familiar with. Struggle for Catan was new to me, and based on one playthrough seemed a lot more random and less interesting than Settlers.
  5. Thing is, Cena finally beating that arrogant little snot he's never been able to beat is part of the story too. I can't think whom he could take the title from at 'Mania that would be more impactful than AJ. As far as the problem with overdoing AJ vs Cena... well, he really shouldn't be wrestling AJ this Sunday. He should be winning the Rumble. Or maybe winning the Elimination Chamber for a title shot next month. But it's a bit late for that now.
  6. If those were the only two options, that would make sense.
  7. I'm all for Cena beating AJ to tie Flair's record, but doing it at the Rumble instead of 'Mania would be crazy.
  8. 8-0 is impressive, especially since I'd sort of concluded that Lords of Waterdeep, while fun to play, is mostly luck-based.
  9. The low level of discussion is what worries me. If we're going to start bouncing campaign ideas off each other (and I'd like to), we could easily drown out the actual board game talk.
  10. Eh, I'm kind of rooting for the "resign in disgrace" scenario. Does that make me an asshole?
  11. By contrast, if you make love to Preston Garvey for the first time, then the next day leave him for dead on a ledge halfway down a cliff, he doesn't seem to mind at all.
  12. Just to be anal, should we create an RPG thread? D&D is not a board game.
  13. I run a monthly game for my brother and four friends, two of whom have moved away and now video conference in. And I like fifth edition, but I don't know that's it easier to run than fourth.
  14. In fact, they were. Fifteen years ago they weren't.
  15. Semi-interesting discovery: Cait hates it when you murder Marcy Long. First murder she's had a problem with.
  16. You must have had some bad experience with taxi drivers.
  17. There are rope breaks in Elimination Chamber matches?
  18. So I loaded this up again this weekend and pulled a couple of my female characters out of retirement, and I have to ask: are there any actual straight women who play this game, and if so are you willing to confirm or dispute my conclusion that the romance options for straight female characters are shit?
  19. Is that a lot? I play '16, not '17, but in that Big Show can't even beat Fandango with one finisher. Did they make finishers more effective in '17?
  20. I don't even know what you're talking about. So no.
  21. Peanuts used to spoil that one constantly as well.
  22. I'll throw together a list if I find the time. But to give you an idea where I'm coming from - a lot of people are talking about the difficulty cutting things down to 100. I suspect my problem will be thinking of 100 movies I actually like enough to include.
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