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Everything posted by tbarrie

  1. Again, I wasn't claiming the card wasn't ban-worthy, I was just criticizing the reason WotC gave. But since I like arguing... I did think of the fact that you could theoretically even play it in a non-green deck, but has anybody actually done so successfully? I would think it being a dead card if you drew it late (with "late" in this case being "turn 2 or later") would be too much of a drawback. Surely the card would be a lot stronger, not weaker, if it filled your graveyard as well as giving you card selection?
  2. I haven't played Standard since Throne of Eldraine came out, so I don't have an opinion on whether Once Upon a Time is overpowered. But the reason WotC gave for banning it sounds ridiculous to me. It "provides a level of early mana fixing that other colours don't have access to"? Isn't that like banning Shock because it provides a level of early direct damage that other colours don't have access to? Mana fixing is supposed to be a Green thing, isn't it?
  3. Actually, I'm clearing misremembering something; Owen was only IC champ in 1997, and the match I'm thinking of would have been later than that, after triple threats had been a thing for a while. I'm pretty sure |I didn't imagine the whole thing, but it couldn't have been Owen as champ. And I wouldn't call it "recent" either; I was just throwing it out there to counter people saying triple threats had "always" been no-DQ,
  4. Three-way matches being automatically no-DQ is definitely a recent thing. I remember a heel IC champion (pretty sure it was Owen Hart) losing a three-way title defence by countout. They didn't announce a winner, just that Owen had lost but was still champion. As Fowler pointed out, for years they just avoided having a DQ in a three-way match, presumably because they hadn't decided how it would work. But that's a very different thing from explicitly stating that they're no DQ. The latter only started a few years ago in WWE. And as HarryArchieGus and MapRef pointed out, it's extremely stupid and leads to some big booking problems - just look at the ending to that Cena/Ambrose/Styles three-way.
  5. That reminds me - somebody needs to teach Excalibur how to pronounce "Le Champion" vs "Les Champions", because he was saying the latter all night, and it was pretty annoying.
  6. Well - sometimes people like to do things with other people. That's easier to arrange if everybody gets the same days off.
  7. I haven't been watching NXT weekly. Does Shayna teaming with Bianca and Io make any sense?
  8. I love New Vegas, but why the heck does the game have Whet Stones when you can't use them to fix up your knives?
  9. I interpreted it as Pac deliberately breaking the pin because he wanted to hurt him with the Brutalizer. But if that was the intent, the announcers completely muffed it.
  10. I have no real stories of nervousness to share, but I bought my condo eight years ago and haven't had any regrets if that helps.
  11. I believe this is referred to as "raining on Mongo".
  12. And if they are going to discuss it, they should at least post some context so people know what the Hell they're talking about. ...how do you motherfuck somebody other than your mother?
  13. Remember a week or so back, when Bianca Belair's hair not looking right seemed like a big enough problem to complain about? Good times.
  14. Wow, you're young. But according to Google, it's been "mike" since the 1920s. "Mic" has only been around since the '60s.
  15. "Mike" is the standard short form for"microphone", though I realize "mic" is growing in popularity.
  16. That explains it. I don't have the bladder capacity to stay for those things any more.
  17. I thought I did remember Far From Home fairly well, but I don't remember that either.
  18. I don't know who that is fighting Baron Corbin, but dude knows how to sell a finisher.
  19. They'd have to change the previously-released brackets to make it happen. Private Party and Lucha Brothers are scheduled to meet in the semis. Since they teased Lucha Bros vs SCU on the first week of Dynamite, I've been assuming that's the final. Still seems like a good bet.
  20. To be fair, nothing about Gallows and Anderson is memorable. You can't really pin this one on WWE booking.
  21. Yeah, what kills me about this series in general is the way good features get dropped instead of continuously improving. Like, I'm pretty sure the original Smackdown vs Raw in 2004 let you pick a specific "reversal style" for each wrestler show you wouldn't have Big Show backflipping out of moves or Spike Dudley muscling through them. As far as I'm aware, no version in the ensuing fifteen years has had this feature. Has the technology to do this been lost to the ages or something?
  22. Is that the one where Robin has a "special mummy ray gun" that has no effect on the mummy?
  23. That does sort of sound like something she'd do.
  24. Yeah, it's definitely overpriced for Blu Ray. I assume Casey is talking USD, so that's actually over seven hundred dollars. Amazon.ca will sell me boxed sets of Phase One, Phase Two, and Phase Three Part One for just under three hundred. Pretty sure I could track down the last five movies for less than four hundred dollars.
  25. I liked most of the MCU movies a lot and don't own any on disc yet. Problem is, at that price point I'm not sure it's actually cheaper than just buying them all individually.
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