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cool arrow

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Everything posted by cool arrow

  1. While at the dentist Monday, the radio station playing all Christmas songs that played both that and Wonderful Christmastime. I awaited the sweet noise of the tooth polisher. There's a special place reserved in Hell for McCartney for crapping out that hack job.
  2. Castle is great. (And a much better gimmick than Ashley Remington.) But Cole... I dunno about him. His enormous head makes him look like the world's tallest little person.
  3. This one always puts me in a festive mood.
  4. I'd recommend avoiding anything Toshiba makes like gonorrhea.
  5. And Robert Fuller and Too Cold Scorpio and why the fuck am I going on about other men's penises?
  6. I dunno, he's pretty movez-y. In ROH, anyway. Maybe not PWG so much.
  7. He really is an excellent worker, but he's just so bland. As idiotic as the phrase "vanilla midget" is, in Strong's case the shoe definitely fits. Plus his ring name is "Roderick Strong." Who chooses such a dumb name?
  8. The pseudo-Foley has better hair than the real one.
  9. When describing current WWE announcers, "not great" is the highest praise imaginable.
  10. Does it matter when the Wyatt's have fallen so far to where they are now? It's a rebuilding year.
  11. If the term indyriffic didn't already exist, it would have to be created for that show.
  12. Suddenly I'm having flashbacks of Ole doing the Dr. Claw voice.
  13. I was actually searching for the Steamboat/Onita vs. High Flyers match, which used to be on Youtube but apparently isn't anymore.
  14. Say what you will about the Wyatts vs. Dudleys feud, but if nothing else, it's definitely not 50-50 booking.
  15. Well, at last count: Alberto Del Rio Adrian Neville Kevin Owens Seth Rollins Rusev Jimmy Uso Jey Uso Dolph Ziggler ...all use the superkick in some manner. My god, it just occurred to me how much worse WWE announcing could be, if Steve Corino worked there.
  16. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3cnas8_atsushi-onita-vs-ricky-steamboat-ajpw-1982-12-13_sport
  17. Well, judging by his Jimmy Valiant-like arms, he's at least not on steroids.
  18. The Butch Reed thing is a myth. He didn't no-show, he's in the video celebrating HTM's win.
  19. Does it bug anyone else when Lillian announces the Usos? She always says "thuh Usos" rather than "thee Usos."
  20. He worked an All Japan tour in '89, which I think was before SAPW.
  21. Man, Barb looks about ready to explode in that pic. (Warlord does too but he always looked like that.)
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