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Everything posted by MonteCarl

  1. Watching things now on the network on my laptop plugged in to the tv and getting slightly choppy video. I'd be fine with this quality for the stream tonight
  2. Moved to the laptop in the middle of Lita's (extremely long) speech and haven't had one problem since
  3. Got an update on my 360. Seems like it's working a little better than it was with less buffering and such. Still works better on my laptop than on the xBox, though, so to be safe I'll be watching Mania via the laptop plugged in to the TV rather than the xBox.
  4. Don't forget neon pink and yellow track suit couple
  5. 8 matches at this time: WWE Title Match Triple Threat - Orton v Batista v winner of DB/HHH Winner gets in to WWE Title Match - DB/HHH UT/Brock Cena/Wyatt The Shiled v Kane/NAO Tag Title Match - Usos/Rybaxel/Real Americans/Matadores Divas Title Match - All Divas vs AJ Andre the Giant Battle Royal
  6. They've put way too much promo time and build up to the Battle Royale to push it to the pre-show this year. Now, in all the following years from now when they keep trying to push it as prestigious but it's just Yoshi Tatsu, Santino, Darren Young, and the like, sure. But this year they're trying to make it seem like a big deal and it definitely makes the main show.
  7. I was thinking Russev would get his debut in the pre-show match against somebody like Zach Ryder or JTG or something
  8. Looking at this year's card, I can't see any heels going over, with the possibility of maybe Bray Wyatt going over Cena. Looks like it could be a good night for the faces Daniel Bryan has to walk away after beating HHH and the title Obviously the Streak doesn't end The Shield isn't losing the Kane/Outlaws I don't see The Usos dropping the belts to Rybaxel AJ MIGHT might it out of the Diva match, but I see her losing the belt Big Show is the obvious pick for the battle royal
  9. I really hate that The Rhodes and The Real Americans are in the battle royal. After the last few months they've had, they deserve to be in the title match as well and get more of a chance to really shine. Way more than Ryback and Axel do, who really have done nothing at all the last few months.
  10. I'd assume Nash is going to be the one to induct Razor in to the Hall DDP inducts Jake Taker or Kane inducts Paul Bearer Trish inducts Lita Linda inducts Warrior Carlito/Primo/Epico induct Carlos Hogan inducts Mr. T
  11. Found it humorous that all three of the shots of Storm in the trailer appear to be from the same one shot from the movie.
  12. With Gorilla Monsoon and now Michael Cole always saying things like "Wrestler A just hit Wrestler B with his PATENTED move", I always thought it would be funny for a guy to try to sue another guy for using a move they "patented".
  13. I'm now watching King of the Ring 2001. Was there any reason why DDP was completely buried by Undertaker when he came in? I remember the reveal of him being Sara's stalker was quite hot. Then they're building up a confrontation with DDP at ringside the whole time. Then Undertaker comes out and beats the shit out of him for 5 minutes straight. Why would they need to have any match after that? I seem to recall the entire DDP/Undertaker feud going the same way, with Sara also getting a pin on DDP at some point, and then DDP and Kanyon getting squashed by Taker and Kane in a tag match at SummerSlam. DDP was just never given any sort of real chance in WWF. Anybody know why that is?
  14. Very interesting episode of Smackdown on the Live Stream right now. It's the in-ring debut of Batista in a tag match with D-Von against Farooq and a very young rookie Randy Orton. Also on this episode is John Cena's debut match with Kurt Angle. They also showed a video package for the soon to be debuting Rey Mysterio. Quite a transition year with a bunch of fresh guys that would change the face of the company forever.
  15. Why aren't the RAW Flashback episodes available in it's own secstion on demand? I can do searches and find some things, but I'd like to just go by each episode, like they have all the other stuff listed.
  16. Curious as to where they put Bryan/HHH on the Mania card. Does it possibly get the curtain jerker spot to give the rest of show to build up to the anticipation of Bryan in the match, as well as give Bryan time to rest? Or do they put it on right before the Main Event, so Bryan then has to go in to the Triple Threat match immediately after a grueling match with HHH? Or does it get a random spot in the middle of the card? Will be interesting to see how that plays out.
  17. Watching the RAW Backstage Pass on the Network and they just showed Bryan getting loaded in to an ambulance with Brie by his side, and she had absolutely no emotion going on. It was like she was on a leisurely stroll next to her husband, who just happened to be getting carted away on a stretcher. She wasn't even trying to emote anything. If she had come out during the beatdown with that "emotion", it would've completely ruined an awesome segment. If they never acknowledged Brie and Bryan being together, I think this angle would be the perfect time for Bryan and AJ to get back together on screen by having AJ take out Stephanie.
  18. Haven't seen anybody mention how Lizzie was also the one who did the "Rabbit Sculpture" in the prison and, according to Tyrese, did it "just for fun". She was one of "those" kids who tortured animals and pulled wings off of flies. Maybe she was always like that, or maybe the turn caused her brain to snap, but she was not there. I said earlier in the episode to my fiancee that Carol was going to end up killing her, with the precedent set by her killing those people before at the prison for the good of the group. This was more of the same. The bigger shock to us was Lizzie killing her sister. Damn...what an episode.
  19. Something I found funny/interesting about Punk walking because he supposedly "didn't like his placement at WrestleMania". WWEShop released the official WrestleMania T-Shirts, which were obviously designed and ordered months ago because Punk is on them. Not only is he on them, but he is prominently featured as THE center photo and is bigger than Hogan, HHH, Bryan, and Cena. They were obviously going with something big for Punk into Mania and were going to feature him in a big way, whether he was going to be in the Title Match/"Main Event" or not. So I don't buy this whole thing of Punk fans backing him up for leaving because he was getting a "shitty spot at Mania".
  20. I dunno. Foley had plenty of unflattering things to say about Mero - specifically the thing about how much money he was making - in his first book, which was way before the Benoit murders
  21. Me and the missus have been watching The Misfits on Hulu. Sometimes the writing is a little poor with how people act in certain situations and things like that, but we like it. We just started in to Season 3. Didn't like the "new Nathan" in the first episode as it seemed like he was trying to be a little TOO "Nathan", but he grew on me the last three episodes we've watched. Curious to see where they go with it since I know pretty much all the original characters aren't there for the last season at least. I also read something recently about the actress who plays Kelly was arrested awhile ago for some sort of racial assault on a cab driver or something? Can't look at the Kelly character the same way anymore after reading about that.
  22. What if The Shield isn't really going to break up, but are still put in a match against each other at Mania for the US Title by Kane to try to further break up the group? This allows them to have the match, continue to tease tension for a few more months, but more importantly, allows them to continue feuding with The Wyatts after Mania.
  23. How great would it be if Punk returns to be in the Battle Royal? No pomp and circumstance or even really any acknowledgement, just......oh, and there's CM Punk. And then he gets eliminated by Alexander Russev
  24. Can we also talk about how great that Heyman promo was in building up the importance of The Streak? Him putting up those names and running off how none of them were able to put together a string of more than 4 wins in a row really put The Streak in a lot more perspective, especially for people who may have become fans in the last 2-3 years.
  25. Big E is confirmed in the Battle Royal. I don't see anybody doing double duty - other than Bryan, of course. It seemed like Ziggler was going to somehow be slotted in to the Sheamus/Christian/del Rio thing, but he's also apparently confirmed for the Battle Royal as well.
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