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Everything posted by GuerrillaMonsoon

  1. Probably isn't defined by his successes so much as the lopsided scale of monster guys pushed down throats to little/no success vs. guys who were smaller and didn't get there. Ones that didn't work out with similar pushes? Punk....Benoit.......RVD.....maybe Shamrock.
  2. I completely read that as a Stu Hart On A Pole Match, with Stu Hart's skin being used to make some sort of title belt. I like my idea better.
  3. He was midcard at best at the time, after that, became prominent in the main event scene with Sid, Goldberg, Bret and the Outsiders. He got his release and the no compete clause because of him being World champion at the time/Time Warner not wanting the lawsuit. If he's just another midcarder, they don't give him (possibly all of them) his release or such generous terms.
  4. Benoit essentially got pushed beyond the midcard in WCW due to the Owen tribute match. Bret never goes there. Owen probably never dies. Benoit's still in WCW doing nothing of note.
  5. Did not enjoy Annabelle at all. Way too much signposting of things to come. Way too much illogical shit going on left, right and centre. By the end of it, I just wanted them all to die painfully.
  6. Say Shawn's back is too injured for him to wrestle Austin at Mania. Do you hotshot the title onto Tyson, and then work a Mayweather/Show prototype match? How would it have gone down?
  7. Bret gets the first feud against Hogan, at the very least he stays for the interim period I assume Nash and Hall get fed to Hogan in due course, unlikely to leave beyond that the IC title probably gets a showcase again as the workrate title, Shawn gets to work with his buddies and decent guys, doubt he leaves either. I think the issue with it is how likely they do Savage/Hogan main event at WM 10, five years in the making with Savage getting his win back, that sends people off, whilst WCW continues the momentum they had in 94 before Hogan comes in.
  8. Just like the idea of Hogan coming out when the refs down, the salt bump happens, turns up to apparently make sure Bret isn't screwed out of the title, but instead drops the leg on Bret and rolls Yoko over. Have him do essentially the same speech after BATB 96, Yoko still feuds with Luger, Bret/Hogan, Hennig wins kotr instead and has the Lawler feud that's sort of teased at Rumble 93 anyway. The heel going over for the first time at Mania has a lot more impact, and Mania 9 is revered a lot more than what it is.
  9. What if the Hogan heel turn happens at WrestleMania 9 rather than BATB 96?
  10. They'll get close to an agreement.....and then bring in CP Munk and fuck it all up.
  11. Ambrose/Austin vs. Rollins/Lesnar * - Ambrose can't beat Lesnar * - Heyman tells Ambrose to take his bat and ball and go home like Austin did. * - Ambrose appears to do so. * - Ambrose instead spends weeks searching for 316 Gimmick Street in his van, trying to lure Austin out of retirement to be his back-up. * - Austin shows up to accept/confront Lesnar, gets destroyed by Lesnar. * - Query over whether Austin shows up to Mania, Ambrose agrees to take both of them on by himself. * - Austin turns up at Mania. Wild brawl ensues. Rollins abandons Lesnar. Ambrose gets the visual pin on Lesnar, but only after eating 2-3 stunners from Austin. * - Ambrose lays out Austin after the match, anticipating the kick-wham-stunner, and essentially taking over the DTA mantle. * - Lesnar spends the next 2 months seeking revenge on Rollins.
  12. Midcarder, upper midcarder probably irrelevant in my question - but rather, he was so protected but never really moved anywhere else on the card than that gatekeeper role from about the time he first won the IC title in 93 till he left in 1996. Best time for it was when he left - would have much preferred Shawn vs. Razor - tiebreaker ladder match for the title leading to whatever from there -
  13. A) Has there ever been a midcarder as protected/pushed as much as Razor Ramon B) If there was, was there ever one as pushed as much as Razor was that never really lead to anything?
  14. The army cadet is Prince Iaukea too...
  15. Virgil/Dibiase at Summerslam 91 features probably one of the more underrated jobs on commentary from Piper. He makes you give a shit about this match.
  16. I really want to see Ahmed Johnson in the dying days of TNA just pearl river plunging everyone and leading a 20 strong crowd chant of "YOU'RE GOING DOWN"
  17. It really is aimed at that 10-18 year old demographic who weren't around during the Monday Night Wars.
  18. Yep, such a pointless aimless episode. So many loose ends to tie up in 12-14 odd episodes, and I can't see it being done effectively, so I just hope they all die. This has Dexter last season written all over it.
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