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Everything posted by offspring515

  1. Got home from work today to find my neighbor (70-ish single man) lying face down on his sidewalk. He was unresponsive but breathing raggedly. I called 911 and the paramedics were there in two minutes. They worked on him while getting him onto a gurney. He was rapidly turning blue. I haven't heard anything yet (I contacted his emergency contacts from his cell phone) on if he made it, but it wasn't looking good when they took him away.
  2. She's probably getting more from merch sales than from salary. I don't think the developmental deals cut them in on merchandise sales, outside of special deals like Jor and Balor.
  3. Damn Casey. I'm glad she's awake. Here's hoping her recovery goes really well.
  4. Probably has too much dignity to accept such an offer. Okay, then what about the trash can???? It doesn't have much dignity, but it's got a lot of spunk!
  5. Lost my job on Wednesday. Had an interview this morning. 25% higher pay, better hours, closer to home. Interview went so well they called me an hour after and asked if I can start on Monday. Thanks for looking out Jeebus!
  6. Wow...I mean there's uninformed, there's denial and then there's whatever Wayans is saying. Whole new level of crazy there.
  7. Ascension being Stardust's thugs is a good use for them. Bo Dallas gets to cut a promo! Two New Day segments!
  8. No need to get combative, I was just making a joke because I've seen his name spelled lots of ways online. Wasn't trying to needle you in particular. Apologies if I was needlessly snarky. Braun looks like a guy who may get really good at being a giant monster someday to me. I agree he isn't there yet. Especially glaring was him just freezing up at one point while waiting for Roman to punch him.
  9. I've actually really enjoyed the show. The two leads are pretty good and I like the vibe they're going for with the world falling apart but most people just being too busy with their lives to note what's happening. Did anyone else assume that the son, tied to his hospital bed and sharing a room with a dying old man, was going to end up zombie food? I really thought that was where they were going with it.
  10. I don't buy it. I feel like R+L=J has been known for so long that the fan base is just desperate to add to it or prove its wrong. Meera Reed is a fairly minor character, a plot device to help Bran reach his goal. Having her "replace" Jon Snow as some online have suggested would really feel like it's coming out of left field. She also looks like a Crannogman, with the slight build and short stature. Martin has made family resemblance a huge deal in the books so I would expect Meera to have a more Stark or Targaryen look if this were true.
  11. I also highly doubt that Hogan was running in a social group that used that term as a greeting in Florida in the 1960's. Trying to play the blame game on his upbringing is a bad way to go. Lots of people grow up hearing racist shit from family and friends. By the time you're a grown adult it's on you to break out of that or embrace it. Plus Hogan has traveled the world and met people of all sorts. He can't play the isolated, small town bumpkin.
  12. Dude that all fucking sucks. I know it's small comfort now bit someday you and your wife will tell this stuff to people and laugh about how crazy it was. Here's hoping the cruise works out.
  13. Meltzer gave it 4 1/2 Jizzes.
  14. With Night Of Champions coming up and Seth holding two belts does he have to wrestle twice? Cena rematch for the US title and Sting for the heavyweight?
  15. I know Wale. Because he "remixed" Seinfeld reruns on TBS. This remixing seemed to consist of commercials of Wale repeating famous phrases from the show. I'm still counting this knowledge toward my DVDVR street cred.
  16. Here and PWO are the only places where liking Shawn Michaels is a controversial opinion. I love Shawn Michaels, faults and all.
  17. The unbridled delight and huge smirk on Hunter's face while making Burger King cracks at ZZ was amazing.
  18. Reigns and Ambrose are going to team with Rowan if he's healthy right? It's not a sexy choice but it makes sense and I wouldn't mind seeing him and this new big dude have a hoss off.
  19. My Mom had a stroke in her right eye last night. Because of the severity of it she will likely never regain sight in the eye. Luckily she's suffering no other adverse effects and is resting comfortably at the hospital. She was even in high enough spirits to laugh at a few of my corny jokes.
  20. That ladder match is being criminally underrated so far. No it didn't have the story or emotion of the women's match but they really went at it full tilt. Owens looked like a scary mofo standing over a broken and battered Balor. The ladies were fantastic. Sasha is amazing but this wasn't a one woman show. Finishing run was great stuff. Joe looked real good. Motivated, intense, quick. The undercard was fun in general. Appollo Crews is going to get over big. Huge it factor.
  21. I agree, I'm cool with talking about it in here.
  22. I call bullshit on this. Guys were still submitting the good old-fashioned "DO YOU GIVE? aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrghhhhh......YES!!!!!!!" way when Flair pussed out to the Sharpshooter like an old lady to lose the WWF Title. Damn...you're right...nobody tapped then...you kinda just blew my mind.
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