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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. Maybe Fredo can interview him and get him to narrate it from start to finish and we can imagine. Sometimes it sucks being a lucha fan. Ah well.
  2. Match finder has: 2002-10-18 Arena México 3 of 6: Juventud Guerrera b Virus I thought that might be the Fuerza match, just with a mistake but that happened a couple of months earlier apparently. 2002-08-30 Arena México 4 of 6: Fuerza Guerrera b Virus *
  3. To be fair... I am playing Final Fantasy XIII right now. For the first time, on the PC, when I have a few minutes in between work and parenthood and what not. I was right at the end of chapter 9 so I knew I had a big boss fight coming. It took 20 minutes or whatever, but I sat through the cut scene and beat the boss. Then I took the laptop with me to brush my teeth, to go through my laundry to get my clothes for today, and to do whatever else I had to do before bed. I don't think I looked at the screen once while there was some sort of ship being shot down or whatever. I just listened so I could have some idea of what was going on once I got my characters back. I just wanted to get to the Crystarium to use all my CP and go to bed. I'm sure people worked very hard on those graphics and spent tons of money on them, but that's the second to last reason I play a game (last being voice acting).
  4. I tend to find myself more drawn to Delta than Guerrero Maya, Jr. in their trios matches. That's just me though.
  5. It seems like a massive waste to just update a game to add new graphics. They should put in twenty new side quests, a job system, four new optional bosses, a million new bits of materia and weapons, and a secret optional character who is General Leo from FFVI. You can play the thing today if you want. What's the point of playing it with prettier graphics?
  6. This is probably the best looping gif I ever made, totally by accident:
  7. That exchange sums up Dolph's career pretty well. You guys just don't get it. Dolph doesn't really care about winning championships. In fact, he doesn't really care about winning or losing. It's about entertaining. In kayfabe terms, does that make him some sort of deviant sadomasochist?
  8. I was looking at a Friday Night Arena Mexico card from 2002 and this apparently did not make TV: 3) Felino, Negro Casas, Virus b Blue Panther, Fuerza Guerrera, Juventud Guerrera Life isn't fair. EDIT: they ran a whole Virus vs Juvi feud. Do we really have none of those singles matches? Come on. This was the match where Juvi turned on him: Lucha isn't fair.
  9. In case anyone had any shred of doubt, Renew Your Vows is being written solely to try to prove to fans/force the idea upon them that Peter Parker could not have a child and still be Spider-Man.
  10. Is this an Encino Man gimmick or something?
  11. When is a pin attempt not a pin attempt? When it's a lucha dance party.
  12. It'd be in their interest to at least hint as much. It'd help to handle the alienated viewers
  13. I do think things get interesting if Sheamus immediately starts to give Rollins crap tomorrow night. Otherwise, blech.
  14. Heel Dusty from 73, first hiding behind Murdoch and then being awesome in the corner.
  15. If Galactus eats all the worlds, there are no more worlds to eat. Oh wait, he's fox licensed. Nevermind.
  16. I thought Flyer had the great dive tonight (though a lot of that was Disturbio PUSHING him into the front row. he gets a huge assist for that), but that he looked sloppy and unfocused at other points of the match. Ultimately, he came off as a guy you bury in a trios match, that gets beat up, and that hits one big spectacular dive towards the finish. Esfinge didn't do anything spectacular, but I thought that he contained Blue Panther Jr's suck very well. Nothing was over the top great, but I thought the match was surprisingly solid, if uneventful, and that's way more difficult than what Flyer did tonight considering who he was up against. I'm just not sure it's what he needs to do to stand out in this tournament given people's expectations for it.
  17. Jones managed Kamala? I don't remember that at all. Lots of weird things happened in 1984. Like Gary Hart managing Dory Funk Jr. in a mask.
  18. I'm just looking for pinball ex tables for my wife and I
  19. I had an all day retreat today and Victor left me a message that I saw at lunchtime. I'm just not dealing with this today. I'll process it tomorrow and after that. I'm not even reading the thread now. I'm not ready to face it.
  20. The problem was that he was skinnyfat on the inside.
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