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Brian Fowler

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Everything posted by Brian Fowler

  1. That was also fucking awesome. I mean, I don't think I've ever seen that before. And I'm a Tigers fan. AL WINS which matters now, or something something. God, that Rivera intro was great.
  2. Man, Big Evil Taker was having great matches with Flair, Jeff Hardy, and Brock Lesnar during that time period. He was awesome. When he first came back as American Bad Ass UnderBiker, he was kind of crappy for a few months. But then he worked his way back into shape and was fantastic again. The notion that Angle brings UP Rey is the kind of thing that makes me hate star ratings, because... No.
  3. There was a lot of love for Sandow on this board and elsewhere a few months ago, and I just never understood it.
  4. Manziel is the most interesting prospect, because right now he could literally go anywhere from 1st overall to late 3rd round pick, just depending if a gm or two falls in love with his game.
  5. Well, he certainly should have a lifetime of never having to buy a drink in Miami.
  6. Closest too these two. The Dark Knight Iron Man Batman Begins Iron Man 3 The Dark Knight Rises Iron Man 2
  7. Yeah, at the very least, it feels like the end of Johns run should have taken Sinestro off the board for a couple of years, not a few months. Absurd.
  8. Yes. Hell, his Vader matches aren't event he best of his WCW work. That would be the two wild brawls with Sting, and the two wild tag brawls with the Nasties. Ugh. Shawn on auto-pilot was absolutely fucking terrible. Which he spent most of the 00's on autopilot, and was mostly absolutely fucking terrible.
  9. Or you might bump into him at your local White Castle....
  10. Wait, I thought they were done doing direct adaptations after Flashpoint?
  11. Nope, I definitely meant Heyman. That's the problem with posting at 4 am, I guess.
  12. No, not Superman Unchained, just the regular Superman book that Lobdell is writing. He was like the 4th writer in the first 13 issues, but he's stuck around now. And it's been pretty good. I read the first issue of Unchained, but I already barely remember it outside of one really cool splash page of Superman rescuing a satellite or space station or something...
  13. I'll be goddammed, but Scott Lobdell has managed to make the new 52 Superman book interesting. Even more amazingly, he's managed to make the Clark/Lois "not a couple, but best friends" idea work.
  14. Foley's best match, imo, is the Orton Backlash match. It's like the Triple H rumble match cranked to 11, and it's everything Foley did best at it's best. Sick bumps, absurd violence, shockingly good psychology and storytelling for such chaotic match. HBK definitely had Taker's best match (and vice versa, by an even larger margin.) I definitely give Cena the nod for Lashley, Khali, and Umaga. Punk probably. I could see an argument for Lesnar's, although for me that's Eddy (and I can see a case for the Taker HIAC as well.) Bret probably gets Austin, and maybe Nash, although I think I'd probably take Good Friends, Better Enemies over SS '95, but I could go either way on that. Perfect. Nasties best match is definitely Cactus/Payne. Vader steals Sting from Flair.
  15. So, I get home and fire up RAW, and watching a fairly decent show, get a great Henry promo/Shield segment, keep watching, Punk comes out... AND HOLY FUCK THAT SEGMENT. That was some absolutely compelling tv. Red hot crowd hanging on every word, great promo work from Punk and Lesnar, a really good out of control brawl... That was fucking PRO WRESTLING motherfucker. Also, D-Bry/Cena is pretty great sounding.
  16. Grammar is clearly not going to be my strong suit here on the new board either...
  17. I'm slightly better, I'm just still using yahoo. I have a gmail, but I don't really use it, and only check it like every other week or so.
  18. If Stafford has a few more seasons like his last two, his career stats will start to verge on HOF territory. If he has, say, 5 more. But the Lions can't win having him throw the ball 700 times a season, at least not consistently. They need a much better running game, and god I hope they get it.
  19. That's actually a pretty good description of Chewie...
  20. IIRC, Wan only directed the first Saw film. Which is fairly distinct stylisitically (or at least it was before it became a hit. Ted last year did absurd business, owing at least in part to being brilliantly shifted up the schedule when G.I. Joe bailed on 2012.
  21. Truth is, I can't bring myself to give even the slightest hint of a damn about guys being on PEDs. It just doesn't matter to me at all. Barry Bonds is still the greatest baseball player I ever saw.
  22. I'd be very surprised if someone made a big-budget live action hollywood movie about kaiju vs. giant mecha that was deep.
  23. I had absolutely zero problems with Mandarin, either version. Bane never came off even slightly threatening to me, possibly because I was giggling about his incredibly stupid voice every time he talked. At least the Manadrin stuff in IM3 was intentionally funny.
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