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Curt McGirt

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Everything posted by Curt McGirt

  1. Goldberg named his kid after the kid in Pet Sematary?!
  2. It'll be the SLAP OF DOOM and YOU'LL LIKE IT GODDAMMIT! *enormous snort*
  3. Techni(cologically) a collaboration
  4. not watch WWE. Not to brag but I spent my Sunday eating steak, drinking, making embarrassed smalltalk with the cashier at Barnes and Noble that I had to return a skipping copy of Doggystyle to, and listening to Iron Maiden. They ain't gonna do what you want, so don't waste your time. This is of course easy for me to say because I don't have the Network and I work during Raw and Smackdown so if things were different, I'd probably be pissed too
  5. I was cool with that until I saw him playing to a legion of Swedish skinheads dancing and singing ironically, or perhaps not, to a Skrewdriver song ("but, but, it's the first album!"). His take on Negative Approach is interesting though
  6. Based on the '80s set voting, '86-'89 are strongest. Start there. You've got UWF vs. NJPW and later on the Vader invasion and Hash breaking out, plus Fujiwara being amazing no matter what he's doing, so it's bedrock necessary to watch the key matches from those years. Here are the top 50 voted on for the project if you want specific home runs: I have no earthly clue how Andre/Hansen isn't #1 but that's life.
  7. Guess you don't remember when Angle STARTED a match with a moonsault off the cage, which was ten times more infuriating
  8. I'll give it a rewatch sometime, but I was really not feeling Charismatic Yet Untalented Babyface Wanz, and the whole story, after that first fall ended.
  9. Don't forget Bryan's use of the flying headbutt, and Harley busting his intestines trying one on a table. Honestly it's such a stupid and illogical move that I don't get why anyone uses it. You can't possibly convince me that your head hitting someone is gonna hurt worse than your full body and that your full body hitting the mat isn't gonna hurt you worse.
  10. The irony, all the death matches he's been in just ended in scars and now a simple DDT ends up being worse. Also feel bad for Jado, he's been a pro since before Honma was wrestling and all these years later something like this happens.
  11. Just wanted to make a Canuck joke. Daily Grindhouse said it was pretty good and I tend to trust (most of) their opinions.
  12. My response without watching anything: "HA!" My response after watching it: That was garbage and a complete tomato can. Just because there's a hot crowd and it's old and there's fat guys doesn't mean it's good. Hogan vs. Moondog would've been the same as this, only it would've been shorter.
  13. I saw that match or whatever crutch angle they were doing with Piper vs. Dibiase when I was a kid and thought, for the longest time, that it was one of my first wrestling memories. Since it was '91 that clearly wasn't the case, but it still stood out. Sherri deserved better than having to get slapped on the ass with a crutch, have the cameraman ogle her AND take two big bumps like a trooper. Wish she was still here with us. (At the same time, who wouldn't want to ogle her. Hot as a ghost pepper she was, and tough enough to remove any of your limbs with ease probably)
  14. Miller better already be working on those other two Mad Max sequels
  15. Wacky Orton pulling faces is slightly endearing. You know, the Kanyon gimmick is right there for them to steal where he just RKOs random people out of nowhere. It'd keep him out of the title picture too. "Randy Orton has lost his mind because of the Wyatts! He just RKO'd [insert Main Event level wrestler]!" You know what else? They could just have him be crazy and RKO Shane and then there's your Mania match with Orton. Two birds, one stone.
  16. It's my turn to be disappointed in Rippa. It took one image search to find a cooler Texas Chainsaw poster
  17. ^^^ That's pretty NSFW just so all know. And pretty fucking grim too. It has an interesting history: It looks like somewhat of a non-faked Faces of Death, only with a conscience. Also, you can watch it in full on Youtube; the film links directly from that trailer. Me, I think that trailer was enough for today
  18. Did Koslov have any lines or was it just another cameo thing like when he was on The Wire?
  19. It's Hornbaker, not Hornabaker. Yeah that thing is a slog. Still very informative, which Roderick Strong cutting a promo or wrestling probably isn't.
  20. There is nothing wrong with Peter Gabriel or his era of Genesis so that doesn't count
  21. I hate you all EDIT: To clarify, just those of you posting about the bald drummer whos name I shall not write. Goddamn grocery store soundtrack motherfucker
  22. Please no Bullet Club for Swagger. Please. I'd rather he take up his WWE role in NJPW instead of that. I still don't know what 'ethered' means but I'm not trying to look it up
  23. Nomination, just because I want you to review it
  24. ...and then after this the apex of the title, it being both the name of the band and the name of the song and then a bunch of drunk metalheads with better main bands decided to start up retro-thrash and you got not only this but a song called "Torment Her" EDIT: There's a GWAR, a Skinny Puppy, another (horrible, and hilarious) retro band called Desekrator doing one... the list goes on. And I forgot about the guy from Gorgoroth named Tormentor. If someone can name another title used more by different bands I'd like to know.
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