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Curt McGirt

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Everything posted by Curt McGirt

  1. There's nothing wrong with the match aside from Tom Magee.
  2. I was being somewhat sarcastic in my remark but also serious. Nobody should direct Akira and Peele needs to make something original instead. There's no way this will go well. Peele has imagination for days but asking him to be at the helm of Akira is like asking him to be at the helm of the Titanic because no matter what comes out, it'll be shat upon from a great height by the fanboys. Yet at the same time, the opportunity... you can't blame him, certainly.
  3. You have to take in mind that I'm sure this board serves the same purpose that wrestling itself does for people, as a release valve for pent-up anger, hostility, etc. Me, I'm laughing because I'm having a relatively good day so far and the overload of negativity is amusing
  4. So much negativity already for April, ha! March retains its crown a month after.
  5. I despise Pantera and that would be still be lovely to me.
  6. Here's Eddie's match. The lies wrestlers tell themselves, like "I am a good wrestler"... EDIT: After watching that I know exactly why Arn went back down south.
  7. I think it's the system deciding to punish him for Get Out. Carrot and the stick. He's obviously smart and he should run, not walk, away from the carrot.
  8. Apparently so. Me reading Exquisite Corpse right out of high school, lended to me by an extremely sexist and effusively hetero prick of a man, makes me laugh. Wish I could go up to him and say, "So, you have this book..."
  9. OMEGA/NAITO pretty much looked like what Omega/Okada should have been. Still had that Superhero Wrestling horseshit for a minute at the end (which, let's face it, has been a part of puroresu since All Japan invented it in the '90s) but the selling was consistent and the reversals and spots were crazy. Naito should have won with the Sambo Lock instead of the big finisher exchange finish but you can't get blood from a stone, I guess. The Shibata/EVIL match I'll watch on the replay, was on the phone.
  10. I totally forgot to mention the seven foot dude with the Leatherface mask that runs in at the end. That team is indeed fucking scary. And yes, we need a War Games and Cage of Death faceoff.
  11. El Rey is back in my cool book for showing Shaolin Prince right now. This movie is flat-out dizzy. A flaming sword, an iron hand armament with two fingers sticking out that you stab guys with, a Three Stooges group of Shaolin monks that are dubbed with British accents... woof. And now there's literally a ninja attack occurring! And a reminder, tonight is Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Black Tavern, The Chinese Boxer, and Heroes Shed No Tears. And two eps of Lucha Underground beforehand.
  12. You'd think if they act like a corporation with no rules they'd put him into wrestler's court and then tie him up and give Meanie five minutes alone in a small room.
  13. ...and then Layfield goes to the ring, drunk, and beats the shit out of the Blue Meanie for something he wrote on the Internet about him. Yeah if he didn't get fired for that he won't get fired for this This fucking company...
  14. Curiously, the only film I haven't seen with booming theater sound in the last decade or more was Young Frankenstein the other weekend. Whatever was going on in the theater next to us was slightly irritating with its volume coming through the walls. You'd think they'd figure this shit out better. And come on, Don't Be A Menace rules.
  15. I should be immune at this point, but Lansdale's fiction* has apparently not prepared me for the real horror of the Mee-Maw backstory at the start of this episode. I challenge that to not fuck you up bigtime. As for the rest of the episode, it's some righteous vengeance. * High Cotton and Bumper Crop came in the mail (and are way more insane than I thought they would be)! Thank you OSJ! And also, I'm getting books from Dave Fucking Schow himself after I shoot him some money on Friday. My 12-year old self reading Raving and Drooling articles in Fangoria and finding out what lucha libre is is doing backflips right now.
  16. Layfield should be fired on TV, THEN be handed over to Bas. It's the only acceptable scenario IMO. Of course, that slap on the wrist he'll probably get can be seen coming a mile away.
  17. ...and I thought I was gonna have to wait for an opportunity to call someone a trash human. That was fast.
  18. Figured out what the problem was. My file on part 2 started at a minute or so in, probably because I'd skipped forward on some of the match sampling it before I watched the whole thing last night. Who knows why it stayed that way, I closed my browser and everything.
  19. Baretta's "you're a trash human" insult is something I have to steal sometime.
  20. Roman vs. Taker on the Hardy Compound with Roman candles (HA!) is the only way I'd watch that match. I'd pay to see it, actually.
  21. There is Tom Magee from AJPW. Everyone should watch how awful the first match is, at least. I haven't seen this one so you tell me how bad Magee brings it down There's other shit on Youtube too, him vs. Tim Horner, etc. I'm not bothering to watch.
  22. Okay, review time: Both matches have a common underdog theme. In their promo the Anarchy team even says they're not particularly good wrestlers! Inoue, his possibility of winning goes without saying (how the hell did this match end up getting booked btw? Was Misawa ribbing Akiyama for some reason?). Both are totally different otherwise of course. The WOR GAMES is so goddamn indy... I mean, have you ever seen a meat cleaver and a claw hammer used in a match before? If you're a CZW fan, don't answer that. At the same time they're used perfectly well and there are some hellacious bumps starting with Rockwell being lawn-darted into the cage which looked horrifying. Unfortunately we miss a whole portion where the Rejects return to dominance. The whole vibe is great though. The announcers are hyped, the crowd is too, the big comebacks from the face side are awesome. Bonus points for a Slayer - South of Heaven tour shirt but minus points for Iceberg's Celtic cross ensemble so I guess that evens out. The ambo ride was an inspired bit as well. Inoue's career performance is something he can hang his hat on to this day. The beginning tickled the shit out of me with his cheap tricks and evasions and I really got on his side. To riff off of what Broken Lamp said, Akiyama is the star quarterback and Inoue is the poor, skeezy kid you hang out and smoke dirt weed with after school. There's no way you can boo him. He's got few skills but he's got heart, and he's got tactics that can even the playing field, at least for a minute. You know the inevitable is gonna come crashing down on him but he fights it every step of the way. I really don't know. One is a broke-ass War Games, one is a glorified squash with a higher production value. I could flip a coin at which one is better but both are really fucking fun and I'm glad I watched them. EDIT: You know what? In a Battle of the Underdogs I'm going with the biggest Underdog. NWA Anarchy has my vote.
  23. Ah, well shit. I screwed that up good EDIT: I was fooled by Pete's post of that review! Totally not guilty.
  24. Are you sure? Its the right year and same lineup as in the review. I totally went down a Bailey rabbit hole looking for that.
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