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Curt McGirt

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Everything posted by Curt McGirt

  1. Somebody taped that piece for me years ago and I really should listen to it again.
  2. This is the translated version of the Jon Moxley interview on the NJPW website. If you love mangled English, you will be rolling on the floor reading this. BEAUTIFUL VIOLENCE! EDIT: Also, if you just think this is funny because you're racist, please FOAD. Humor has subtleties beyond your perception of the world.
  3. Needs to come with a complementary black bandanna
  4. Nope. Keep it coming with the wrong guesses people, this will be fun! (For the initiated DON'T GIVE IT AWAY)
  5. I refuse to explain that gif for anybody that doesn't get it btw
  6. See? This is where Corbin's at now. After his odyssey as potential second in command at Applebee's his failures have driven him back behind the line, torching apps and begging for drinks whilst sneaking them out of a flask hidden in the walk in. It is a noble, yet pathetic struggle.
  7. You don't ask that to the fry cook though, they just go bug the bar waitress for a full cup of Beefeater and go out back for a smoke instead
  8. I'd love to tell Corbin he has X-Pac heat with me though.
  9. Just looking at that trio gives me the hives. Like even as a wrestling fan, if you saw them sitting at a bar, would you want to go up and say hi? Okay, maybe if Ziggler went to the head
  10. There was more gore in that trailer than in all of Shawn
  11. SHOCK WAVES. Now THIS is a REAL horror movie. The open makes it almost a wet fart, with a giveaway, but then it delves into what I can only describe as a backwater version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, set in slow motion. How are you going to escape the landscape much less the other threat? That's the brilliance of this one. I'll be fucked, I've heard this one was good, watched about half of it once (I might even have an original VHS from a video store seller with no box) but until I saw it just now on Night Flight Plus didn't know that it was as good as it is. Also features a very gaunt Peter Cushing and a very drunk John Carradine, and loads of atmosphere.
  12. This in general is just super horseshit. I don't follow LFA etc. as much as NJPW (obviously) but I still watch and it's been a constant forever. So, Jack Torrance fits here as well.
  13. Damn, Koji is 52? I didn't know he was closer to Hiroshi Hase in age than what I thought (mid 40s).
  14. So who's the young punk that Kanemoto put to torture in that one? And why does one guy have what appears to be a painted-up olde-tymey megaphone on his head? You know what, don't answer the second question
  15. I wish y'all hadn't spoiled that one for me because I would have marked out seeing him in that makeup out of nowhere. Loved him since he was Querns in Oz.
  16. Or Abdullah Kobayashi from BJW in his thermos days I'm imagining lil' Jimmy Jacobs wearing normal clothes except for his Brody boots yelling at all these wrestlers for joking under their breath and it's pretty funny.
  17. Methinks we would all watch the shit out of Jado and Gedo vs. the Rock'n'Roll Express.
  18. EDIT: The Nagata match is great. The Muta match... not so much.
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