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Everything posted by Leonidas

  1. They did a variation of it, including the main female Korean actress, the show was called Sense8 and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Most of the Sense8 cast are in Matrix 4 too.
  2. I do, bare in mind he is/was a children's author. Some guy actually has No Is Yes transcribed on his blog here: http://maqsoodqureshi.blogspot.com/2008/04/no-is-yes.html He also wrote Round the Twist TV series, which was a staple of any UK/Australian child's life of my generation anyway. I feel like Jennings is the Roald Dahl of Australia.
  3. Never liked Dogtooth as much because it seemed like a rip off of a Paul Jennings short story called No Is Yes that messed up my ten year old self's brain after reading it. The Lobster and The Favourite are both so so good though.
  4. With regards to Rock's statement, don't get too disheartened over the comments. A significant portion, ranging from 20-60% of smallhands himself's twitter followers are bots/propaganda accounts, the Rock being as famous a figure as he is will be subject to the same thing. One controversial account will reply to his tweet with something insane and then lots more will upvote it for visibility and to sow dissension. It's how social media works(unworks) nowadays. TLDR don't read read comments.
  5. Yeah I've been watching her indie stuff on the tubes as well. So many fun gimmicks on the indies I never would have heard of if it wasn't for people like Orange Cassidy, Abadon and Statlander, catching up on their previous stuff.
  6. I hope Jude plays the dad as well as Hook, its tradition. They did it in the last live action Peter Pan, which I actually remember being pretty decent meaning they don't need to remake-itloli'llseemyselfout.
  7. The lack of Abadon again displeases me, but Nyla vs Chanel should be a fun squash.
  8. Madness. Declining sure, but still 2500 cases a day, that's what we (the UK) was getting last week and it's since doubled and we're getting more restrictions because of it. Not that we're doing anything correctly either.
  9. Just rewatched Mox/King. Eddie Kingston is my new favourite wrestler. He embodies his character so well, even after the bell and he had lost, he was depicting anger at himself for losing, yet anger/jealousy/respect at Mox for doing it, all whilst cradling Mox like Mr White cradling Mr Orange at the end of Reservoir Dogs. He's amazing.
  10. Who was that really tall chick standing next to Killyn King, anyone know?
  11. I don't know if I forgot any movies, but these are my highest priority movies on my list of shame, apologies for not getting around to them if you're a fan! Parasite - So recent I just haven't had time yet. The Social Network - Not the biggest Jesse Eisenberg fan, also I don't have Facebook, so I may not relate. Toy Story 3 - I was a teenager when the first two came out, so never really got into them enough to see the third. 12 Years a Slave - Not always in the mood for heavy. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - Not the biggest Michael Cera fan, (get him mixed up with the above Eisenberg.) Knives Out - So recent I just haven't had time yet. The Master - Genuine list of shame moment, everyone tells me it's amazing. The Fighter - Curious to watch just for another Bale transformation, no idea if it's actually good or not. The Tree of Life - I haven't got around to finding out if this film is as long as Thin Red Line yet, which I struggled with, heard good things though.
  12. *Googles* - Wait what? Superman isn't British?! I've been lied to. He's basically French. What the hell man, next thing you'll be telling me Braveheart wasn't Scottish...
  13. Anna Jay does all the little things right. I like how she keeps her game face on from bell to bell, only smiling after she got the win. She's going to go a long way, hopefully if Tay Conti joins the Dark Order too, we could get a few tag matches with them both too.
  14. Rosario Dawson is actually Don Lewis in disguise. Now where do I collect my $100,000 reward?
  15. Under The Skin stayed high in mine, it just sticks with me for some reason. Like Kubrick's movies do, especially the soundtrack which is some of the most nerve jangling atmospheric music since The Shining or Eyes Wide Shut. Here's a playlist of it:
  16. I still have 150+ Gi Joes in a nice display. Enough Major Bludd variants to start my own Freebirdesque tagteam, he gets my pick.
  17. Oh gee, you guys are going to hate my Marty heavy list... ? Don't think any are in the top ten though!
  18. According to rumours~! (Michelle Rodriguez sort of confirmed them). Fast and Furious 9 will at least partially, be set in... SPACE! Surprised it took them this long, but I'm up for it.
  19. I'm in if I can sort out my flickchart list by Monday, the films I've seen are on there, just not in the right order...
  20. Chill out about Miro, it's his first appearance, he's most likely going to crush Sabian during his wrestling wedding on national tv and it will be glorious.
  21. Yep, he's old enough to be her grandfather... Wouldn't be ok even if they were the same age. There's being old fashioned and then there's being a pervy old man. Weird, but happy how Schiavone doesn't have the same issue despite the same experience.
  22. If I was AEW I'd start marketing themselves towards actual wrestlers. "Come work for us, we'll let you be creative, we'll discuss indie dates, we'll give you equal opportunity for merchandise and growth, oh and we don't mind if you have a twitch or cameo account, make as much money as you want!" They'd have enough wrestlers for five shows let alone the rumoured second.
  23. What a boring dystopia we live in. I at least thought their might be jetpacks by now or something.
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