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Doubting El Dandy

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Everything posted by Doubting El Dandy

  1. It's both unfortunate and REALLY strange. Their cut off date for the roster and the DLC seems to be right before Extreme Rules every year. When Kevin Owens debuted Charlotte and Sasha were already big stars on the NXT brand way before the likes of Corbin or Enzo and Cass. I wasn't even close to being on the fence about this game because it seemed like a forgone conclusion that at least Charlotte and Sasha would be in the game but the level of bullshit involving their explanation has me wary of the overall product. I'm firmly on the fence now.
  2. Actually I believe that it what the countdown is for. The timer is the window in which you can attack. Apparently you can only attack Finn once he's in the ring.
  3. Here is a video of Finn and Seth's intro back to back to show off the "no loading screen" intros.
  4. Its a bit of an odd choice but the trailer was incredible and it beats putting a guy who should be in the game already in that spot.
  5. I am all the way in on this game. I'm just expecting space minecraft. Nobody should be expecting an amazing story or anything like that. It's going to be a massive open world exploration game where to can craft, trade, and fight. I think the way the game is designed it's going to be more vast style wise than Minecraft.
  6. These are from the WWE2KDev accounts which I assume are legit because the official 2K accounts are promoting it.
  7. Also of note if people haven't seen them. Updated intros for Zayn and Neville Both are much better (mostly) than the previous on disc intros.
  8. NXT Pack Intros, sigs, and finishers
  9. I played the Holmes game on PS4. In a lot of ways it is a really good game. Mostly in the ways of forming deductions and the truly free flow way it lets you make your choices. Mechanics wise they made a few blunders. But all in all I enjoyed it.
  10. Usually when something like this happens people should expect there to be some sort of big deal that requires a lot of finagling at the last minute to get the job done. But I am fully expecting a giant let down. Like either a big deal fell through so here is what you get......or.....we have a really terrible selection for you this month so we are waiting until the last possible second to release the info in hopes that the online backlash will subside quickly.
  11. So this whole Bryan/Roman story was about how bad their booking was and their choice of Rumble winner was controversial. We all know this was the real reason for any of this. Since that is the case why in the ever loving fuck did they do a finish where they stuck with the guy who won the Rumble in the first place? The only reason to do any of this would be because they thought that perhaps they made the wrong choice (again). Why couldn't Roman just be the guy who won the Rumble? I mean putting Bryan in this match and having him lose doesn't placate Bryan fans if anything it will just make them more upset.
  12. Anyone else kind of zip through the Christian Showcase? It was all pretty damn easy, and because I already had the accelerator everything was already unlocked, hell there wasn't even a trophy at the end.
  13. Reigns delivery was fine but it's all still bullshit. Vince wants another Cena because it worked out so well for Warrior and Luger when he wanted another Hogan. And thanks to Vince and his absolute refusal to listen to anyone unless they agree with him we now have the 2nd generation of the "Cena Babyface" where it's okay if the fans hate the supposed top good guy and it's okay to say you might not win the biggest match of your life cause hey that's how the cookie crumbles. Fucking horrible.
  14. That's what the odds said as well.
  15. Depends on what you look for honestly. It seems like '14 would be the best choice for you. Personally I have way more fun playing '15. Not big on CAWS and most of that had to do with the horrible naming options. When the closest to Dean Ambrose you could get was Deal M. Bruce your choices fucking suck. '13 and '14 were both super glitchy and that's been well documented. As far as in game matches go I think I've seen maybe two glitches since launch. Unfortunately for me I spend most of my time in Universe mode which is still just as broken as it's been since at least '12.
  16. Started playing the Dead Knights DLC. A lot of fun to be sure but I already encountered a hiccup where I have to find a little boy in the town and he isn't marked anywhere on the map not even a green search location. Looked on YouTube and low and behold....those guys had the search area and pinpointed him. i went to the same area on the map, no search area and no kid.
  17. The entire point is the Ascension are claiming to be so great, but facing a bunch of jobbers instead of real tag teams like the Dusts and Usos. Okay....... But they aren't doing anything different than those teams. 90% of the matches those guys had in WWF were squashes....just like that. The difference is that those teams are over. The fact that they aren't isn't there fault. Their gimmick is that their gimmick sucks.
  18. Really enjoyed the show. I thought JR did get better but there were definitely matches where guys clearly hit their big moves and Ross was unaware and then the match was over. The crowd popped but the announce team was just talking like it was a transition move. I've heard a few people praising Strikers call of the show which has me wondering if the in ring was just so good they only paid attention when Striker wasn't annoying. I lost track how many times he said "lariatoooo" and on a few of the suplexes he quite obviously stopped himself a few times from saying DRAAAAAAAAGOOONNNN SUUUUPLEXAAAAAHHHHH. Ugggghhhh
  19. Yeah I dug Second Son so I'm down for First Light and I'm pretty pumped for the Nukem game as well. I might even want to play that DuckTales because I can't help myself.
  20. In January, PS Plus membership includes inFamous: First Light, The Swapper, Prototype 2, Disney DuckTales Remastered, Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition, and Whoa Dave!
  21. So Ryback's gimmick is that he eats negativity and then turns it into a positive? So he has shits full of positivity which I assume he then consumes to gain it's positive energy? Or does he have some sort of genetically evolved internal organ that does this converting? Also.....Bryan vs. Lesnar at Mania. Bryan wins....Next night Bryan finally gets to start the run as champion he never got this ones for Dad and Connoner The Crusher.....then Seth steals the belt away and we get months of Bryan/Rollins on top.
  22. I honestly hadn't thought about a SHIELD triple threat for the title but it makes so much more sense. And at least they could pretend like they are still moving forward like they indicated at last years show. Ambrose never got his revenge on Seth and Roman and Seth have had almost no dealings. I still think people would shit on it if Roman won but at least there is a compelling story to tell there.
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