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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. Haven't seen his NJPW work, but BUSHI in AJPW was pretty average. He is an ok flier, but has little to no charisma and was never too impressive in the ring. I think he might have had one or two worthwhile matches while teaming with Super Crazy and that is about it.
  2. This is honestly my favorite deathmatch and match from BJW in general. Nice to see it mentioned.
  3. Probably the end of Ock as Spidey yes, doubtful on that other thing.
  4. You left out 3MB, Yoshitatsu, Alex Riley, Big E. Langston, Wyatt Family, Sandow, Khali, JTG, Rhodes You also have the Colons who are being repackaged in the Matador gimmick and will re-debut soon. The roster is fairly large. You just have a decent amount either injured or only used so often due to the size of the roster.
  5. When and where id he say this? Awesome regardless
  6. That seems a bit harsh especially since it was Loeb who decided to bring in a Nova in general. If there wasn't a cameo for him in Avengers Thanos likely wouldn't have come back so soon. Same with the Guardians movie being likely why Quil ad Drax were brought back.
  7. Honestly it was DnA who pretty much intended Rich to be either dead or off the table for a good long while. If anything it was more stupid on Marvel's part to bring Thanos and Quil back so quickly, especially with them being too lazy to explain how, you know despite the fact that there was a written in with Peter having a damn cosmic cube with a charge or two left at the end of Thanos Imperative.
  8. Finished DnA's cosmic run in Marvel. Realm of Kings was interesting in that it wasn't so much as an actual event as it was build to the real event in Thanos Imperative. The one introducing the Cancerverse was cool. Realm of Kings: Inhumans was a nice follow up to War of Kings with the Inhuman Royal family trying to deal with the fallout of black Bolt's death and attempts to further establish their rule of the Kree. This was pretty solid. I dug what DnA did with Medusa. She really hardened herself up and went to a pretty dark place to stay in power. I also enjoyed the relationship with Crystal and Ronan moving further along with both showing true feelings for each other. Realm of Kings: Imperial Guard gave some good insight into the actual Imperial Guard, making them feel like real characters which outside of Gladiator you saw little of beforehand. I dug it a good deal. Nova: Realm of Kings was good fun with the introduction of Philo and Rich getting a little adventure in with Darkhawk. It ends at an awkward place though with Thanos Imperative literally just beginning at the end of its last issue. Guardian of the Galaxy: Realm of Kings is probably the highlight of the RoK arcs. We see the Guardians battling the UCT, a decent surprise with the dead Guardians not being quite so dead, and the return of Thanos. Good reads all around. I dug how all of these stories managed to be a bit of their own thing with the tail end of each mini/arc further building to the big event in Thanos Imperative. Thanos Imperative was awesome. I recall seeing mixed feelings when it was going on a few years ago, but I loved this. It felt big with the amount of action going on throughout and the involvement of the Marvel Universe's cosmic beings. Dug the hell out of Thanos' role in the battle and how they actually manage to win the whole. Have to say though the ending with Rich and Quill's sacrifice is damn telegraphed though good. The epilogue issue with Cosmo forming the Annihilators is a nice addition. I particularly thought it worked well with Peter's sacrifice and the admittance of the GotG's faults. Annihilators mini was decent though nothing special. Wasn't the biggest fan of Ikon though I did like her inappropriate flirting with Quasar, especially with how much it threw the man off every time. The other story focusing on Rocket's Raccoon's origin wasn't too bad. I found Annihilators: Earthfall more satisfying than its predecessor. The interactions with the Avengers was good. I liked the involvement of the Magus and UCT. I dug the argument of ideals when discussing differing levels of global and galactic threat, and overall, I just found it a much more fun read. even the back-ups with Rocket Raccoon and Groot did more for me this time around due to its shorter length and general dealing with Mojo. Solid read. Just a few comments to add. Was disappointed to see the Starjammers down to two crew members duirng Imperial Guard. I actually liked Rachel, Polaris, Havok, and Korvus as members and was disappointed to see all of them gone. I'm not sure why they didn't at least have Korvus and Hepzibah return. I really want to know what DnA had against Phyla-Vel at the end. They seemingly went out of their way to make her look bad and went through the trouble of actually killing her off three times. It just seemed unnecessarily mean spirited to what had been a solid character up until they made her Death's avatar. It annoys me as I liked her character. The growth of the Raptors' numbers was interesting and I really would have liked to have seen a proper follow up on that. It made it all the more disappointing with the Darkhawk being benched during Thanos Imperative. The lack of follow up on the rest of the Guardians was another disappointment. It was great seeing Groot and Rocket again, but I really would have liked to have seen what Mantis, Bug, Moondragon, Jack Flag, & Major Victory were up to. Honestly as nice an idea of the Annihilators were I really would have preferred seeing Rocket lead another incarnation of the GotG adding Quasar and Darkhawk to the mix. DnA taking out the Nova force with Rich seemed like another unnecessary element, especially with Philo and the character who made of the rest of the Nova Corps. There was plenty of interesting things to build on their. All my complaints aside I've enjoyed DnA's run. They built up a very interesting universe with Marvel that only ever got touched upon so much beforehand and brought many characters to new heights. I only wish Marvel would have been a little smarter in diving back into this area.
  9. Unfortunately I had a hard time getting past the soap opera dialogue and goofy characters in the first season. The show's version of Deadshot was pretty cool though. The show's version of Deadshot is one of the few things I actually hate about about the show. Considering Luthor is likely to be in the film it could actually be his assistant/bodyguard Mercy Graves.
  10. Been reading the War of Kings event the last week. Dug Road to War of Kings. The Secret Invasion issue setting everything up was cool. I liked the idea of the Inhumans taking control of their destiny and no longer choosing to hide. Them taking over a Kree Empire in need of leadership was nice and was a good call back to their roots. The Kingbreaker mini focusing on the Starjammers was damn good. I liked how it continued to build on Vulcan's character and the feud with Havok. The ending with Havok getting supercharged and and be willing to commit kamikaze to take Vulcan out was pretty awesome. The actual War of Kings mini was pretty good. I liked how much of it was from Gladiator and Crystal's perspectives. I also liked the relationships built and what it did for many of the characters themselves in terms of moving forward. The ending climax between Vulcan and Black Bolt was fantastic. It was just an awesome fight with some great drama, especially with how it finally ended. Wasn't fond of Lilandra dying, especially with how it occurred, but I can see the point of it considering the direction they want to take with the Shi'ar and Gladiator. I was also disappointed with how the Havok was used. He was very much a background character with his feud with Vulcan never getting properly settled or really pushed much here. I also thought Rachel got a bit of the short stick here with her vengeance on one of the Shi'ar Death Commandos very much being an afterthought. The epilogue leading to Gladiator becoming leader was solid. War of Kings: Darkhawk and War of Kings: Ascension were both interesting reads. I wasn't too familiar with the character beforehand, but I thought WoK: Dakhawk did a solid job introducing and giving a rundown of history and character while introducing new elements to it all. WoK: Ascension did a good job following things up and leading to something interesting new direction wise for the character. They weren't great, but I thought both minis were pretty solid reads that gave insight on a smaller but important subplot in War of Kings while leaving me wanting to read more of Darkhawk. Savage World of Skaar was decent, but a completely unnecessary addition that did nothing to enhance any of the plots in War of Kings. The War of Kings: Warriors were nice little additions with the further insight they gave to several character characters. I read the bulk of War of Kings via a hardcover collecting most of it (no Road to, Nova, or GotG). I have to say that I do wish they did a better job of ordering the stories. It starts you off with the Secret Invasion issue again before throwing you off into the main conflict. It made it just a bit annoying pretty much all of the minis yo read after take place before the main story. Nova: War of Kings. I dug how it tied in with the main event and thought it was a stronger story than the tie-in with Annihilation Conquest. It was great seeing things with Worldmind settled, and I liked where it ended with the Corps still around but smaller and gradually building themselves up as it should be done. I dug the interactions between Richard and Blastaar. It was nice seeing Rich use his head to manipulate things in his favor. Loved seeing Richard's brother really proving himself and getting to stay in the Corps. Good read. Guardians of the Galaxy Books 1 & 2. Book 1 did well building to War of Kings while focusing on the Guardians separate adventures. I liked that Heather was saved and what Phyla sacrificed to ultimately save her. The 42 story focused on Peter and Jack Flag was damn fun. Unfamiliar with Flag, but I liked his character and how he interacted with Quill. Also dug how Rocket was running things with such a smaller powered crew and the reveal of the Badoon trying to become power players after Rocket and co. thought so little of them. Book 2 was where the meat of the action was and shit really went down. The Guardian failed spectacularly to stop the War of Kings, and we got several deaths from trying to stop the fallout with the Fault. I loved Peter in co. traveling through various GotG futures. It was especially neat to see the old team members and see hints of bigger things for Jack Flag. I did find Phyla to be strangely out of character here even with what DnA planned to do with her. It made her later deaths even more disappointing since I really liked her beforehand in Annihilation Conquest and the first half of GotG. Speaking of deaths I have to admit it was much seeing so many fall in such rapid succession with the return of the Magus. I dug the finals scenes and the general storyline, but was damn disappointed to see so many lost. I'm not sure it was the best course of action if I'm being honest. Phyla was made to look bad before she died, and I felt Vance's death was just a tad on the lazy side with there being no option to return him to his proper time. All that said, I dug the overall story and volume. It was pretty good read with the group suffering some real loss. Should be finished with the rest of DnA Marvel cosmic sometime within the next week.
  11. Read Bruce Wayne: Murderer? This was an interesting one. The point they start at is a decent intro to try to catch you up just a bit since the volume skips a good year's worth of issues from the last volume (Officer Down). That said, it is still a bit to take in as you have people constantly going on about Bruce's mental state w/o giving any points of reference for why they think he is capable of murder. It particularly feels a bit nonsensical with Barbara and Tim entertaining the the possibility of it over since they should know him enough to realize even if Bruce snapped it would be a criminal biting it. It was honestly a bad bit of writing that hurt the overall story they were trying to tell. Moving away from that bit of plot though the rest is a pretty solid read. I like how everyone tries to help Bruce out, how much of an emotional toll the whole situation takes on Bruce, and I dug poor Sasha Bordeaux who was stuck in such hard and awkward situation herself. I'm actually lookingforward to seeing how things play out in Fugitive. Also read Batgirl: Fists of Fury. Outside of a tie-in with the Murderer/Fugitive story this volume is pretty much all about building up Cassandra's relationship with Stephanie. I liked the dynamic the two have together, particularly because you can see that Steph has a begrudging respect for Cassandra that annoys Steph but also makes her want to be acknowledged by Cassandra. Overall its nothing amazing, but it was a fun read.
  12. You do know they have had that for a long while now, right? You also could have used their actual website or hulu.
  13. I thought the pilot was decent. Definitely needs some polishing, but there is good room for growth with pretty much all involved.
  14. I'm disappointed Go won though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since Doering went over Suwama to get even that far. I'm actually sort of looking forward to Go vs. Akebono. Go has been great at bumping around for people, and made Akebono and Hama look real good on their tag titles match back in June. If anyone could get a good singles match out of Akebono it would be him.
  15. There definitely some changes. Wouldn't say any of them are bad though, just changed up to reflect the times a little better. Honestly the worst thing about the New 52 Vertigo is pretty much his design.
  16. Haven't read Deadshot. Don't know Vertigo's original origin story, but the new one is decent enough, about what you would expect from the current version of GA. What sounds incredibly off putting to me is what I've heard about the Harley one shot. Its pretty much made me give up on Kindt's Suicide Squad run before it even started.
  17. How many of those guys looked as bad as Mistico? How long did it take them to adjust?
  18. Outside of the shitty lighting I feel more or less that all of Mistico's failure to become something in WWE is on him. He just never really adjusted. For all the talk of WWE failing to give him guys who could play base for him people seem to forget Rey Mysterio and various other high flyers in WWE never had the same amount of problems adjusting.
  19. I've been reading them, but I have mostly stuck to ones either related to series I was already reading or that are building into the Forever Evil Minis. So far I have read Relic, Cheetah, Darkseid, Two-Face, Riddler, Dial E, Black Manta, Cyborg Superman, Trigon, Zod, Solomon Grundy, & Count Vertigo. So far the worst issue I've read has been Solomon Grundy which was not so much bad as feeling like it was a whole lot of nothing. Everything else has been decent at worst with several of them being relatively good (Relic, Two-Face, Darkseid). Its been decent all in all so far. There are some solid origin stories and cool one shots.
  20. Read World Without a Superman. The stuff with Cadmus trying to steal Clark's body didn't do much for me, and I don't care for the Underworld stuff at all. That said, all the emotional drama with everyone trying to deal with the loss of Superman was pretty great. The JLA doing Clark's Christmas wish fulfillment was nice and did a good job finishing up another smaller plot within the Death of Superman arc. Lois unable to properly grieve due to how few knew Clark was Superman was particularly heartbreaking. Jonathon Kent's journey in limbo to save Clark was fantastic. It really does well in building towards the end where mysterious heroics have been done all around Metropolis leading one to wonder if Clark is back. Great read all overall even with some of the stuff I wasn't too fond of.
  21. What is the next worthwhile X-men story I should check out after Fall of the Mutants?
  22. Read the first three volumes of Cassandra Cain's run as Batgirl. It was interesting. I thought they kind of screwed up the bit with how Cassandra perceived language as she clearly understood people fine in NML even if she herself couldn't speak, and body language can only tell so much. Then they also cheated to get rid of their retcon. The writing on Bruce is also pretty off. He is way closer to Cassandra than he was during NML to the point to where he is blinding himself to the obvious in that she killed someone as a child. Bruce wasn't exactly acting to close to anyone during NML so it makes no sense as to why he is this close to Cassandra who herself during that period was close to only JPV (who is of course never used or referenced) and Barbara. Its made worse by the reality that there is no way in hell Bruce would hold that against her to the point that he would lie to himself as she was clearly brainwashed back then. It made him come off a bit childish in several instances. I'm also not digging Damian Scott's art which is pretty much a copy of Scott McDaniel's. It faces the same problem McDaniel's art did in that it is way too cartoonish. The atmosphere it creates doesn't really work for much of the stories Puckett was trying to tell. The exaggerated cartoon style makes it hard to take much of the drama seriously. Complaints aside I actually don't dislike the series. Cassandra Cain is pretty likable, and I do like the relationship with Barbara and even Bruce despite the fact that it doesn't make much sense. I dug the general running plot with Lady Shiva as well though the series does kill a bit of Shiva's mystique. I also like the complicated feelings David Cain clearly has in the background. I'm a bit disappointed as the series doesn't really measure up to the quality people praised it with just reading various comments in the past, but its still a good enough that I'll probably continue despite my problems with it.
  23. I figured as much which disappoints me just a bit as it feels like he should have been a way bigger villain in comics than he actually is.
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