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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. I see a Himeki Arita debuted for AJPW today against Natsumi Maki. Did AJPW train her or is she from somewhere else?
  2. Yeah this is disappoints me somehow despite liking both.
  3. Eivion


    To be fair it wasn't from a lack of trying in Zabre's case.
  4. A lot of that feels like what we more or less already knew after they killed Andromeda's DLC which is basically that Anthem will decide if Bioware lives or dies.
  5. I believe it was. Honestly I like it as a finisher more than the Helluvakick. Together though they made the perfect finishing combo. Also why the hell isn't Fashion Files still coming on SDL anymore? That segment was so much more entertaining than 90% of the show, and that is from someone who liked the show.
  6. I dug the matches though the main event just made me all the more disappointed the RR match isn't just Sami vs. AJ.
  7. I do so enjoy Sami trying to corrupt Becky while Becky is tries to make Sami good again. How have the actual matches been so far? I've not checked them out yet.
  8. Eivion


    But I enjoyed Dar/Alicia, especially when Dar went full scummy PoS when he dumped her. Really though they probably can't hit that high point again. Aren't there already plans in the works to run smaller buildings or was that just for tours?
  9. Yeah, their general policy is suspension until someone is charged which means he has either been charged, about to be charged. or he maybe quit/did something else to piss them off on top of this.
  10. I enjoyed though there is at least one season that is mostly filler and the newest season was unfortunately rushed.
  11. That was about what I expected with nothing super interesting happening. The first hour was decent enough. I don't recall Gallows and Anderson approaching anything resembling a great match in WWE and never heard about them doing so in Japan.
  12. Yeah I enjoyed VI, but I didn't recall it managing a memorable story at all.
  13. If I recall correctly Kurt isn't actually alive. Heaven just won't take him back since he chose to leave.
  14. I enjoyed parts of it, but I would have rather them not fully use the League of Assassins. It was always going to come across a bit too inferior ripping story directly from Batman for Arrow.
  15. ^I thought I recalled Illyana being fully restored a while back. Isn't Nightcrawler more a case of being only a soul?
  16. Still don't recall enjoying any of them. The face/heel dynamic i don't think ever really settled with neither really coming across well during that feud. I think the eventual tag matches with them vs. the Bellas were better. Also I forgot to mention but I would take the LMS match with Cross over Asuka's matches with Bayley. The Bayley matches were kind of odd in that they were good, but never really felt like they hit quite what they were going for. I honestly prefer Asuka matches with Nia and Mickie over the Bayley matches even if I might say the Bayley matches were technically better. None of them really touch the stuff with Cross and Moon. Really though the Bayley/Asuka matches we need are creepy clown face paint Asuka vs. Bayley.
  17. I think Nia's best matches were definitely with Sasha. No one bumps around for her as well or seems to make her feel so comfortable letting go a bit. Alexa's best match is either that first match with Sasha or the match against Asuka from New Year's Day. Never thought much of Paige/Emma and none of the Paige/AJ matches were good. Paige's best match was probably a tag match with PCB.
  18. I would love to see Vader Down animated or something. Its basically an extended version of that Rogue One scene with poor rebels just getting slaughtered left and right because they think they can actually take Vader when he is alone.
  19. I'm pretty sure she got all of her soul back a while ago.
  20. I care. The Winter Soldier stuff was great. They just did a poor job following it second season and then switching over to the Inhuman stuff which no sane person wanted.
  21. Funny, it feels that way for me on the PS4 side.
  22. There is. RIPPA should be able to invite you. Half of the Destiny players here are XBL.
  23. That is a pity. The current books are actually good, at least up to the point I'm at. I just finished Superman Reborn and Vol. 4 of Action Comics and Superman.
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