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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. That is damn shame about Super Sons. I really dug the first volume.
  2. Oh I trust in Aaron's writing. I just don't really have an interest in Reyes.
  3. I have zero interest in Robbie Reyes, but otherwise that doesn't seem like a bad team. Isn't the current No Surrender story line supposed to be bringing Bruce back? I'm curious why its Jen instead of him though I don't mind. I assume the lineup is supposed to match up to some degree with the 1,000,000 BC Avengers. Makes me even more annoyed they killed Starbrand.
  4. By all accounts of those who saw her on NXT house shows she was usually rather good there. I can't think those accounts were total bs. Perhaps live tv is throwing her off.
  5. I miss when he actually punched people though I get why he stopped.
  6. Seth/Cena in the gauntlet was fantastic. Loved Cena more or less playing heel during it.
  7. Interesting, I thought it was just a tag team going of the taping spoilers. Kind of odd they are already changing out Lacey's character. Still this might work better for her.
  8. The SDL tag division has been good. Other than that the booking has odd and/or bad.
  9. Read Detective Comics #972, #973, and Annual #1. Fall of the Batmen was good, but I'm kinds of pissed off at the ending since that is basically the type of thing that will put Kate on the shit list for life. I can't even say it was bad since it was something they were building to in this and her own book, and it actually was a strong ending. I just hate the likely end results of it. On the other hand the retold origin of Basil in the annual was pretty great.
  10. I like them having more time to build stuff which thinking about how iffy the writing can be in general I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing now.
  11. I'm happy they are back to one ppv a month. Still hate them doing dual branded ppvs regularly.
  12. Just came back from Black Panther. Thought it was good. Have to concur about the villain deaths.
  13. That is a damn shame to hear. Hope she can get the treatment she needs soon.
  14. Eivion


    205Live is such a weird thing since Vince was the one who wanted to be a show after being impressed by the CWC while HHH was originally just wanting to do an annual WWE sponsored Super J Cup.
  15. Dunne/Strong was good as expected. Ember/Baszler was a little disappointing with how short it was.
  16. Eivion


    That seems unlikely given the video package for Murphy and Rush's newness to NXT.
  17. Corbin working face and having the crowd behind him just felt odd. Still the match was solid, and I'm happy he won. Charlotte/Logan was kind of rough though I liked the last few minutes. That was probably best Natural Selection I can recall. I continue to dig Gable/Shelton going after comedy teams.
  18. Probably not. The news he reported then was more or less said in 2016 after BvS' failure and Johns' rose in position. We pretty much knew a year and half ago JL was going to be Snyder's last DC film.
  19. Well are they behind just because, or could they potentially be behind to make things match up with whatever the DC universe is supposed to look like by the time the story ends?
  20. Really? Considering his size and presence I thought he was the one who had the brightest future as long a she was half decent, and he is so much more now. I'm trying to recall, but I think he accredited the feud with Roman for helping him improve.
  21. Hate the idea of them going back to co-brand ppvs. The current setup works so much better for separate brands and making the bigger shows feel special.
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