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Everything posted by HumanChessgame

  1. A reminder that this happened, and it had nothing to do with Vince Russo or latter-day WCW.
  2. * Lawler & Nova vs. John Cena & Sean O’Haire, OVW 6/28/2002 This is almost WAR-like in randomness. Any word if that new Jericho dvd is any good? Apparently he tells stories in between matches, though I'm wondering how sanitized they'll be.
  3. I don't think Particle Man gets his due as a worker. Dude could bump like nobody's business and did the plucky, underdog face going against the oversize stable of heels better than Ziggler did at Survivor Series.
  4. They've really had the law of diminishing returns with Undertaker at WM over the past few years. As hokey as the setup for his match with HHH was, at least he was around and somewhat actively promoting it for a few months before the actual event. With the Punk match, announced Taker would be at Raw and saying/doing something when Punk called him out. Then last year there was pretty much no mention of Taker until Brock called him out. This year there's even less mention of him or speculation on what he might be doing, then Bray decides to call him out.
  5. So they're officially going with Sting's motivation for showing up is that he wants revenge for WCW dying 14 years ago, and he holds HHH (was he even at the top of the card at that point?) responsible? Last week when HHH "fired" Booker, I thought for a second Booker was going to go into his "Tell me you did not just say that!" and we'd get a HHH/Booker match, which honestly I'd care about more than the Sting angle. Bray was tremendous in his in-ring segment. I'm actually kind of interested in that match now. Is the battle royale just going to be the guys from Superstars and whatnot? Right now it looks like there are more guys booked for the IC ladder match and it seems they're going with a 4 way tag titles match. I'm all for the guys getting a WM payday out of it, but when the matches get that big and clusterfucky, it kind of takes away from the drama and intensity of a one on one encounter and the story behind it. Wasn't that Wiz (who looked like a black Dolph Ziggler) guy supposed to be a hometown hero or something? The crowd seemed pretty dead.
  6. How did someone as mediocre as Billy Gunn get a spot as one of the head trainers?
  7. Not the same thing AT ALL. I can't even believe you would mention that in the same post. Regardless, the guy spent close to 20 years making the name "CM Punk" mean something. He cracked his skull for that name. He spent the prime of his life on the road for that name. He threw away relationships and family members for that name. He's not an actor who plays a different role every couple of years, he spent his name sacrificing for the name "CM Punk". You damn right it's disrespectful. Someone else brought it up in another thread, but calling him by his real name would be like calling Charlie Sheen "Carlos" or some other celebrity by their non-stage name. How rude it might actually be is up to how offended the individual is, but Punk getting upset about the situation had more to do with the fan bugging him while he was trying to buy a hot dog more than anything else. This stems to the larger issue of people thinking they have some entitlement to infringe on celebrities' private lives and that they should drop everything to acknowledge a fan. Had the guy approached him in a similar manner when he wasn't preoccupied with something else, Punk might have had a less negative reaction.
  8. The stapler. Dusty don't staple no papers. He thought it was a Pez dispenser. "Hey darlin', get Shaska in mah office, baby. His machine ain't giving me no candies." I'm now imagining Bill Lumberg trying to take Dusty's stapler and getting a bionic elbow for his efforts.
  9. Just have Cena re-do Apollo Creed's entrance from Rocky 4 (only have someone non-dead perform instead of James Brown) and Russev do Drago's entrance from the Rocky bout, complete with massive painting of his face taking up half the arena.
  10. I remember seeing those pics in one of the wrestling magazines way back then. To this day even watching the video it amazes me no one died. I remembered seeing that pic and reading about the match in a magazine, then years later got a comp tape with that match on it. Here's the full thing - Speaking of absurd fire matches from that era-
  11. I loved Weeds at first, but it just went to crap after about season 3 or so. I kept trying to stick with it, but once they moved into that other city and Nancy got involved with the Mexican politician guy it got even worse. Around season 5 I just gave up. For a whole season or two, some friends and I would get together every Monday night to watch 24. After the season following the movie it just started to bore me. I can't explain why exactly, but just remember loosing my enthusiasm part way through that season. A few weeks ago I binge watched that new season and it was decent, but not enough to get me back into it.
  12. Edge and Christian were another case of the sum being better than the parts. Christian was a good worker solo but is one of those guys that I could never bring myself to care about.
  13. I hope Barrett goes down and sells getting covered by Little Jimmy for the pin.
  14. Give him a gimmick as a sinister barista called Cup-a-Joe. /I'll see myself out.
  15. Did the WWE ever have an interst in any bigger name Japanese guys, or was that considered the realm of WCW in the 90s? Tenryu was in the Rumble one year and Shinzaki and Ultimo had those brief runs, plus Kaientai and a few lower card guys. I was wondering if they'd ever considered bringing in someone like Liger, especially post-WCW?
  16. I rarely if ever paid attention to WWE save for a few big events between 04 and 10 or so. Most of the reason was people like Cena, Orton and Edge, who completely weren't appealing to me as key players being the main faces of the company. Are things that significantly worse now than they were then? Granted they had guys like Eddy, Benoit, and Rey working full time and more leeway in how un-PG things could be, but based on what stuff I've seen from that era on the network it doesn't seem to be that much worse. This could be personal preference, but I thought Cena was terrible up until just a few years ago when he seemed to come into his own without having to be carried by someone significantly better. Reigns isn't that much older now than Cena was in his formative years, so I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility he couldn't get to that level.
  17. edit: nevermind, same thing was already posted in the movies thread
  18. There's an abridged (what the hell is the point of an abridged book?) audio book of Have a Nice Day read by Foley himself. The abridged part is bad enough, but he also censors all of the swear words. It's like watching an R rated movie on network tv that had all the good parts cut out. Not saying that book doesn't have a lot of great content that isn't not safe for younger readers, but it was so distracting that it totally brought down the story.
  19. That was a decent pre-Wrestlemania go-home episode of Raw. Usos/Brass Ring Club was good but could have been better. I'll try and look forward to the Mania rematch but it's pretty obvious Rikishi is going to accompany them to the ring and dance with them after they win the belts back. Cena/Russev was what it was but Russev looked like a million bucks there. I was expecting some kind of fuck finish so it ending the way it did made sense. The next few weeks of Serious Cena promos about how he let down his fans, country, etc and has to reach down and Overcome The Odds at Wrestlemania are going to be insufferable though. Speaking of boring promo segments, a heel faction spending half the show talking shit about Sting only for him to not say anything in return then come out of nowhere to hit a move and then dash off was boring as hell in the 90s and it's going to be boring as hell once again, only there will be no other wrestling show to change the channel to. Main event started slow but got really good towards the end. Reigns has a ways to go, but he's nowhere near as bad as people say he is.
  20. I thought the biggest Oscar snub was Gyllenal not being nominated for Nightcrawler.
  21. The three investigators is a series of juvenile/young adult detective novels (similar to but less popular than Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys) and one of the three titular characters is named Jupiter Jones. When I saw that post I thought they had made another movie based off those books.
  22. Maybe Abby can give him some tips? So I don't follow TNA at all really. Has Joe had any decent matches in there in the past 5 years or so?
  23. I wonder whose cornflakes Rowan pissed in. It's too bad, he was really improving for a while. Count me in on them re-uniting the Wyatts.
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