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Tarheel Moneghetti

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Everything posted by Tarheel Moneghetti

  1. I think Superior Spider-Man was an outstanding run and his ASM run as a whole had a lot of high points - particularly early on - but i don't think of Slott as a good/great writer. IMO, he's a fairly average writer who built his rep on one good book and one outstanding pitch. I can't think of another book by Slott that i particularly like and putting his name on a book doesn't get me to pay any extra attention to the title, much less buy it. I probably will give the new book a shot, less for Slott and more for Bagley. i'm also interested in the Spider-verse stuff and Morlun. The early part of Slott's ASM run was fun even when I thought the writing was average, It really seemed like Slott ran out of ideas post-Superior and was probably burnt out.
  2. FYI: The patch is out. Playing Cuphead again now that the dlc is finally out. I'd like to believe this will be the time that I finally finish the game, but my playthroughs the past few nights strongly indicate I am deluding myself.
  3. I felt this way too during the brief period I had Slott's Iron Man and FF runs on my pull list.
  4. I like The Gobert trade quite a bit, but I still did a spit take when I read they gave up four first-round picks for him. i dunno how you get fair value for Durant if that’s the measuring stick. Maybe just give Brooklyn the Central Division and a franchise to be named later?
  5. Jeff Hardy is pleading innocent to the dui charge, so anyone who was expecting him to admit he needs help and take responsibility, well, fooled again.
  6. Lol, even KD has has enough of Kyrie's bullshit. Someone asked me at lunch what I thought the Lakers should do with Westbrook. I dunno. How many mad scientists live in LA? I feel like the best solution would be to find someone with a working mind-control raygun and use it on Russell before he signs the paperwork that makes his $47 mil option official. I'm usually all for athletes getting every cent of bad contracts that owners stupidly agree to, but not in this case
  7. I haven’t heard that name in 20 years, lol. Not coincidentally, I haven’t bought an album or cd by anyone not named Springsteen in at least 20 years, never was into rap, metal, etc. yeah, I feel old now. If anyone needs me, I’ll be over in the corner decaying further.
  8. No idea who that is. I’d guess Kevin Owens, but the beard is too well-groomed.
  9. I guess this was a bit? I en’t believe for a second that a Kingston dresses that well in real life. Maybe for church.
  10. Fwiw, Metlzer says they could bring MJF back to tv any time they feel like it, so he seems to think it’s an angle.
  11. Bulldog and the Boogs sounds like an NBC show from the 80’s. If they had put it on after Knight Rider and cast Gil Gerard as Boogs, it would have been ratings gold.
  12. From what I've read, people familiar with the NFL's case think it's not as strong as league hopes it is. Apparently, NFL was only able to talk to five of the women. Rest refused to cooperate (guessing they had already signed nda's or were afraid to jeopardize civil settlement?). So, yeah, one-year seems reasonable to me from a pragmatic standpoint. If it's an indefinite suspension, you can at least sweat him with the idea it might be longer. Given lack of precedent and the fact that the NFLPA is backing Watson strongly and pushing for a much shorter ban, anything longer than one year seems likely to provoke a court fight. More interested in what the Browns do if he'd suspended for a year. Try to make up with Baker? I don't see that going well, but it might be their best option.
  13. Please make this happen. I don't believe for a second that adding Kyrie to the mix will get LA a title, but they'll be insanely entertaining for the 51 games the new Big 3 keep in together. And then Kyrie will pitch a fit about penguins or whatever else is more important to him than basketball that week, AD will go down on yet another floor and maybe shatter into 12 pieces this time, and Lebron will decide he's had enough of his team and somehow decide he didn't have a hand in bringing these players to town. The only thing more interesting than watching Lebron-Kyrie-AD play together will be watching them implode. Actually, I want Kyrie traded to the '92 Bulls. It would be fascinating to watch hyper-competitive MJ deal with Irving when he (KI) starts doing his i-was-put-here-for-greater-things-than-basketball routine midseason.
  14. It will be an interesting week if the rumors of a Nintendo Direct and Sony State of Play are true. Annapurna Interactive Showcase tomorrow. I'm down with most of what they do, so I'm curious to see what they have to announce.
  15. Oops. Hadn’t heard that. Guess I almost put my foot in my mouth on that one.
  16. Does Tony Atlas have a foot fetish or something that I am unaware of?
  17. Decided to order Forbidden Door so I am watching this week's tv. Christian promo really shocked me. I didn't feel like they'd go there even after involving the mother and sister last week. Apparently, the Perry family has carny roots. Who knew. Surprised (but not surprised) there isn't more blowback from that promo. Vince would catch holy fire from the Internet if he had a heel invoke the name of someone's dead dad.
  18. I bought VI, but I'm a console gamer. Really want 4-6 on Switch or PlayStation.
  19. Lol, I actually do not. I have practically stopped watching wrestling entirely. When I do put WWE or AEW on, it's background noise and I get bored and check out fairly easily (case in point: I turned off AEW this week after Orange Cassidy showed up). I haven't watched a full episode of Raw or Dynamite in at least nine months. At this point, my only wrestling involvement is posting here and sporadically watching Meltzer's Youtube channel. I'm more fascinated by the business side of wrestling at the moment. I find WWE's corporate model fascinating. Vince has taken the company public and made it incredibly profitable, but still runs a lot of it like it's a small-time mom-and-pop operation. Been posting here a lot this week out of Covid-induced boredom, but now I'm regretting that, I've been taking potshots at Vince too, but the truth is, I have some sympathy for him. It's a mess of his own making, but it may force him into retirement. Vince has never seemed like someone who wanted to retire, stay home with Linda & the grandkids, etc. I imagine it will be hard for him if he's forced out. I definitely think there's a hivemind mentality here, fwiw. I don't find the group to be particularly welcoming to new members. Anyway, logging out now. May come back tomorrow. May stay gone. If I don't log back in, take care.
  20. I played Arch Rivals about a month ago and it definitely fits the description. For some reasons, my mechanic put an Arch Rivals cabinet in his waiting area. No other arcade games, so it seems a little out of place. I fed a few quarters in while i waited for them to finish up my car.
  21. @Dolfan in NYC Oops. I didn't make that clear. It's not a work matter. Just idle gossip. The woman in question does not work in our firm or even our field. No professional contact whatsoever. It's just office gossip because we think the guy is an idiot and his hilariously bad, possibly inappropriate attempts to win her over amuse a few people. He's probably being annoying more than creepy (I hope) so I think the worst case scenario will be she slaps him and tells him off, but he's kinda arrogant when it comes to his social life and his looks, so a small part of me is hoping it ends with a temporary restraining order with his name on it. Wouldn't ruin my day. Not my problem and he didn't ask my opinion.
  22. Lol, this came up at work recently because a department manager is pursuing someone "playing hard to get" -his words, not mine - with... erm..... mixed results. General feeling of the office is that she's more likely to think you're a stalker. Or worse, you'll pursue her, get into a relationship, and the "hard to get" thing will be a harbinger of the mind games you'll be dealing with for the next 30 years.
  23. Man, I'm not a console WARRIOR by any means (I quite like all three and don't have a favorite), but Square Enix apparently pretending Xbox doesn't exist is still funny. Teasing a FF VIII Remake port at yesterday's anniversary event, then announcing that... erm.... the Steam port would go on sale today was some hilarious trolling. Still no confirmed Xbox port. Oh, and Part II, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, is a PS exclusive launching this coming winter. Squeenix is on a roll. Forgone and Valkyrie Elysium are probably the two games I'm looking forward to most this year (God of War, Bayonetta, TLOU remake round out top 5). Hope they port the FF 4-6 remasters to console. Especially VI.
  24. Since he's addressing the audience in character, I'm guessing he's not going to address the scandal directly. I'm hoping he just says he's stepping back and attributes it to age, health, passing the torch, etc. Of course, it's Vince, so who knows what he will say when they hand him a live mic? I feel like this is his idea, not his lawyer's. I don't see a whole lot to gain here. The average fan probably isn't nearly as interested in the boardroom antics as some of us. Some of the audience probably isn't aware of the scandal. I have no idea what to expect tonight. He'll probably say something approved by legal and sanitized accordingly, but it's Vince so who knows. VKM dreaming up something bonkers insane would not surprise me either. Hobo army? Sure, why not. Evil plot dreamed up by Billionaire Ted and his brother from another mother Tony Khan? Works for me. Vince asserting his innocence and blaming the whole thing on his evil twin brother, Vance McMahon? Sir, I like the cut of your jib. . Interesting times, as they say. How so. Has Stephanie been accused of something that I am unaware of? For that matter, Vince hasn't been charged with anything that would require him being removed from his position. The board of directors obviously didn't have to remove while the investigation was ongoing (else they would have done it in April). It's basically a PR move to reassure investors that the company takes the allegations seriously and is prepared to move forward with or without Vince.
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