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Everything posted by DeathyBoy

  1. Great to see so much Bates vs Dunne love. Mindblowing match. Watched it five times and I still bite on the near falls. For my money it's up there with the all time best matches.
  2. He has to be fired by Monday. WWE pushed the "he overcame a shitty upbringing" mandate hard with Swann, and after this they may as well cut their losses. Just have Gulak do a PowerPoint presentation on how he's the deserving no 1 contender.
  3. Benoit vs Sullivan was a feud that happened years too soon for mainstream wrestling. Like that shit was Attitude Era as fuck. Guy steals another guys wife but is the babyface because he's facing off with a cult leader and his gang of monsters... And Benoit vs Meng being a mini feud as part of that... the pop when Benoit finally beat Meng was ridiculous. For all their faults, WCW booked some stuff perfectly.
  4. The whole video isn't worth posting, but during The Invasion there's a backstage scene where Regal catches sight of Big Shiw's penis and makes the most ridiculously awe-struck expression. Literally the funniest thing I've seen in wrestling. Regal deserves HOF just for that.
  5. Oh so hyped it's back. S1 is easily my favourite Marvel show.
  6. Hot take - there's no bad Batman performance. It's the greatest superhero role because the character can literally be anything or played any way.
  7. 2018 CW crossover. 2017 was Goddamn hype. Literally gave everyone something awesome to do. That's ridiculous. And the pay off to the Legends absence in the last episode was amazing
  8. Bloody Hell. That card in two weeks is a Network special good.
  9. Not even Thawne knows. But I'd guess that the Anti Speed Force needs him alive and keeps bringing him back.
  10. Vince: So you get a hardway from Brock. But your reward is you turn heel and pretend to join the Wyatt Family. But you win the Rumble. Then Bray wins the gold. But you give your title shot away. Then you get it back. And then you burn down Bray's house. You beat him for the gold at Mania, but then Rusev beats you. Orton: Rusev? Vince: You're right. Jinder it is.
  11. Enzo is number one. Braun is two. Braun destroys Enzo. Z-train try to save Enzo. Enzo hides during chaos. Rumble ensued. Reigns has won. Enzo reappears. Sneak Throws Braun out. Next night Enzo sells the Rumble win to Seth Rollins. Reveal Rollins reformed Shield for the merchandise rights. Reigns, Braun and Dean confront Rollins... Authors of Pain debut and fuck everyone up. Rollins is the Architect of The Authors of Pain.
  12. I guarantee you Vince leveraged something from Jericho over this. Jericho trying to sell Vince as being utterly benevolent on this is so carny it hurts. Bet you Jericho comes out to the Wrestlemania theme.
  13. Bray is an entrance at this point. If you take that away, he's done.
  14. I just don't get how you boo the guy at this point. He's just so damn likeable.
  15. Yeah, why would Rusev go to Japan? This isn't like Ziggler or Ryder when they can do one thing well and milk it. Rusev has jumped gimmicks and lost his mouth piece Lana and was thrown into a poor gimmick... and him and English got it over by being awesome. Rusev and English are the heirs to The New Day. And I want a Happy Rusev Day t-shirt.
  16. I mean he's method as fuck, pulling a DDL in getting into the role of a roidy foreign heel.
  17. I for one like the idea this is taking advantage of WWE having better production values. TNA Broken Matt was literally Matt producing his own shit on his own dime. Let the WWE pay for it now.
  18. This just... I mean the dude is a mega heel who incorporates how much he loves his family into his character. What sort of asshole would try messing with his home life?
  19. The best part is I can see Broken Matt working in any scenario. Like him interacting with The Fashion Police...
  20. Because I don't think the role he's in is set up for five star classics. He's the cocky heel who hides behind cheap wins.
  21. Hyped. Wonder if covering people who are demoted is gonna be a thing for them.
  22. That's because Miz may get cheered for a fiery promo, but in ring he does nothing to get cheered for. Easier to boo him than a guy like AJ who is literally the best and just can't get boos as a heel because he's too good. It's Ric Flair syndrome - at a certain point you can't boo one of the best wrestlers in the world. I'm sure Jinder could do better matches, but then he'd be cheered.
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