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Everything posted by quackhell

  1. This reminded me of Moore and Chad Collyer engaging in a Best of Seven series in the HWA. That was a staggering display of perfectly serviceable and utterly uncompelling matches.
  2. Nikki needs to make an appearance on that Purge TV show or her own WWE horror movie. She is a terrifying ball of crazy and it is fantastic. Enjoyed Evans/LeRae. I think Evans is coming along fine and really dug the finish of LeRae getting fired up and losing her cool(which plays into Gargano's story as well) and getting KO'd. Evans really put over being in a fight after getting pummeled in the corner with the disheveled hair and smeared lipstick. Speaking of fights the EC3/Sullivan match was quite the slaughter. I agree that EC3 has a better chance as a heel and on the main roster. He tried to bring it here, but fired up righteous babyface just doesn't seem to be his natural wheelhouse. Lars continues to look pretty great and bumps and sells well for a monster. Forgotten Sons with a solid squash. I want to see them throw down with Lorcan/Burch aka "Justa Coupla Blokes" so they can just beat the crap out of each other. Gargano/Nese was fine and it was fun to watch Nese do his thing in front of a more appreciative crowd, but I agree that it was a bit more of a GYSI showcase than a furthering of Gargano's story.
  3. I really hope they book Meiko's loss to Storm(ugh) or whomever well because it should take three run-ins, belt shots, powder, brass knucks, hot coffee, stun gun, and pulling the tights with feet on the ropes to realistically beat her.
  4. While the mini-Triple H look is all right for Dean, I would much rather have gotten Cotton Candy Angsty Ambrose instead.
  5. I hope Almas doesn't get put in the position of "guy who has great matches but jobs a lot" that Cesaro seemed locked into for awhile. He has so much potential and with Vega the promo/language barrier shouldn't really be there. Basically I just want to see him in 20 plus minute matches near the top of PPVs regularly.
  6. Yeah if they are going to do a chop the ring post spot Kay should probably then focus on the hand on offense and Kim should sell it harder. They tried to make it a story on commentary but it just wasn't there in the ring. That said both that match and Jinny/Storm really benefited from matching up women with history with each other and produced two really good matches. Jinny threw herself back with that German viciously. Good stuff. Kaitlyn vs Devi was a little rough and made more awkward by Cole gushing about Kaitlyn like a smitten schoolboy. Karen Q/Xia Li was fun and Li showed a lot of improvement and really brought some fire. Q is a great smug heel and that dynamic worked well.
  7. The Jimmy Havoc/Will Ospreay 2 out of 3 falls No DQ match from Chapter 75 was quite the spectacle for those who like that sort of thing. A bit too much for sure, but I like when a match plays so heavenly into history to tell a story.
  8. Noted. I think Ohno being the indy darling litmus test is a solid role for him to take as a player/coach type to help newcomers adapt to the style. The Riddle program should be a lot of fun.
  9. I much preferred Ciampa's theme being the boos and jeers of the fans. While I could see a double turn happening I really don't want it. Ciampa is so good at being a despicable bastard and he needs to get his comeuppance as a heel. Nikki Cross is too good for the main roster. I dread her call up, but maybe just maybe they won't screw it up. Narrator: They totally screw it up.
  10. Count me in on wanting to see Reina destroy Catanzaro post match, it would have just generated more support for Kacy as an underdog for the rest of the tourney. That Storm Cradle Driver by Mercedes on Rayne was nasty business and probably needed to be a finish as opposed and early transition spot. Overall a dip in quality from the first episode for sure.
  11. It was all smiles during photo op, but once the match started those kids got slaughtered.
  12. I just hope if Otis gets put in the comedy role he can veer more towards New Day type success rather than Fashion Police type irrelevance. Also now I really want to see Dozovic vs Big E.
  13. If he keeps that gimmick Vince is going to push him to the moon on the main roster. "Ha-Ha he's talking about poop pal!! HA-HA-HA!!"
  14. All these hidden spoilers are so tempting. Must resist...must resist.
  15. Dunne/Gibson was a nasty scrap. The visual of a bloodied mouth Dunne just barely surviving to hold onto his title was great.
  16. I can't picture Anvil throwing a TV at someone without imagining him stroking his beard and laughing maniacally right afterward.
  17. If the Alestair Black mystery doesn't end with Regal in a smoking jacket gathering all the suspects to the drawing room to reveal the culprit I will be disappointed.
  18. You guys have covered everything so well I can't really add anything. Except to say I love how Shibata had his wrists taped up...ya know, just in case.
  19. Pretty sure that comparison broke my brain for a few seconds. Vampiro gotta Vampiro I guess.
  20. Well with Indiana Mundo and the Temple of the Reptile Tribe LU may have jumped the shark on their filmed vignettes.
  21. Naito is cooler, but man the Rainmaker can be a seriously smooth MFer.
  22. That has a lot of potential as a hoss fight. I hope they don't spam the strike exchanges though as I thought that really hurt Drake's match with Keith Lee.
  23. Can we get some kind of exchange between NJPW and WWE to send Gulak over to teach SANADA how to apply it properly? WWE can get Tama Tonga so Reigns can spear him into oblivion and end this sad sad twitter trolling.
  24. That poor pizza guy got stiffed on his tip AND sent to Lucha Hell. Yeesh, rough night.
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