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Everything posted by Zimbra

  1. I watched Hardcore Pawn once and saw a guy pawn his prosthetic leg and a woman pawn her microwave for $15. Then I just had to turn off the TV and be sad for a while.
  2. Thanks, Raz. Murdoch's big torso/small legs thing definitely got worse as he got older. He was looking distinctly Humpty Dumptyish in this match. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention Snuka taking a totally nonsensical over the top bump (off of a chop!) and apparently smacking his head on the apron after the match had already ended.
  3. Ugh, Embiid is going to a specialist in LA and word is that his back is more seriously hurt than they've let on. This KU team is toast without him.
  4. If you're in or near Evanston I recommend the Prairie Moon Cafe. I was there a couple of weeks ago and they had an awesome selection of local and national crafts on tap. I tried Lagunitas Sucks IPA this weekend, and it's pretty damn good. It's overhopped but not overpowering.
  5. I started watching this but fell asleep right before Anderson/Windham. I enjoyed the legends stuff much more than I thought I would. Murdoch potatoing the fuck out of everyone in the six-man was a real highlight. As was elderly Baron Von Raschke looking even more like a goddamn mutant. The legends' interviews were kind of fun, especially fat Assassin and Ox Baker. Seeing Benoit doing some basic heel stuff was a little strange, but I liked the team with Eaton. Bagwell and Scorpio clearly spent more time planning out their high fives than they did the match. Bockwinkel/Funk was kind of fun as a throwback piece, and Bock's hair was glorious. What's the story with Steamboat & Douglas wrestling under masks? Also, wikipedia says it was Zenk under the mask as his partner rather than Douglas, do I believe them or the announcers? Based on the way he moved I could definitely buy it being the Z-Man.
  6. Rough loss for Bradley tonight. Milton Doyle is definitely a baller.
  7. I generally hate playing with other people, so my MMO experience is limited to the Ultima Online beta and a month of Eve Online. I realized Eve would probably eat my life if I let it, so I quit. I do like playing Neptune's Pride every once in a while, but that plays more like a board game to me, with the added frisson of backstabbing and dickery.
  8. Happy Birthday to basically the nicest person on the internet. Hope you have a great day.
  9. These are gag shows, right? Right?
  10. Simon & James, being unusually cuddly.
  11. Chris Smith got waived by his D-League team today. I can't even come up with a joke here.
  12. I'm at a point where I've knocked off all the forts, upgraded my ship as much as I can without the elite plans, and cleared out most of the locations. But I don't want to continue the main story because the next mission is one of those endlessly tedious eavesdropping jobs. It'd be nice if after 6 games they could learn to get out of their own way and focus on the things that make the game entertaining.
  13. The fake Guttenburg in 5 is total bullshit.
  14. You have to give Woodson some of the blame for the Knicks this year. His lineups and defensive schemes have been pretty atrocious.
  15. Bobcats waive Ben Gordon past the deadline where a playoff team could sign him. That is A+ passive-aggressiveness.
  16. Ni No Kuni looks great, but I have 0 desire to ever play another non-portable JRPG. That being said: why the hell isn't Dragon Quest 8 a PS2 Classic by now?
  17. Is there any rational explanation for Mike Woodson still being employed?
  18. Views, newsletter, etc... Not sure I understand what you mean? Sorry, I forget that not everyone speaks entirely in Simpsons quotes.
  19. Dude, I know this is the dream game thread, but let's try to keep it somewhat realistic. Views, newsletter, etc...
  20. I think they'd like to, but how do you enforce that in practice?
  21. Dragon's Crown is so, so good you guys. It's the world's best Capcom brawler with mind-blowing art. I'll be sinking so much time into this.
  22. Not strictly NBA related, but.... I can't tell if this is totally brilliant, totally stupid, a carny scam, or all 3.
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