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Everything posted by Execproducer

  1. My ultimate take is that Walt couldn't have given two fucks about the drug trade in New Mexico or Lyda's and Todd's involvement in it. He may even have not deduced the fact that the Aryans had taken it over. At his lowest moment, when his son had completely rejected him, the Charlie Rose bit, far from pissing him off, gave him a way to complete his ultimate goals. (1) Secure his family's future. (2) Avenge Hank (Which, if I remember correctly, he had talked about hiring hitmen with Saul while they were in Max Cherry's protection.) and (3) get his final resolution with Jesse.
  2. http://cdn.mtlblog.com/uploads/2013/09/15-dead-nazis.gif For when you absolutely, positively have to kill every mother fucker in the room.
  3. While that is true (though she never said that Lydia sent them) Walt had already retrieved the ricin and it was clearly meant for her. Still, Elsalvajeloco has persuaded me with sound reasoning that Walt was properly motivated.
  4. You can't really trust someone like Lydia. If Walt kills her cook Todd (and by proxy Jesse), then she probably would get mad enough to hire people to kill Walt's whole family if she found out. She had the Nazis get rid of Declan, and he didn't really need to be killed. He just had a shitty meth setup and refuse to let her barge in. She was pretty fucking ruthless.This is a little more reasonable though I doubt her dealings were much on his radar after he 'retired'.
  5. He turned his business over to them so he could get out. He trained Todd. I seriously doubt his intention was that Todd would suck at cooking meth.
  6. The one false note for me is why does Walt risk exposure twice to kill Lydia? He doesn't have anything to gain by doing so and they were never directly in conflict. The first time he was going to poison her , she was merely another loose end like Mike's men, and then they went into business. Fugitive Walt doesn't have any reason to kill her. Just feels like she deserves to die, so we'll have Walt do it. Still, Best Series Ever. Finale just a notch below The Shield.
  7. As I recall, Paco suffered from a misstep or two. You're doing a fantastic job.
  8. Not looking to fuck anything up here, but this was my #50. So, either the points are wrong or you missed a vote. Oh God Dammit - I didn't miss a vote I just had the movie double listed . So the good news for fans of this movie... it's gonna reshow up a lot higher. And I motherfucking double checked for duplicates like 9 times. Stupid movies with multiple names. Grr... now I am pissed at myself I'll accept part of the blame because that is the way IMDB has it listed... but I refuse to acknowledge that stupid ass dubbed, altered version .
  9. Not looking to fuck anything up here, but this was my #50. So, either the points are wrong or you missed a vote.
  10. I'm now hazy on that conversation but wasn't his whole point that they had lost the crowd because it wasn't the match they wanted and Volador and La Sombra were trying to kill themselves to prove they belonged there? Having that opinion doesn't necessarily make him a hypocrite.
  11. "Now is the winter of our discontent...."
  12. It's a cop show. It begins and ends with the police. Everything else is background and sub-plot. Major parts of it aren't even about crime. They're about decaying institutions that are too big to fail, but too ham-strung by their need to make the numbers work to be effective in their roles. But the motor of the show is the police investigation of a criminal enterprise and the parts of The Wire that stray furthest from that are generally the least appreciated of the series. It's a cop show. And there is nothing wrong with that.
  13. That is like saying Justified isn't a cop show, it's a show about messy relationships.
  14. No, it's a cop show. It's a police procedural and probably the finest of its kind. It is also awesome.
  15. Maybe because hardly anyone ever pulls off a good transformation scene?
  16. No arguement there, but that was a decade ago. How many hundreds of zombie movies, books, and comics since? The zombie thing is way past overdone.
  17. It doesn't feel anything like horror to me. Hell, they're doing zombie romcoms now. I'm all for a 10-year zombie break so it can mean something again.
  18. I just scored this poster for my living room wall. That and The Devil's Rain sounds like a good double bill.
  19. Excellent. So me, Jingus, and who else? Right here.
  20. Borat. Wrestling scene. I've never heard an entire theater lose their minds like that.
  21. This was in my top 30 on every draft, but somehow didn't make it to my final ballot.
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