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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. I get the impression the Bloodbound Warriors, Kongo and guys like that are an elaborate rib, just Delirious fucking with ROH fans by finding the most "non-ROH" guys he can. Kongo was like if 80s indy wrestling was made sentient and took human form. He would have been right at home underneath Tom Brandi vs King Kaluha. Was Rasta the Voodoo Mon unavailable?
  2. I watch in on my PC and my Android phone, primarily, and I can't recall that ever working. I'll double check, though. Thanks for letting me know, maybe.
  3. I'd rather they fix the timer bar so it works like YouTube's, so I can easily get back to where I left off on shows. Or better yet, have it remember where I left off and also let me "add" shows I want to remember to watch. Kind of like Netflix, right? I mean if they want to be "the Netflix of wrestling" or whatever their tagline was, having similar functionality would be a good start.
  4. I think I'm going to watch Deliver Us From Evil this weekend. It's the one based on the supposedly true memoirs of a cop who helps out with exorcisms and hauntings. I don't have high hopes. I tried to read the book it was based on but gave up maybe 50 pages in because the cop was just entirely too religious. Half the time, it felt like I was reading a sermon. Also, as I read, I realized that there are only 3 possible explanations for any of this: It's all absolutely true and the supernatural is 100% real The cop and his priest friends are just crazy people, and they are "helping" other crazy people who suffer from the same delusion (that mental illness is really possession and that bumps in the night are demonic infestations) The whole thing is just made up While I'd love to believe #1, I just can't. So that left 2 & 3, both of which made reading about it all seem like a waste of time. I'm hoping the creators of the film take enough artistic license to just use the book as a jumping off point and do their own thing. Eric Bana is in it and he's pretty good, so I'll hope for the best. On a side note: twice this weekend, my cable guide had Halloween II (1981) listed and both times, when I selected it, it was the Rob Zombie version.
  5. This week in the Dan Buys Indian Friends saga: Snyder had the president of the Navajo Nation in the owner's box yesterday. Quite a get. Except, this president is a lame duck who is leaving in disgrace come January after being voted out in a landslide due to widespread corruption and assholery. The incoming president does not share the outgoing one's views on Dan's team. Snyder looking up at the monitors to make sure they're on camera. That's probably a check from Dan in Chief Lame Duck's pocket.
  6. Maybe she's smart enough to realize what a scam Komen is.
  7. Negan will show up in the TV show eventually. Apparently, Kevin Durand has been approached about playing him.
  8. I assumed it was supposed to be Negan. I should have just Googled it...Robert Kirkman said it wasn't. It was supposed to be the guy with the tattoos on his face that Rick and his group later freed, but the lighting was such that it was hard to tell.
  9. http://deathvalleydriver.com/forum/index.php?/topic/779-the-walking-dead/page-16 (not being a smartass)
  10. It's in my queue but I haven't watched it yet. Is it worth it?
  11. Great first episode. Completely went against expectations blowing off Terminus instead of dragging it out for 7 episodes and Rick and his crew are becoming absolutely ruthless. Comic readers: was the guy in the train car at the end, who dragged a woman out of the car in the flashback, supposed to be Negan?
  12. According to Rocky Johnson, Murdoch could also teach Fergal how to work under a hood.
  13. So two shows I hate-watched last season, Under the Dome and Extant, have been renewed. Not sure how I feel about that yet.
  14. Exactly. He ends up burning the bridge for every company he ever works for because, I guess, he's always right and eventually he can't fight the need to tell everyone else just how wrong they are. When you tell the same kind of story about every single ex-employer, maybe the problem is you.
  15. Exactly. Whenever I start to side with Cornette on anything, I remember that Matt Morgan is a future Mania main evener and the chick with the mole on her face is the next Sunny.
  16. No, it's just that your shit is tiresome, adds nothing, and is a waste of time. Please ignore me. I'm begging you.
  17. This guy is just a dude you happen to disagree with regularly but somehow can't resist replying to. I made a stalker joke because, holy fuck, I get more replies from you than anyone. And it's always assholish replies. If you have such a massive issue with seemingly everything I post that you can't resist being a colossal prick, please put me on ignore and fuck off, it's not hard, you big fucking baby. Christ.
  18. Must've been during their 2-3 match stint in WWF when they were managed by David Wolff
  19. Do you follow me from thread to thread to post snarky gifs? That's twice in two days and I'm starting to get worried. I don't like you that way, man. I know DLC bitching is passe but come on. Look at something like GTA4, where the DLC packs were $20 each, 1/3 the cost of the game, and each was a completely new story with new characters and maybe half as long as the original game. Look at the expansion for Red Dead Redemption, which was only $10 and completely changed the game. Charging $25 for a bunch of characters (some just reskins) and moves that could have easily been put in the game is a shameful cash grab.
  20. He doesn't really live in her basement, does he? (what's sad is that it's entirely plausible)
  21. Yeah, they should treat it like a part time job. We've all had a shitty part time job that makes demands as if it's full time.
  22. Nah, your indignance is still pretty justified. Roughly half the price of a game on top of what you've already paid is fucking insane for DLC unless that DLC radically changes the game itself. $25 for season pass would be fine if there were new storylines or modes, but here, all you get is a bunch of characters they intentionally leave out of the game so they can charge you later. Nice racket.
  23. Hmm. I know it takes a long ass time to download and I've accidentally closed Firefox while downloading in, causing a truncated show. Aside from that, I haven't had that problem.
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