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John from Cincinnati

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Everything posted by John from Cincinnati

  1. There's a The Good Place podcast. First episode is up with Mike Schur hosted by the soothing voice of Marc Evan Jackson. Lots of interesting insight for fans of the show.
  2. I will say that in the back half of Arrested Development, when things start coming together, it got a few more laughs out of me.
  3. That brings me to another issue I have. Jeffrey Wright is probably the best actor in the show. But he's also the most married to the broken timeline stuff because Bernard's brain is fucked. So the most talented member of the cast spends most of his time looking confused and making boring "where am I, when am I, what's happening" faces.
  4. This makes sense. I don't think you want Han to get any deeper into Maul's shit, because you don't want to undercut his skepticism about the Force in ANH.
  5. It's a brief cameo presumably (presumed by myself) designed to set up a sequel that has to have no chance of being made. Saw it. Thought it was about average. I liked Lando and his droid. The guy who played Han was decent. Pretty forgettable stuff overall.
  6. Guys with super modern tech and training working for a company that’s invested untold billions in this versus a bunch of people who essentially just walked out of the mid-1800s. There’s no excuse for things being so one-sided in favour of the hosts.
  7. Once again, the show doesn't work unless 99% of the humans are dumb as rocks. When do the real security guys get here?
  8. That's why I find it so interesting. I love when someone gets hotshot into a top spot. Even if the match isn't great, it's a fresh match and you know the guy's motivated.
  9. His price tag for the chicken salad recipe is bigger than his payoffs.
  10. Even for season one, I'd say Legion is probably one of the all-time great examples of style over substance in television.
  11. Isn’t Sonya Deville dating Seth’s Nazi ex? Probably depends on the talent and the level of awareness the crazy got, but I’m guessing there’s no firing in this scenario.
  12. I’m pretty sure I have a DVD where that exact triple threat match ruled in 2003 or thereabouts. I really need to organize my physical media.
  13. @HumanChessgame I feel the whole series is pretty consistent in terms of pace and tone. So while I feel the whole series is worth checking out, what you saw was probably not unrepresentative of the show as a whole. Though it's been a couple years since I saw those early episodes, so take my words with a grain of salt.
  14. Some are projecting Solo's second weekend to be between $25-27 million.
  15. In other news about FX shows that I feel like I'm the only person watching, Legion has been renewed for a third season. I love FX so, so much.
  16. "I sure do swear a lot." This can't be the CM Punk I'm thinking of. Invisible microphone CM Punk? No... I don't believe it...
  17. I actually loved how they handled that.
  18. I know nobody here is watching, but The Americans had a pitch perfect series finale this week. Two days later and I still can't stop thinking about it. I'm sure you'll all enjoy it when you watch it in a couple years.
  19. I didn't say all I'm finding are assholes. Just that assholes are prevalent to such an extreme that I find the negatives of social media vastly outweigh the positives. You may see it as an indictment of my beliefs. Alternatively, I suspect I have a low bar for what qualifies one as an asshole.
  20. Hold them accountable, sure. But assholes give other assholes solace that it’s okay to be an asshole. And social media has definitely made it easier to find other assholes. It’s definitely poured gas on a problem we’ve always had.
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