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Everything posted by BrianS81177

  1. Michael Clark Duncan as Kingpin was the only good thing about that movie. I seriously can't wrap my head around this line of thinking. Who gives a shit if Nick Fury was historically drawn as white? Samuel L. Jackson is fucking awesome. The only thing that upset me about Idris Elba playing Heimdall is that I would have preferred to see him get a bigger role. Because Idris Elba is fucking awesome. I couldn't care less about the skin color, gender identity or sexual preference of the actor playing a comic character. I just want them to be a good actor.
  2. I quite honestly would be fine with not seeing Punk again. The formula with him got old quick. Young guy with some buzz behind his name is announced as Punk's opponent. They have a 20 minute back and forth match. Punk hits the GTS and wins. Rinse, repeat. No thanks.
  3. Maki would be such a big star in the states if she worked AEW full time.
  4. Considering the last couple seasons of AHS have been among it's worst, I do not have high hopes.
  5. Yeah it sucks that every time Silas has been used on AEW TV he is treated like a local no-name. I enjoyed his old school "last real man" stuff he did in ROH, and I feel like that gimmick could easily work in AEW. Just guessing, but I think what they were going for is that after the Hook match, the Firm no longer has control over making matches for Hardy/PP and can no longer ban them from using moves, fine them, etc. In storyline, The Firm still owns the contracts though so they would be getting a cut of whatever earnings Hardy/PP get (which is what the 8 man tag would be for I assume). It kinda makes Matt look like a chump, since he could have just put a clause to attain total freedom in Page's contract for the Hook match. Which has always bugged the hell out of me. You'd think an opponent would hear Roman shout "OOOH AAAHHH" at the top of his lungs and think "Hey, he always does that right before his finishing move - I better get out of the way". The one that really bugged me was HBK stomping on the mat for like 2 minutes before doing the Sweet Chin Music.
  6. Nick Wayne will make his debut on Dynamite in July on the first show after his 18th birthday.
  7. And if he doesn't want to stop working, fine. There must be other things you can do with him. AEW/ROH has such a massive roster with so many wrestlers that most fans probably don't know much about. Let JR host a weekly spotlight show on Youtube talking about a different member of the roster each week.
  8. I try not to bag on JR too much but man oh man was he bad tonight. Calling the Twist of Fate (a move he has seen how many hundereds of times) a DDT? It seemed like he was only half paying attention to the matches.
  9. Hopefully they'll go back to putting the shows on Youtube so I can watch them again.
  10. That's awesome! Hobbs was here a few months back for a Defy show. Sadly I was unable to go, but I heard a few people who did go (and got to meet him) that he's a super nice guy. Which of course is why he's such an excellent heel.
  11. Didn't Butch have some kind of major health scare around the time they went into the HOF?
  12. Huh. I don't remember any of that. Guess I was wrong.
  13. Maybe I'm misremembering but it always seemed like Kea was *this* close to becoming a full fledged main event level player in All Japan but they just never pulled the trigger.
  14. He appealed and got it reduced to 4
  15. Scorpio. I know he held the tag titles a couple of times in NOAH and briefly held that hardcore title thing they had but it never really felt like he was made to be a credible threat in the singles division. NWO Sting/Super J. He was a solid enough worker to last 6 years in New Japan but never even got a run with the tag titles (especially during the Team 2000 stuff - seems like he and Chono would have been decent tag champs). Johnny Smith. He was in All Japan for, what like 15 years? And he only held the All Asia tag belts a couple times. I think maybe he held the tag titles once too. But he never really seemed like he was an "important" gaijin compared to the treatment that guys like Mike Barton, The Patriot and Johnny Ace got around the same time.
  16. Ugh. Can this be the last of both Bully and Dreamer? I've got no desire to watch them try to still do stuff they were doing 25 years ago
  17. "You there, boy! What day is today" "Today, sir? Why today is Wickmas Day!!" Merry Wickmas to everyone. Enjoy watching Keanu pile up the bodies.
  18. I don't care how much they want, give AAA whatever amount of money they ask for so you can have Vikingo full time in AEW.
  19. With Shazam tanking it makes me wonder if they won't just shelve Aquaman 2 and get a tax credit for it like they did with Batgirl.
  20. Does the WWE game annoyingly change camera angles every 10 seconds like the real life counterpart?
  21. Nice! I'm always happy to see Taya (and not just because of the reason everyone thinks - I actually do enjoy her work lol). Hopefully she can get Rosemary to come over whenever her Impact contract is up.
  22. Have they said if Taya is signed yet, or is she just in long enough to get fed to Jade? Either way I'm happy to see her get a shot on a big stage, I've always enjoyed her (especially anything and everything she's done with Rosemary)
  23. Lance Reddick was so fucking awesome in everything he did. Oz, the John Wicks, Fringe, The Wire.... hell he was the only redeeming thing about that otherwise awful Resident Evil series Netflix put out last year. What a shame. Only 60 too. Dude should have been able to keep acting another 15 years at least.
  24. Are there any other podcasts out there similar to My World, Grilling JR, etc that focus on a specific show or angle each week? Specifically stuff from the 80s and 90s. Currently on Pandora I'm listening to My World, Grilling JR, 83 Weeks, Foley is Pod, Something to Wrestle, and the Snake Pit.
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