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Everything posted by Shane

  1. Found some of my old stash of NES games in the attic. I'd been hunting them down after getting the Retron 5 for Christmas. Started playing Crystalis. Was intending to just check to see that it worked, but I'll be damned if I didn't sit there and play for nearly an hour. Not a game I see brought up a lot, but probably a top five NES game for me. First I've played it in years. Alas, I haven't found the box with Tecmo Wrestling in it just yet. That's the game I've actively been looking for. Also discovered that my Final Fantasy cart had somehow gotten crushed. I'd hoped that it was just the outer shell, but the Retron won't load it, popping up some sort of ROM dump error.
  2. So, they added a Jimmy Snuka collection today. The only thing that I don't remember popping up is a match versus Shawn Michaels. Can't imagine that that's "new" footage, though. Just not a match I'd seen personally. There's also a segment from Confidential that made me realize that I'd completely forgotten about the existence of that show.
  3. Apropos of absolutely nothing, as I've been hanging out this weekend, catching up on Giant Bomb content and watching a ton of the Games Done Quick streams from this past week, I realized that I now spend *way* more time watching other people play video games than I do playing them myself. Not even sure why that is (other than my primary console being at my girlfriend's house and not available several days a week). Some of the AGDQ stuff is worth a watch. Really enjoyed the Vice City run. The speedrun community finds some really interesting ways to break games.
  4. This is as close as one can get to an Ole Anderson glamour shot. Look at that luxurious face of hair! I wonder if I'm the first person to ever type the phrase Ole Anderson glamour shot?
  5. After watching the Giant Bomb crew play Overcooked, my girlfriend decided that she wanted to give it a go. Probably the best couch coop game I've played in several console generations. We tried to go into each level with a plan for maximum efficiency, but it invariably fell apart and chaos reigned. There were several points where we had to restart levels just because we were laughing so hard. It remains to be seen if we'll still be having fun when we have to grind extra stars from past levels to unlock gated levels, but so far it's an absolute blast.
  6. Got a Retron 5 for Christmas. Had to dig through my closet to find my old Genesis games, but I have the sense that tomorrow will be spent playing all the finest sports games the early 90s had to offer. Looking forward to trying every major SNES game ever, as I never owned one. Just wondering how much the carts I'd want would cost? May be cheaper to just buy the GBA versions of some of the RPGs. Also got Watch Dogs 2, so that's next on my plate after I finish Mafia 3. Despite the mixed reviews on Mafia, I'm loving it. It is stupidly easy at times, but I'm having tons of fun with every combat situation I find myself in.
  7. I've only played a demo kiosk version, but it seems amazing. I don't know if I've ever played another rhythm game that I'd describe as feeling "violent," but man, when your slamming into curves it just looks, sounds and feels VICIOUS. Can't imagine what it's like in VR.
  8. My girlfriend has probably put close to 150 hours into Stardew Valley. She will be thrilled to hear this.
  9. Picked up what I guess is a preview of Amazon's Monday deal. PS4 Uncharted bundle with a $50 Amazon gift card for 249.99. It's for my niece (and certainly concludes holiday shopping for her), but in an effort to be kind, of course I'll have to open it up to run updates and install games. If I accidentally happen to play through Uncharted before Christmas, well...what could be done? Am I correct in assuming that if I register it as my console, I can add an account for her, which would then be able to access all of my PS+ stuff? I don't have a PS4 myself, but I do have a PS+ sub and "purchase" the PS4 games each month. Then, if I get one, I can register it as her console, but I'd still have access to the PS+ content when I'm logged in? Trying to give her a wider variety of stuff to play while getting use out that portion of the PS+ content that currently goes unused by me...
  10. Why is there seemingly so little footage from St. Louis out there? I can go onto YouTube and watch a ton of Memphis, or Portland, or Texas, orold WWF/NWA tv or a bunch of other promotions, but there's next to nothing from Wrestling At the Chase. I know Sam Munchnick used to sell some footage. Is that all there is? It's one of the promotions I've seen next to nothing of, so I'd love to dive in to whatever is out there.
  11. The Titanfall 2 campaign is great. Well...for a FPS campaign, I guess. That's not meant to damn with faint praise, either. It also goes off in some directions that I didn't expect at all. I'm only halfway through, but I genuinely have no idea what to expect next. That I'll likely beat it in a 24 hour Redbox rental sorta makes it even better. I may have aged out of FPS multiplayer, so I don't know that I really need to buy them anymore.
  12. I think Molly Holly has done two episodes. Or at least I'm remembering her being on twice.
  13. Doom is pretty rad, but I was having a lot of trouble with it at first. Was trying to play it like a normal, modern FPS and I was failing miserably at it. When I finally started playing it like original Doom and circle strafing around the big arenas, things started going a lot better. I I love the mechanic of Glory Kills for health and using ye olde chainsaw to pick up ammo. It's a constant balancing act, but they throw so many enemies at you in a typical encounter that it feels doable no matter how hectic it gets...
  14. I'm suddenly swimming in new games. Borrowed MADDEN '17 from work today. I ate lunch in the mall and ended up buying myself Doom. Then I got home and found that, after a legendarily shitty week, my girlfriend had gotten me Mafia III to help me relax this weekend. Since I know she's interested in the story of Mafia, I'll mess around with Madden and especially Doom first. She'll just have to miss out on what I'm sure is some heavily nuanced storytelling in that one.
  15. Saboteur was a great game. I liked that game so much I 100%'ed, actually.
  16. Finished (at 100%) Rise of the Tomb Raider. Overall, I may have liked it even more than the first of the reboot series. I still wish that there was less of a focus on combat and more on the puzzle-y tomb raiding part of the game, but the combat feels so good that I can't fault them for cramming so much of it in there. Collectibles didn't feel too grindy, so getting the 100% was pretty fun. No idea what I'll start next. I'm looking forward to Mafia III, but have also been jonesing to play Doom. That doesn't even take my backlog of unfinished stuff into account.
  17. A shame you don't know anyone in the business who could turn it into reality.
  18. Until today, I'd forgotten that the Truth Commission had a manager before Jackyl/Cyrus. The Commandant. Not sure what else he did. I'd also forgotten about Tank, who I believe was Mantaur under a hood.
  19. On Xbox One, at least, there's a new trial/demo of NBA2K17 called, "The Prelude." You can create your player and run through his college career, I guess. Progress carries over to the game proper. Notably, it has its own 1000GS. 15 GB download, FWIW.
  20. Some California Championship Wrestling from '86 popped up on my YouTube feed this evening. Knowing nothing at all about it, I've settled in to give it a watch. There's an interview with a guy named "Junior Maivia." Based on look alone, I can't imagine that he's even met Peter Maivia, then yet is actually related to him. This show has had such luminaries as Steel Gladiator, Beartrap Smith, and Magic. Only names I've been familiar with are Rocky Johnson and Jimmy Snuka. There's a match featuring someone named Eva Savage (billed as Ripper Savage's sister). I'm not sure I've ever seen someone looking less trained on television. She can barely run the ropes and takes a snapmare bump pretty much face first... Edit: Can't figure out why the formatting on this is all jacked up. Weird.
  21. Album cover I came across today. Tracklist: 1. Ali Bombaye 2. Rolling Sobat 3. Power Hall 4. Dragon Suplex 5. J 6. Soul of a Champion
  22. Just skimmed the name at first and parsed it as The Headhunters. Was trying to figure out when they would have been on SD, then remembered that they actually were in the company in...97, I think? Was it for more than one appearance? How'd Cornette wind up managing them?
  23. Finished up Arkham Knight, save for the last few Azrael missions. Moving on to Rise of the Tomb Raider. Loved the first game and so far, this seems to be living up to it. I forgot how stressful some of the climbing can be. The camera shots they choose to feature definitely serve that game well in terms of building tension.
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