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Craig H

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Everything posted by Craig H

  1. Is it not that he's playing "drunken master"? It's not? Oh Heh, that would be an awesome gimmick. Just to make sure I'm not imagining things, I went back to watch some of Ambrose's work in the Shield and it's just night and day to what he's doing now. People have compared him to a modern Mick Foley, which I suppose makes more and more sense. The only problem is, he has a really athletic build, so when you see him move so sluggishly, it's really jarring. I think if he cut back on the silly shit, like the rebound clothesline (saving that for bigger matches), and went back to some of the Joker-ish craziness, it would be fine. As it is, he's trying so hard to be "unorthodox" that comes off as forced.
  2. Michael B. Jordan is awesome. Looking at his career, it's weird to see that I've seen so many things he's been in, his one-off appearances on TV shows not included. Friday Night Lights was what really made me a fan of his.
  3. Watchman? Fun? Oooooook. And yeah, Preacher likely works best on HBO, but HBO has already passed and the next best options are AMC or FX. Given the final season of Sons of Anarchy, FX is probably the better destination of the two, but I also think that last season of SoA was allowed to be so grossly violent because it was the last season of a successful show. I'm still cautiously optimistic and if it fails, then the book is finally closed on making Preacher happen in movie or tv series form and everyone can just move on. Not sure why, but Preacher makes me think of the Dark Tower, and of the two, I think it's far more important that the Dark Tower succeeds.
  4. I always took it as Boyega just relentlessly trolling Harrison Ford and doing a good job of it.
  5. The first time around, I thought it was Ren being conflicted, but on second viewing, Ren saw it as an opportunity. He talks to Vader's helmet, asking for help and guidance in resisting the pull to the light. Snoke questions Ren on his devotion to the dark side. So when Han confronts Ren, opportunity is basically knocking. Ren tactfully lures his dad in by getting him close enough to run him through without dealing with Chewie because you know as soon as he sees Han, he likely senses Chewie and the others. Killing his father is taking that last step, crossing the point of no return to the dark side, and it proves to himself that he can totally resist the pull to the light side of the force.
  6. I mean, they wonder why viewership is down. It's because not one of these assholes, Roman Reigns and if they're not careful, Brock Lesnar, are anything special or worth watching. Why would you even bother liking any of these dorks when they always look weak as shit or you can't trust that someone is actually strong based on one or two shows. In this case, Kalisto just looks like someone who got lucky, but isn't really any good. The total lack of any sense of history this company has, which is goddamn ironic considering the WWE Network is RIGHT THERE, is frustrating. Jesus, even go back and look at the feud between 1-2-3 Kid and Razor Ramon. Many of us knew 1-2-3 Kid could go, whether if you saw him wrestle elsewhere or his matches in WWE, namely the match against Bret Hart, but really, he was a jobber until the Razor Ramon feud made him. There's shitloads of examples for the writing and booking staff to borrow from and their total reluctance to re-use any past storyline is insane considering that the likely biggest movie of all time, is as close to a re-make of an earlier entry in that series as you can get.
  7. Craig H

    The X-Files

    I'm excited. I had a very unusual start to watching X-Files. It aired on Fridays for a time and I was always out doing stuff on Friday nights. For whatever reason, I was home one Friday night and decided to watch. It was Jose Chungs from Outer Space. I became an instant fan.
  8. The most NSFW of thread titles. If I could add the video, I would add the one of Jason impaling a stupid teenager with a road sign.
  9. Hey! I also use Alton's turkey brine recipe for Thanksgiving and everyone loved it too.
  10. Apparently, I should NEVER get invested in any wrestler because WWE never fails to cut them off at the knees. This fucking promotion... You know, I loved the Tito Santana and Greg Valentine feud and Tito didn't wrestle Valentine every fucking Superstars, Challenge, and Prime Time, they fucking didn't trade wins and they both made each other look better despite the total absence of modern 50/50 booking.
  11. Some of us thought the same about the Heyman interview on the post-Royal Rumble snowed in Raw from last year, like he was building to turning on Lesnar. I think Heyman just likes to push people's buttons.
  12. Once again, as a reminder, toss your concept of heels and faces out of the window when it comes to the Divas. They're all booked and written as being crazy so it's just as likely Charlotte will have 4 turns and wind up as a face by then.
  13. The Hosnia system was mentioned. Not only that, but then you once again get into information overload where for most people, it's going to be confusing or distracting when the very basic thing you need to know is that the General Hux just destroyed the New Republic in one fell swoop, along with obliterating four other planets for shits and giggles. If you want to know the exact specifics, there are places for that, just like there was with the original trilogy. You also referenced how Alderaan was mentioned repeatedly. It was because Darth Vader forced Leia to watch it's destruction, it was Leia's home planet, her adopted family lived there, and it was seen as THE base of the Rebel Alliance. Of course it would be mentioned by name, on a few occasions, because of everything involved with it. With TFA, what you needed to know was that Starkiller Base was going to wipe out the New Republic from the galaxy by blowing up it's leaders and other planets in the Hosnia System. Mentioning the planets by name in this scenario is a near pointless exercise. Shit, I still hear or see people not even know what planet the Death Star blew up. You're going to have to venture out to get those additional little nerd morsels, which if you care at all, you were going to do anyway. I mean, I've yet to see what the added benefit would be for saying which planets were obliterated, what was on those planets, that the New Republic leadership wasn't located on Coruscant or Chandrila, or that the leadership bounced around to the home planet of the person elected leader. As I mentioned earlier, you get to one of the big problems with the prequels where you have massive info dumps that drag everything down when it could be summarized better or when other outlets exist to receive those same details.
  14. Sure thing. Just keep in mind that this is only what my friend heard and he is not a Double Fine employee. I know better to ask questions, so I'm guessing this is just coming from chatter about upcoming releases, info from a meeting, or my friend speaking with someone from Double Fine. I also have no idea how it will perform.
  15. It's funny because it's true. In fact, most of that guy's parody videos ring true and that comes from the experience of having a ex-wife who has family in many of those particular areas. Sawgatuck in particular.
  16. I rewatched Raw this morning on Hulu because my feed was going out last night and man, they chopped the hell out of Raw to the point where it felt like 5 segments. Nothing with Charlotte/Becky for example. I also missed the Ambrose/Sheamus match last night, but that aired in full on the Hulu version and it went so long. It should have been clipped or something. They eventually wound up re-doing spots that they did at the beginning of the match. It was such a chore to watch, which is why I made my Ambrose comment earlier.
  17. Superbad is awesome. Everyone gives an A+ effort and the funk soundtrack is great.
  18. Oh, is it that time of year again?
  19. Just a heads up for folks, but a friend of mine in the industry said to keep my eyes open for Gang Beasts rolling out on PS4 following the same release path as Rocket League, making it free for the first couple weeks. Sounds like it's happening really soon.
  20. Right. After the Empire fell, the New Republic made Chandrila their home base. Then they decided to rotate the planet where leadership resided based on elections, which is why leadership was located on Hosnian Prime.
  21. BTW, has anyone regressed more than Ambrose? Ever since the Shield broke up, he's steadily become worse in the ring. Everything he does looks so lazy and sloppy now. Someone else pointed out how slow he's rebound clothesline was too. It's not just that, but everything he does is slow.
  22. You have pulled this shit with me too and it's tiresome. What does it matter what stro thought of it and why does it prompt you to get so aggressive? Just knock it off. Damn. More than that, instead of talking about the show, you're just using this as am opportunity to take on yet another forum poster. I'm in piranesi's camp though. That is what I want. I want Brock and KO taking stupid bumps and beating the shit out of each other. And Kalisto vs. ADR was the most I've cared about either guy. Kalisto made himself a thing tonight. Good for him.
  23. Anywhere but Indy or Chicago.
  24. People are too good at digging up data. Doesn't Powerball know the exact location and time the winning ticket was purchased? So unless you traveled way out of state, people are going to find out sooner or later.
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