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Phantom Lord

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Everything posted by Phantom Lord

  1. She said she hoped to make partner in 2 years (before The Kettleman's got her demoted). I could see her selling Jimmy and Chuck out to make partner. What ever it is, right now it has to be something huge for Jimmy to say the hell with his moral compass that he still has even at this point.
  2. I really picture Vince as Mr. Burns and Triple H as Waylon Smithers at this point. Triple H is doing all he can to keep the ship afloat while Vince is kept off in his own world. I'm gonna bet Vince will be genuinely shocked if Roman is booed out of the building at WM and the following night on RAW if is champion. [Burns learns about the stock market crash of 1929] Mr. Burns: Oh no. Smithers, why didn't you tell me about this market crash? Smithers: Well, sir, it happened 25 years before I was born. Mr. Burns: Oh, that's your excuse for everything. I JUST DON'T GET IT. HE HAS EVERYTHING THESE PEOPLE WANT IN A CHAMPION. SMOOTH LOOKS, NICE HAIR. WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT DAMN IT.
  3. I think Arn could take an F5 if he had to. This RAW needed a near riot to break out with Lesnar and Reigns and we got a tug of war.
  4. Oh man it's going to be fun watching the crowd eat Roman alive on Sunday. He looked like he had no business being in the ring with Brock. When he grabbed the belt I swear Brock mouthed "are you fucking with me right now" to him. I'm starting to feel sorry for him. He's just rolling with what his bosses want. I'm sure if you asked him he knows he has no business main eventing Wrestlemania. If they had waited another year or two this wouldn't be an issue. This is all Vince being desperate to have another Hogan/Cena for his legacy before he retires or drops dead.
  5. I'm trying to think of what kind of gimmick Vince circa 1995-96 would have given Vader. With the blue collar gimmicks back then, I'd lay money on truck driver. Large Leon or maybe Big Red. As long as it was still Vader doing Vader stuff it could have worked.
  6. I saw this posted on my feed. It sounds like he twisted his neck taking the frankensteiner/hurricanrana that he ended up rolling out to the floor. Rolls back and for a second he's all right and then takes the drop kick from Rey to set up the 619. So what ever happened it happened in that small window. I feel for Rey. It really was a freak accident. For all we know he might have had lingering neck issues (like Misawa) so any simple routine move could have had this outcome.
  7. I'd rather he get rid of the Chuck Liddell mohawk more than anything else.
  8. Well they want the WWE hall of fame to be like a "real" hall of fame. Plenty of guys have gone into the Pro Baseball and Football HOF's without having major time in MLB or the NFL respectively. Still seems weird but I get why they would induct him just on his career alone.
  9. There are a lot of similarities between Soaps and Pro Wrestling strictly from a writing standpoint. Back in the late 90's/early 2000's NBC had this soap Passions that you would swear was written by Vince Russo himself. The show's executive producer was a guy who loved his Dusty finishes (in this soap it was the dream sequence) and storylines that made no sense. They did so many bait and switches on the show to this day I still get pissed thinking about it and I haven't seen the show in a good 12 years. General Hospital/Young and The Restless have a LOT in common with the WWE. Plenty of young stars we want to see and other's we would rather not. It was touched on earlier in this thread, but I too would love to see a kayfabe death of a character. The closest we came to it was the Ric Flair heart attack angle in WCW. Yeah in typical WCW fashion they just wrote it off in passing a week later, but something like that could be pretty damn amazing if written right. With Vince in charge of the WWE I wouldn't hold my breath on them pulling something like that off. Plus in a soap, no one is ever truly dead.
  10. But he did fight Kamala. That must count for something.
  11. Last week I thought she was getting ready to jump in the ring to at least rake Cena's eyes or something. Lana does a great Miss Elizabeth impersonation when she doesn't talk. She's got a lot of Liz's looks of concern down pat. But Lana attacking Cena probably would have gotten her and Rusev over as faces even more when Rusev beat the fuck out of Cena if he put his hands on her.
  12. Man if there was ever a guy TNA dropped the ball with its Cody Deaner. I always thought he had huge potential with ODB. But for some reason despite how over ODB was they never wanted to do anything with her and he was starting to get over too. If Global Force ever happens, Jarrett should sign Deaner asap.
  13. I thought that's who she looked like. I'm surprised with all the people he got he just didn't get Kate Micucci.
  14. Fixed it there for you. I missed everything up past Heyman and Brock's stuff tonight so I guess I'm gonna have to find that elsewhere to watch. Skipped most of the third hour to watch Better Call Saul. The Intercontinental title thing is still very amusing but it was nice for Barrett to finally take back his belt and lay everyone out. Just have him elbow the fuck out of people. Why do they have to try and make people fancy? Turned it back on to see Sting. I'll never get tired of seeing Sting. The whole WWE revisionist he's coming to prevent Triple H turning things into WCW part is dumb, but Triple H/Sting should be a fun match. Triple H has probably watched Sting/Flair matches enough to know what buttons to push to make it a really great match. But I like how that match and Orton/Rollins is way more important in the eyes of the WWE than you know the actual main event.
  15. The funny thing about Taz's lines was you could clearly tell when specific lines were cut and pasted into the audio. There's a noticeable change in the sound when it happens. Man Roode/Young and EC3/Spud were really fun matches. It's a shame TNA has no PPV to speak of because those would have been great on a show like Bound For Glory. I'm still not sold on Eric Young: SRS BUSINESS, but man he can take a beating and dish one. Speaking beatings, holy hell TNA has their own Raven vs. Dreamer feud with Spud and EC3. Even though I read the spoilers like a month ago and knew he lost I still wanted to see Spud win. Carter/Bateman is such a tremendous asshole. In another decade he would need armed guards escorting him to the ring. I really hope EC3 ends up winning the world title and Spud gets a shot at him. That underdog story might even be more amazing to watch.
  16. So they're going to start ending shows by sacrificing someone to the volcano god? I'm ok with that. I still won't be watching Impact, though. Didnt that show used to tape in the sound stage TNA rents out now? Olmec is probably still in storage somewhere.
  17. Lol if they put the tag titles on New Day. Crowds just don't care about The New Day in their current form. I am all for The Freebird Rule. Why they didn't use it for The Shield is confusing but it's the WWE.
  18. Sullivan's discussed the New Japan deal and how tough it was to be diplomatic as Sullivan wanted certain Japanese guys to be booked strong to appease NJPW, while Eric didn't care. To him, he got paid big cash from NJPW for the exclusive rights for these guys to wrestle for the mighty WCW. Bischoff thought it made WCW look big as people were practically begging to wrestle there... I think it was later passed 1996, but I remember Juvi winning the IWGP Light heavyweight championship on a random Nitro from Liger after smashing a bottle of Corona over his head. He ended up losing it the next week back to Liger, but even for the time I thought it was pretty damn random. Someway to treat a top import talent.
  19. There would have been 10 title changes between when the angle started and Wrestlemania. Hell, Barrett would probably regain the title on RAW the following night just to close the circle.
  20. Would the Bockwinkle feud be part of the Memphis or AWA libary? I really hope there's a master tape somewhere just with the promo's alone. The whole $500 dollars a punch angle was so masterful.
  21. Turd Danielson has potential. He just needs a leather jacket, a bolo tie...
  22. I saw it posted elsewhere, but someone said aside from that Heyman promo that was quite the episode of WCW Thunder last night. First off I can't believe the WWE are building up Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton way better than THE MAIN EVEN OF WRESTLEMANIA. It's like they realize "look, we know this is gonna be a shit match so we're hoping one of the others makes up for it". That's a good theory except probably for the dont call it the MITB Intercontinental Title ladder match there won't be a great standout match at Wrestlemania. The only Wrestlemania match I am looking forward to at the moment is the battle royal and that's only because I'm hoping Curtis Axel wins the damn thing. I also saw on Twitter or maybe my FB feed that what John Cena did last night is the reason America is hated so much in the rest of the world. Him and his whole Terminator schitck. He's got me rooting for a Russian in all of this. It's like 1986, except I'm rooting for Nikita over Magnum TA here. Rusev and Lana continue to have to much potential for when they eventually see the light and turn face. But man, if this match is just Super Cena destroying Rusev like last night it's going to kill Rusev's momentum just like they did with Bray Wyatt last year. Speaking of which, is Bray supposed to be happy or afraid? I couldn't really tell with him and the magical gas powered fire chair last night. Taker had "The Man Comes Around" for that graphic so it looks like he's getting another Johnny Cash song this year which is nice. The Man Comes Around is an amazing song. What can be said about Paul Heyman that hasn't been said all ready. He's doing more to save this Wrestlemania main event than the company. The idea that the WWE would try a Montreal Screwjob and Brock killing anyone involved had me laughing my ass off. I fear Roman's gonna win and Seth will cash in. It has to be going that way.
  23. Since the weather was warm today (well mid 40's but better than subzero wind like last week), I went back out for one of my walks. I needed to get some photos for a project I'm doing in school so I did the walk I used to do virtually every day last summer. Despite being sick, I managed to walk 1.95 miles. Would have done over two and a half, but I started really feeling sick and opted to take the bus home. This year I want to do 150 miles walking. Last year I limped over 100 but only cause school got in the way at the end. I figure since the sun is up longer now and all the snow is about to melt I'll be able to do long walks again without worrying about weather conditions.
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