RIPPA Posted October 25, 2016 Author Posted October 25, 2016 12 hours ago, Curt McGirt said: Amazed that you got away with no M-Pro or BattlARTS. The two IWA-MS make up for it though Well a lot of the M. Pro matchups had already been picked and online BattlARTS is sketchy
RIPPA Posted October 25, 2016 Author Posted October 25, 2016 For anyone who cares - he is Dean's review of Jumbo/Race From DVDVR #122 Quote Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Harley Race - 6/11/77 (NWA Title)- (DEAN RASMUSSEN): I keep watching this match over and over. I love 70s hard style of wrestling but it is a real shock to the system when you've watched lots and lots of modern style wrestling. The pace is different, the stories are different, the moves are simpler and more to the point. Harley Race has the Mutton chops, the military tattoos and the Ode to The Pittsburgh Steelers jacket that says I AM THE SEVENTIES. I have a lot of fond memories of Harley Race and most are documented in the beloved Death valley Driver Video Reviews of yore. The thing that THIS match hipped me to was that the reason why Harley Race and Jack Brisco and Terry Funk were such awe-inspiring figures when I was a kid and the reason was because they only came around once or twice a year. So while local hero Wahoo McDaniel was wasting time having endless feuds with Brute Bernard in Fishersville, VA, Harley Race was using his spare time to have immensely awe inspiringly motherfucking great matches against Jumbo Tsuruta. This fact was apparent even when I was an eleven year old rube in Arkansas. He'd come in and wrestle and it would be a wrestling match- no faces, no heels, just your best guy in your territory trying to hang with the NWA heavyweight champion. The cool thing about Japan is that- as a territory- their best guy to have a go at the NWA champ is motherfucking Jumbo Tsuruta, so it's almost as cool as having Dick Murdock as your ace to take on the champ. Either way, the first fall is a wacky 70s spotfest- as the two big bastards start off with huge power moves and body slams and Deep Armdrags to get the crowd worked up early. Race brings them back to earth and settles them down by finally getting on with the match after cursory armbars that made up Jumbo's initial foray into some kind of story. Race slows down the arm dragtastic Jumbo with a crushing Shoulder Breaker. The story of the first fall is very All Japan and Harley Race brings it to the table. Jumbo's big move is the Butterfly Suplex and Harley drops to a knee to block it. Jumbo is gassed from the twenty bodyslams traded in the first five minutes to deadlift him into a Butterfly. Race makes it to the ropes, throws a shoulderblock out of the tie-up, hits a FRESH Snapmare and he follows it up with a fucking KneeDrop that is to kneedrops what Stan Hansen's Elbow Drop is to elbow drops and then he gets a front facelock and we gear up for the start of the end of the fall. Jumbo still can't even think straight after Race mauled his skull with that Kneedrop, but makes it up to a vertical base, powers out of the headlock and hits GIGANTIC High Knees to finally hit the Butterfly for the first fall. Race is pissed and he wants a breather so he Lawlers until he can get the advantage at the lock-up and THE SECOND STORY BEGINS: Race hits another Shoulderbreaker, a Memphis non-Jumping pile-driver and a side suplex, but Jumbo is Giant Young and Strong and he survives. Race does TWO Motherfuckers of kneedrops to set up another front facelock and we gear up for the elaborate finish that the pressure hold signals. Race with a Kneelift, two Murdockian Straight Lefts and then hits ANOTHER Motherfucker of a Kneedrop. Race circles and hovers a second, looking like your Redneck Asshole Uncle who drinks Shaeffer, rides a Harley and calls you a pussy for working in an office. He then hits three diving headbutts and Jumbo's head is crushed and mangled. Jumbo does have enough left to reverse out of another facelock and goes for the cradling pin, but Race fights out. Jumbo does an elaborate Hammerlock display that is fabulous in it's grandeur and variation. It goes all Memphis as Race gets the transition through punches to the face as Jumbo reverses a corner whip but does the Psychosis Corner Bump in 19 fuckng 77 to allow Race to hit the Final Skull-crusher in the way of a Brainbuster, thus making the submission to the Indian Deathlock just a technicality. The Deathlock is a true thing of beauty though- as Race does the cool thing that makes 70s wrestling so cool- he pauses and falls down slowly with his dead weight falling, as opposed flailing back wildly. you sense the weight and it adds to the effect of the point of impact when Race hits the mat, driving jumbo's shin through his knee-joint. Race is poetic and graceful in the most brutal way a man can be. And Jumbo can take no more. The clarity of the this second fall is fucking GREAT. Race hits a variation of moves that turn Jumbo's Brain Stem to jello all to set up his big finisher- and the finisher leads up to the..... STORY OF THE THIRD FALL! The first two falls were instrumental in showing how the finishers worked and were set-up. The third fall is neutral as they start from scratch and mix it all together in the rush to the finish. Harley Race counters out of a headlock at the very beginning of the third fall by hitting a Shinbreaker and goes straight to work on the Indian Deathlkocked knee: first with Elbow drops on the joint and then with a kneebar. Jumbo counters by kicking Harley right in the face. Jumbo hits the Side Suplex and sets up the Jumbo Dropkick. Race slaps the second dropkick away and sinks in the front Facelock. Jumbo reverses out of it with a fat fat Vertical Suplex that Jumbo works into an Abdominal Stretch. the crowd gets hyped until Harley shifts his weight and throws him to the ground. Like a whimsical child, Race puts his arms out like he is pretending to be an airplane and the plane called Harley Race crushes face first into the skull of Jumbo Tsuruta. Harley goes to that special land where he and Ric Flair do mythical gymnastics off the top rope- a Flying Body Press, a cutting edge Top rope Elbow Drop, even a Superfly Splash. It all goes for naught as Jumbo ruins his dream and launches him to the mat with a 70s style thud. Jumbo also has a dream. He says that he can use his size and agility to splash race and win the NWA title. Race is also a destroyer of dreams and gets his knees up to drain the air out of Jumbo and crush his dream for championships for now. Race dives on Jumbo and they do the double bump over the top rope to the floor. As they get back, Jumbo has one last shot left and he goes for the desperation High Knee that Race avoids, sending Jumbo sprawling into the ropes. Harley seizes this final advantage and rolls up young Tsuruta for the pin. The NWA belt never looked better on anyone else. 1
Curt McGirt Posted October 25, 2016 Posted October 25, 2016 I've seen about eight of those matches. Highest marks go to Harley/Jumbo and Panther/Villano of course, but Hero/Rotten and Saint/Brookside are pretty special. Hero/Rotten is, as I believe Phil referred to it once, "redneck BattlARTS". Ian works stiff as fuck just popping Hero with every strike and grinding in the holds. It's like he went to Hero and said "okay, we're gonna show them I can wrestle and I'm gonna put you over bigtime since you've been working for hot dogs and pain pills this whole time". The Johnny Saint match is, well, a Johnny Saint match. It was the first World of Sport match I ever saw and I even had to show it to my dad because it was so different, classy in a way.
RIPPA Posted October 25, 2016 Author Posted October 25, 2016 I will probably do a Part 2 later down the road after I upload some stuff That and I totally forgot the 4 "new" comps that Will did for Phil up until the last minute so more can be minded from there
Curt McGirt Posted October 25, 2016 Posted October 25, 2016 Since you're doing that I, as always, have to pimp the Tenryu/Yatsu Spurting Ear Match. And luckily it's online thanks to RealHero EDIT: Steamboat/Rude Iron Man is also on one of the comps... hint hint...
Web Conn Posted October 25, 2016 Posted October 25, 2016 Don't know if you're going to do an advert your eyes part two or a wrestlers vs celebrities/pro athletes category but I think this "match" needs to be seen by all.
Curt McGirt Posted October 27, 2016 Posted October 27, 2016 Pretty sure this is the "almost banned" match between the two. As I recall it's fucking wild and Race looks more menacing than Abby which is like seeing him when he's legit angry -- in other words, time to run. EDIT: OH MAN SO WORTH WATCHING JUST FOR THE END. Harley comes back to the ring and shows you that he is a legit psycho afraid of no man, or chair, or ringpost in the world. Harley Race Ain't Nothing To Fuck With!
RIPPA Posted October 27, 2016 Author Posted October 27, 2016 It's either that one or this one Which you can see isnt a match between the two - it is Harley jumping Abby This is Harley talking about it
Curt McGirt Posted October 27, 2016 Posted October 27, 2016 Yeah judging from Harley saying they went outside it's gotta be that one. Question is, who's the guy Abby was actually facing?
Curt McGirt Posted October 27, 2016 Posted October 27, 2016 Wow, that guy was old
RIPPA Posted November 6, 2016 Author Posted November 6, 2016 I am at my Mom's so I am on her computer so this might come out a little wacky 1001 MATCHES; DVD 500
Curt McGirt Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 Oh lord... SPACE MONKEY. I had to watch that so you owe Verizon some cash, but I owe DVDVR some cash so all is simpatico. The announcers vary from awful ("Here's comes Felicity, looking slutty as ever") to amazing ("Space Monkey actually learned wrestling in space", "Space Monkey is a hard-fought vet-ran") and everyone is so indie it makes me want to actually go to the next Zero-1 USA show we get around here just to do a road report. Seriously, SPACE MONKEY. The kid that didn't want to slap his hand was the best. Somebody needs to upload the Ape Virgon and City Monkey masterpieces sometime too
RIPPA Posted November 11, 2016 Author Posted November 11, 2016 That kid has clearly watched Outbreak 1
RIPPA Posted November 18, 2016 Author Posted November 18, 2016 2 hours ago, Web Conn said: When's the next update? Goal is done before Thanksgiving It honestly should be sooner than but I am doing a couple of projects at once so I don't know which one will finish first
Web Conn Posted November 18, 2016 Posted November 18, 2016 Right on man, loving the project so much content im discovering or rediscovering I wanna see it keep going.
J.H. Posted November 19, 2016 Posted November 19, 2016 Well since someone brought Origin Ape Virgon and City Monkey in regards to Space Monkey, it made me realize my new dream match... City Monkey and Origin Ape Virgon putting aside their differences to fight Mecha Mummy and Momia de Elvis! James
Web Conn Posted November 19, 2016 Posted November 19, 2016 Everyone is sleeping on USApe of early Chikara fame.
RIPPA Posted December 5, 2016 Author Posted December 5, 2016 Just for the record - all the links in this thread are now dead for reasons I will be explain soon enough (Don't panic - it is more me cleaning up and revealing something that I am still working on)
RIPPA Posted December 5, 2016 Author Posted December 5, 2016 As you can see I started a new sub-forum and will be creating threads for all the sections so far (and new ones). Part of the reason for all the dead links Meanwhile - go check out the section I am about to post
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