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Everything posted by Kuetsar

  1. Without the instigation, the suspension probably would have been a lot longer. EDIT: Reading now that that mr fat asshole called him a "piece of crap". IF that's all, Smart should probably have played his last college game. The pushing wouldn't have been justified by a racial slur, but it would have been understandable. 3 games seems really light now. . .
  2. Its a classic moment, but warrior didn't sell it at ALL. . .
  3. Smart has been suspended 3 games as per WWL. Seems fair enough. . .
  4. ..but the other side to that is these "fans" are pushing the envelope further and further without consequence. I wouldn't object to stripping his seats for a year or two, or life. . .
  5. Chris TItus' Podcast was on that theme this week, though he was a little harder on addicts, saying its not a disease. That's bullshit, but addicts are very selfish by nature. . .
  6. That match was awesome, but it had the cage as well, so there wasn't just the climb drama. . .
  7. I'm sure the "fan" said something disgusting, so it will diminish the suspension, but it will be a tough precedent to set to allow a player to touch a fan and not be suspended. Its not like they can fine him. . .
  8. Just saw a video, yeah he's going to get some time off I think. . .
  9. What if Owen doesn't break Austin's neck? Is there still the "main event" style. Is Owen even up in the rafters? Does Trips career take off working the old style?
  10. I think it's been stated many times the wheel wasn't gimmicked -- which itself could be an argument for Watts' state of mind. Sorry, I am not always in the loop on that stuff. . .
  11. I would wonder if AL Michaels could pull it off, but he's more of a play by play guy. Jim Nance is too smug as well. God forbid FOX ever gets them, as Joe Buck would host. . . .
  12. Watching the Mid-SOuth dvd (awesome btw), gave me a question/thought: Was Bill Watts on crack when he had the coal miners glove match at HH 92? Or was the Wheel not gimmicked? Or Both?
  13. We all know the WWL's coverage would be a self-important clusterfuck that would result in the dark lord Chulthu entering this world. . .
  14. Kuetsar

    30 For 30

    Only if you are forced, Clockwork Orange style, to watch it. I would try to kill myself by swallowing my tongue. . .
  15. Chris Collinsworth and Ono too, and I'd pay good money if Tom Hammond and the lady would shut up as well. . .
  16. "Old Hickory" for Andrew Jackson.
  17. What about Zachary "Old Rough & Ready" Tyler? Not to be that guy, but it was Zachary Taylor, and John Tyler..
  18. Either it or the French one is the best in the world, probably the Russian one. . .
  19. I'd love to see the old Jay pop up in 6 months on Letterman to rant like he did in the 80s. I think Jay might be back for a third stint, Fallon looks like the drizziling shits, then again I'm a little too old for his stuff anyway. . . .
  20. Kuetsar

    30 For 30

    Doesn't he ruin everything?
  21. Hell, he's the lucky one right? They pay off whatever's left of his contract and he doesn't have to worry about that mess anymore. He'll rebound somewhere else eventually(not defending him BTW, if Billy King keeps getting jobs there's room for anyone), besides Dan GIlbert is the problem there. He might as well promote his young son at this point, and go for a Little Big League gimmick. If you really want to punish Chris Grant, they should have extended him. . . . But hey Lebron coming back this summer right? HAHAHAHAHA
  22. Usually for sports other than football, I tend to lose interest, just because no one in the ESPN free leagues ever talks or trades or whatever. If you have an extra spot and want me, I'm in. . .
  23. HBK/Rick Rude, hell throw Hennig in there for a trio of the best sellers ever. . . .
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