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Travis Sheldon

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Everything posted by Travis Sheldon

  1. Mine says 192-576, so I will be on in the morning around 9am Central. Will let everyone know if the spike is real.
  2. It amazes me that there is enough of a market to demand gaming screens that small. I can just barely tolerate playing on my 6 point whatever inch phone.
  3. MLB should step up and offer spots to all the MiLB players.
  4. I wish I could afford your hotline, but being poor I'm going to have to call the Joe Pedecino line for $3.99 a minute. (RIP Joe)
  5. There are a number of good Diy antenna plans for the cheapest of asses. Still use two I've made, one from old coat hangers and some deck wood I had and another from binder clips and a jewel case. Yep, I'm that guy.
  6. I would love to get that Bruce Lee Criterion set. Seem to recall most older sets had bad problems in production.
  7. I stopped because I seemed to be the only crew around when I went on. Liked doing races but randos like to rage too damn much for my blood. If you're up sometime maybe we can shoot some dots.
  8. That's a good feeling. I kept all my extra fossils in case anyone wanted to trade. But after finishing the fossil section of the museum I decided to trim it to 3 of each kind and sell anything over that. Gotta make room in my inventory for sticks.
  9. Have watched a couple or three NASCAR Heat 5 videos and damn if it doesn't look like the exact same as NH4. Had to look twice to make sure it wasn't an EA release. Looks like a wait for Black Friday title. (Or just wait for next Gen)
  10. Damn, what a legend. He's most famous for his western scores, but his score for John Carpenter's The Thing (1982) is haunting and certainly one of my favorites. R.I.P.
  11. No apology needed, no offense taken. Over the weekend I reread the posts and came to the conclusion that I should dial back the sarcasm/cynicism quite a bit. I'm not going to blame current events on my mental health (or lack thereof), but the only one in control of the stream of consciousness that flows from my fingers or mouth is me. If I have offended anyone with my ramblings, I humbly apologize. Anyone that has read any of my music or film meanderings knows that my thoughts can be a cryptic mess.
  12. The other day there was a bass guitar in my Nook's, so of course I want to add that to my little performance area. The cost was 82,000 bells. Of course my normal cheap ass nature scoffed at that since most of my other instruments have been freebies. In the end I grinded a bit extra to get the bass. Still wasn't super happy, though.
  13. My turnips are at 40 bells. Anybody got anything better?
  14. I feel bad for any "non-offender", as you put it, that has lost emotionally or financially. But I think you know this has been coming to the industry for quite a while. They've been able to pretty much skate by with minor inconvenience to their cashflow, but things are changing at a rapid pace as people aren't taking things like they used to. Again, sorry to anyone that mistook my snark as attacking the victims. And if shit on toast is the special of the day, make mine with sriracha and hold the shit.
  15. If you think I'm going to shed tears for Joey Cuellar you're mistaken.
  16. Saturday is supposed to be my peak, as well. Luckily I didn't go nuts with buying this week.
  17. Saharah was at @Gonzo's Island and I bought 1 each of the mystery wallpaper and flooring. Got straw wall and a western outdoor type flooring. Can't remember the exact name of the flooring, but it looks like a dry dirt patch. The 2 types oddly matched and I have them in my basement now.
  18. Thanks for the heads up. I left a tip at your house. Cool to see my old neighbor, Hornsby, living on the island.
  19. From what little I remember of Crawl, everyone who deserved to get got got got.
  20. I'm going to leave the Switch docked with the gate open until Nook's closes, so if you're still needing to sell turnips you can.
  21. My turnips went to 501 for the noon switch. Also, Flick is visiting. Gate is open and I might or might not be around, who can say.
  22. I'd be willing to bet this guy is hoping for a sucker to bankroll him for standing up to NASCAR's "oppression". Third rate driver with a 4th rate truck.
  23. So close to self awareness.
  24. I normally wouldn't blink at someone making a check, but what kind of look is it when the GOAT is hawking bullshit like this? I'm surprised I didn't see Brett Favre on the ad for the "copper infused" facemask.
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