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Johnny Sorrow

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Everything posted by Johnny Sorrow

  1. Jesus, between AJ and now hairstyles....
  2. This stirred up a memory of seeing Flair, Tully and Baby Doll, Larry Z, and Dick Wohrle on some Philly morning show in the 80's. A bit of looking around, and I found it. I haven't seen this in 27 years.
  3. I also don't get why they didn't let him get over a little on HHH during that interview. He could have at least made him flinch a little by going full Golddust: "I have nothing to lose here tonight...so when I'm done having my way with your face boy, I just might come backstage and give you the thrrrrrilllll everyone knows you've been waiiiiting for thpthpthtphtphtphtphtphtphtphtpht AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I'm not on the hate HHH train with the general booking, but I'm getting a little annoyed that he won't ever script anyone to at least get some verbal shots in...especially when it's guys like Dustin and Edge who have no "job" to lose. Edge got in a "married your way into power" crack. That's pretty good. And Vic's main deal is this "doesn't have tenure to insult Lawler" deal, which is silly, in my opinion. Oh and I loved "This Is Awkward!" during Heyman's examination.
  4. Jerry was actually really good. People remember him as some sort of lesser guy, but we've been watching a lot of Valiants for the 70's - early 80's podcast and Jerry's been impressive
  5. Seriously? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
  6. My dear friend Mariah in her Alien in a party suit and hat flaming angel wings get up she did at Burning Man and other places. She's the most genuinely good person I've ever known. She's every hippie new age whatever vegan stereotype...but she truly lives it in the greatest way, total commitment, and true love for humanity and the creatures of the Earth. I bust her balls all the time, but it's all in fun, as I totally respect her.
  7. I think it's just awesome that the Uso's are finally over as fuck with the crowds, and they're slowly building a tag division. And HHH is fucking amazing in this role. He's playing on so many pre-existing feelings,embracing them, and over acting them just right.
  8. Here's a sight that had me laughing. Public Enemy performing Fight The Power at the HOF Ceremony and they cut to a shot of an old white guy and Oprah bopping their heads.
  9. Gov't Mule with Grace Potter at yesterdays LOCK'N Festival
  10. It is. The fight and death are merely a lead in to "Funeral For A Friend" and "Reign of the Supermen" which are both fantastic.
  11. It's a shame that the Seasons one and two RAW DVD set didn't sell well. They were gonna do follow ups but nixed it.
  12. That's awesome, and I love that someone else here even knows Lindley.
  13. And Elvis of all people fucks up. I'd laugh but I still like the guy.
  14. My first date we saw "All Of Me" with Steve Martin. First time I touched a boob, too, so it holds a special place in my heart.
  15. Denver's an hour away from me and I think if I listen hard enough I can hear that crowd.
  16. I never got a racist vibe from all that. It came off to me like HhH and Flair were calling him a mid card guy from WcW who shouldn't be a World Champ and should be carrying their bags, like a job guy. I hated the whole "backstage politics" stuff and didn't even think about race. To me racist is Lawler saying he'llwet Kamala's lips and stick him on a wall . I get why people thought HHH/ Booker was racist , but I took it as burying WCW .Johnny, you are awesome and one of my favorite people I've ever discussed wrestling, or, well anything with... but that angle was racist as all get out.Not if you're someone who doesn't think "race" first. Like I said , I get why people thought it was racist, but it came off more WCW guy can't hang with HHH to me. That entire angle could have been done word for word with, say, Scott Steiner and still would have sucked.Triple-H calling out Scott Steiner's "nappy hair" wouldn't have had the same zing to it in this post-racial society.Ouch. I stand corrected. I have no memory of that, but wow.
  17. Further to that before SummerSlam 2013, Daniel Bryan made Randy Orton tap out in his Street Fight victory on RAW. Orton had to use the Money in the Bank contract and Triple H's Pedigree to beat Bryan, the new WWE Champion at SummerSlam 2013.But, buried ?.....?...?
  18. I never got a racist vibe from all that. It came off to me like HhH and Flair were calling him a mid card guy from WcW who shouldn't be a World Champ and should be carrying their bags, like a job guy. I hated the whole "backstage politics" stuff and didn't even think about race. To me racist is Lawler saying he'llwet Kamala's lips and stick him on a wall . I get why people thought HHH/ Booker was racist , but I took it as burying WCW .Johnny, you are awesome and one of my favorite people I've ever discussed wrestling, or, well anything with... but that angle was racist as all get out.Not if you're someone who doesn't think "race" first. Like I said , I get why people thought it was racist, but it came off more WCW guy can't hang with HHH to me. That entire angle could have been done word for word with, say, Scott Steiner and still would have sucked.
  19. Does Tonga Kid/ Tama count? Cause he was fucking great.
  20. Actually the biggest complaint anyone should have is that they just did an angle two years ago where the roster walked out en masse on HHH as COO when he wasn't being nearly the dick he is now.It's easy to push around the nice boss. When nice boss becomes asshole boss...the chickens come home to roost.
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