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Andrew POE!

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Everything posted by Andrew POE!

  1. Got a 12th Platinum trophy, this time with Sleeping Dogs. Three Platinums in one weekend. Wow.
  2. Managed to get a 11th Platinum trophy with God of War HD last night and working on the Platinum for Sleeping Dogs.
  3. Got my 10th Platinum trophy on Borderlands, which was a really easy Platinum. Basically, level up my main character to level 50, jump online with the other character classes, level them up to unlock skill attacks and use their skill attacks.
  4. I would be inclined to agree. David Cage is not really a 'gamer,' so anything that is presented in his games don't really fit with everyone else's ideas of a great game. He tries (I would say too much) in taking what he puts in his games from films. However, he does assume his audience are adults, so there's none of this lowest common denominator crap or efforts to be like COD.
  5. What I liked about the COD series since COD4 is both multiplayer and single player components were excellent. Now I only play the series for the multiplayer part and single player campaign is just awful, although COD: Black Ops was pleasantly surprising.
  6. Siren: Blood Curse never goes on sale, so for $10 to get a decent survival horror game is worth it. However, there are no trophies.
  7. There's a rumor going around that 2K Games is going to be doing a next-gen golf game soon (something called 2K Golf Links).
  8. I've actually pre-ordered a PS4 from Dell.com for $520 (which includes a second DualShock 4 controller & Killzone: Shadowfall), so I will definitely get ACIV: Black Flag on PS4. Just not at launch. Like most/all Ubisoft games, that too will drop in price to $40 or less at some point.
  9. Unfortunately for us Titus spent his prime years in the Arena Football League, and he's now 36 (same age as Cena). He really is an alternate universe version of The Rock, if The Rock would have stayed in the Canadian Football League. Titus O'Neil could get the Batista push (since Batista was nearing 40 when he became champion). If Darren Young ever became a great wrestler, it would be like Cena vs. Batista all over again.
  10. I find it very hard to get mad at the WWE anymore for how they book wrestlers, much less anyone's favorites (like CM Punk and now Daniel Bryan). Vince McMahon will ALWAYS have his favorites and they will get over in feuds regardless. If the fans started throwing trash into the ring every time Bryan gets screwed over and it became like the end of every Monday Nitro during the nWo era, I'm not even sure that will change anything. It's just that it's too bad there's not a fed on the level of WCW right now to take some of the ill-used wrestlers away and actually give the WWE competition. The WWE (and Vince) is only doing this because the wrestlers being screwed over have nowhere else to go and there's no other fed good enough to watch (TNA?? Get real). So Daniel Bryan will get over eventually and the fans are completely behind him, but I just don't see Vince & co. getting behind him.
  11. WHAT? Wow, I'm totally shocked by this. I kept hoping that the remaining Velvets would make 'one last album' before ending the band forever. Some of my favorite of Lou Reed songs:
  12. Had a chance this past week to play the Xbox One. I work near Atlanta and I went to 200 Peachtree to see their Area One tour. A few thoughts I had about the event: The room was LOUD and dark. Could hardly hear myself think.The controller is one of the best controllers I've ever felt. It felt very well constructed and not like a piece of plastic like the previous/current gen controllers felt. It was like an OG Xbox version of the Xbox 360 controller (if that makes any sense). The thumbsticks felt very precise yet easy on your thumbs. The trigger buttons were comfortable and felt solid -- no 'false presses' like occasionally with the 360 controller.The first game I tried was Forza 5. Very beautiful graphics and it looked amazing.Dead Rising 3's demo didn't really impressed me. I wanted to have a set objective in the time period played instead of running and attacking things (i.e. a case active, etc.) Instead, it was just running around in an outdoor mall/city attacking zombies, which is fun for the most part.Played Peggle 2 and it was Peggle but with an excellent sense of control.Played Crimson Dragon and I was completely impressed by the game....it was actually my favorite game out of all of them. It was hard, yet very fun and very fair. Felt like I was playing Child of Eden but with the flying mount from Panzer Dragoon. What's funny was that one of the people working there had never heard of Panzer Dragoon.....he actually said he doesn't play video games, but was just working there.Saw Kinect Sports Rivals and I loved completely the ode to Wave Race 64 that was the jetski race. Until I played it. I can't tell if it was the setup, but the Kinect controls were awful. Nothing I did seemed to have an effect on what occurred on screen.Tried Ryse but the loading times were too much. I ended up skipping out on it.Didn't play Battlefield 4. First-person shooters are more my thing at home than out in public.Had a very nice chat with one of the booth people and she actually heard of Shadows of the Damned. My feedback was very similar to the above except I wished there would be a Vanquish 2/Shadows of the Damned 2 for XB1. I also talked to her about The Evil Within and she wanted to buy it that day lol. If there were more games like Crimson Dragon available, I would safely say I would consider getting a XB1. However, there isn't and that's very troubling. There's only so many Forza/Ryse/Halo type of games and most of what I saw didn't feel like it was for me. I tried very hard to have an open mind about the experience and if I didn't have a very large backlog of Xbox 360 games to play, I would be more inclined to get a Xbox One.The booth person swore up and down that Microsoft is trying to attract 'the gamers' to Xbox One with 'artificial intelligence' within the console. I don't know if that's the same thing as the cloud feature that was previously touted and I'm not trying to attack her for trying to sway me one way or another. As I mentioned before, I doubt very seriously I would get either console. I left away feeling unimpressed by the Xbox One based on the games I saw and I wouldn't get the console at launch. But if Microsoft says that their Xbox One controller works on both Xbox 360's and Xbox One's, I would buy their controller in a heartbeat. It was that good.
  13. Gee, thanks for the advice everyone. I will define try harder to be more weird and become a weird rapey pickup artist. *sarcasm* The girl that I messaged I had met earlier that day and I didn't think what I sent her was that bad (just asked her to meet for coffee and I acted what I thought was gentlemanly). She interviewed me for some TV show and she seemed nice enough. Too bad she thought was a celebrity or something. Plus, reporters are just messed up in the head as it is. What I was more hurt by was her publishing my phone number online. OK, what I did was wrong, but shaming the person who sends you a PM makes it right? The last time I ate at a Subway....let's just say it wasn't pretty. Had to take some Imodium afterwards.
  14. Trying to do Impossible difficulty for Dead Space (to get another Platinum) and I'm about ready to snap the disc in half. Fuck Visceral for the boss battle at the end of Chapter 6.
  15. Fuck me and my general stupidity with women in general. I find this girl's profile on Tumblr, I message her, and I get accused of 'stalking' her. I feel really bad that she would even think that.
  16. True, the human enemy AI is bad but I like it when the game rewards me for its own stupidity and failings. As opposed to punishing me because the game designers are fuckin' assholes.
  17. Can't tell if serious. I played through it, beat it on Hard, and I actually thought it was great. When I realized that it's essentially the original Resident Evil for next-gen consoles, I got used to it. If you lose your patience easily, you won't like the game.
  18. I must be the same way because I have Volgarr The Viking in my Steam account. I really want to get The Stanley Parable though and actually play it. I've been busy with Dead Space (PS3). Trying for a Platinum....got two trophies left.
  19. Good news involving Andrew and women? Hell must have frozen over. Met up with my ex-girlfriend last night and realized that I was more over her than she was over me. And also I realized that having anything to do with ex-girlfriends is just a bad idea. It also made me glad that I wasn't together with her -- she told me she 'kinda' got back together with her ex-fiance (he can have her) and her job is not that great. I have a new job that I actually love, I work in downtown Atlanta, and I actually like my co-workers and don't dread going in to work.
  20. Also, Beyond: Two Souls will be $40, so that's a good idea to wait until then to get it.
  21. Does Vader still have the old black Mastodon helmet/headgear (seen in his NWA/WCW days) or know where it is? Is his son Jesse planning wrestling full-time with a promotion in Japan? Has he spoken to Mick Foley since the infamous match from Germany where Foley lost his right ear? Did he get a chance to attend the funeral for Mitsuharu Misawa (since they had a few matches in the AJPW days)? Does he still keep up with any of the Japanese wrestlers he wrestled?
  22. I'm somewhat glad that Ubisoft did delay Watch_Dogs...it was in danger of being overshadowed by AC IV: Black Flag (continuing another Ubisoft tradition of competing their own games against each other), but it lessens the PS4 (and Xbox One) launch a bit. I'll definitely get it as well for the PS4 next year.
  23. Quite a few great deals there. Definitely in for Bionic Commando Rearmed & Chronicles of Mystara. I would consider getting the Capcom Arcade Cabinet but most of those games I need cheats to actually beat, so I'll save myself the pain.
  24. I tried the demo of The Wolf Among Us on XBLA and loved it. $20 for the whole season is a very tempting deal, considering that the Steam/PC version is $25 right now. I'm hoping the PSN version this Tuesday has a similar deal or better for PS+ subscribers.
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