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Everything posted by Casey

  1. Yeah, cool, Hulk versus Thor.... but let's talk about Cate Blanchett. Good GOD!
  2. Why would someone you assume to be dead be posting a thank you to Ring of Honor from their own Twitter account?
  3. Good lord, r/SquaredCircle is being flooded with numerous posts questioning the legitimacy of Meltzer's reporting over the years, basically accusing him of being fake news most of the time and speculative guessing based on rumors and betting odds. If a McMahon wasn't working in the White House, I'd almost think these month old (or less) accounts are just hired disinformation "bots" .... but that would never happen.
  4. He had a subdural hematoma and went into emergency surgery.
  5. Forbes just did a story on this a few hours ago, so I imagine other mainstream outlets aren't too far behind.
  6. Was that in the Waldo episode or the other political episode where a member of the Royal Family gets kidnapped? The Waldo episode was the one that I just couldn't follow because I don't know what any of these parties or political terms or anything means.
  7. So, I had my overtime shift on Friday. I ended up watching Black Mirror instead of the current season of Homeland. And, wow. That's a fuckin' show right there, hot damn. I watched the one about social media rankings and a wedding, the one that was the mysterious death of a journalist and one about a kid getting his computer hacked and being told to go on this crazy "adventure" so his secrets don't get leaked to everyone he knows. Except for the first one, they all had pretty crazy twists towards the end. Especially the last one... I was wondering the entire time why this kid would do all of this crazy shit just because he got recorded jerking off. Fuck, that's heavy. Oh, and then I got home and watched the one about an implant that stores all your life's memories. Super sad episode, that one. Really good show, and I usually really dislike British TV shows. I tried to start the one about the TV cartoon character actor that ends up running for a political position as said cartoon character, but British politics are weird and nothing makes sense so I went to a different one.
  8. Too bad the title belt that Paige took those pictures with were phased out after they ditched the WWE scratch logo in favor of the Network WWE logo they now use.
  9. Bad Luck Fale is totally going to win the G1 Climax this year and main event WrestleKingdom 12 guys, I can feel it.
  10. To be honest I don't understand weight cutting at all. Why not just fight at your natural weight?
  11. I signed up for GameFly's free month trial a few days ago.... I'm getting the new Final Fantasy in the mail any day now. It was #3 on my list, behind the newest Resident Evil and Mass Effect games. Probably should have bumped up something like DOOM or Hitman, since I'm not sure about Final Fantasy, but whatever. I heard it's not turned based? I hate turn based RPGs. I haven't played one of these games since Final Fantasy 10, either, so who knows how my experience will be.
  12. so, Cena choking Umaga with the ropes is believable, but you don't see how the same ropes being pulled against your stomach while someone is standing behind you would hurt? Uh, alright. Those are like fuckin' elevator cables, man.
  13. Well, I'm buying that one for sure. Whoever said this is unappealing... it's definitely the most simple and clean shirt design they've come out with in awhile.
  14. I think the real asshole is probably Ken Shamrock for adding fuel to the fire.
  15. I used to have nightmares about Paul Bearer and The Undertaker when I was a small child. This was in the early 90s, probably when I was 4 or 5, so... 1993? Looking back, my favorite era of Undertaker's career was probably 1999. The Ministry of Darkness was just fucking awesome to 10 year old me, and when I go back and watch these storylines over again, I get the warm and fuzzies inside. It's weird to feel that way about a pseudo Satanic storyline, but yeah, I do. That being said, my favorite Undertaker match from a strictly nostalgia POV is most definitely Kane/Undertaker from WrestleMania XIV (1998).
  16. A one hour TV show every week devoted exclusively to women, with quality matches and workers? Yeah, sign me the fuck up.
  17. You realize Brock almost left WWE after WrestleMania 30, right? Imagine if he ended the Streak, and then left again and went back to the UFC or moose hunting or whatever. That's a chance. A chance is also booking someone you position as your legit #1 babyface to beat the Undertaker, knowing full well he gets heel reactions in most cities and this is going to make it even worse. A "sure thing" regarding this outcome and Roman Reigns would be a heel turn - that's a bullseye "sure thing" because it makes sense.
  18. I kind of feel bad for Reby, unless she's on the road with Matt (which I doubt). She already has a young one, and she's pregnant again. And now Matt is back on the road doing that insane WWE schedule again. At least she has Senor Benjamin, I guess? I mean, I doubt this run lasts more than a year, but that's not the point. Weird timing for the House Hardy
  19. The only reason this match happened was because Vince McMahon wanted it to happen due to long-term booking plans involving Roman Reigns.
  20. April 16th is going to be nuts, with Veep and The Leftovers both premiering. I thought Twin Peaks started up again this month, but it's not until May How has the new season of Homeland been? I only saw the season premiere when they showed it a few weeks early (for whatever reason) and haven't went back to it since. I see the season finale is this coming Sunday... should I binge watch it this weekend, fellow Homeland fans? I know there's a couple of you guys on here. Last season was kind of dull, but I love this damn show for some reason so I'll probably do it regardless of opinion, just so I'll have something to do. Might try to watch most (all?) of the season this Friday night at work, since I'm going in for overtime but won't have anything to do for 10 hours.
  21. I guess I hate watched Daredevil the completely wrong way. Damn. Instead of burning through the entire second season - I just watched something else instead because, man, that show fuckin' sucks.
  22. Apparently 30 minutes to an hour after the show was over, Undertaker's gloves, jacket and hat were still in the ring - untouched.
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