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Everything posted by assfax

  1. When I finally read A boy and his dog I was kinda blown away how much they just completely ripped off from it.
  2. So Triple H exists to wear great suits and hang out with superior talent. Good gig.
  3. He has He-Man battle damage.
  4. Fucking new Symphony X. Fucking A.
  5. Once I figured out that you just use the B button dodge instead of rolling around like in Witcher 2 I started kicking ass. Didn't like how they changed Yrden, then realized that Axii operated how Yrden did in W2. Still think Yrden doesn't seem as useful. I believe the higher up you level it, it becomes like that force field that Triss used in W2. Kinda don't like how you can't selectively craft shit. After you make it once it's just autofilled if you have materials when you meditate. Haven't squinted at the fine print but I'm assuming ingredients don't overlap. I'm assuming. I don't want it to craft up a bunch of shit when I was banking on having the makings for an oil or somethin'. Bastards. Love when you use Aard on a drowner and knock it down then just fucking coup de grĂ¢ce the motherfucker. Love it when you have a pack of wolves on yer ass and you one shot the whole lot with Igni. Use Axii on a wild horse to tame it. I have no idea why you'd need to do that but it worked after I just tried to jump on one. I was in that starting town and there was this amazing stormfront moving in. Wind was whippin' about. Shit looked awesome. Like those Red Dead Redemption thunderstorms. The way abilities are handled is definitely more flexible than the way upgrades worked in #2. Almost more like Diablo 3 where you can swap out shit depending on yer situation.
  6. Can I come over to your house, download a bunch of shit, and then leave? It's probably cheaper than just downloading it at home on what Rogers considers internet in rural Canada. 999 GB monthly limit dude.
  7. Last week I did one of the most important things a man can do in his life. Have super fast goddamned internet installed. I downloaded Witcher 3 in 26 minutes. I'm too old and downtrodden to actually get excited though.
  8. To paraphrase Joey Diaz: It's GOTY edition or go fuck your mother.
  9. PC version has the most seamless switching from KB/M to gamepad I've ever experienced. Using my own music for the radio also gets my nipples throbbin'.
  10. I was at the part where you kidnap the cartel guy's wife. How far was that into the game? I haven't played since whenever it came out on ps3. I just want to know if I damn near beat the game already because I'm getting it for PC when the coast is clear.
  11. Journey to the end of the night. Feels good in my eyes to read the words.
  12. That's looking like the greatest Sunsoft game ever made.
  13. My big dig on Pillars of Eternity is all the seemingly obvious typos. I mean I'm right at the beginning and noticing weird tense usage and other shit. I won't complain on improper sentence structure or bad punctuation. Then again, I figured the first 7 hours would've gotten ironed out and nit-picked after all this time but I guess not. Otherwise you have to do a little figuring out when they toss out made-up bullshit but you can usually use your context clues to figure out what they meant. The fact that they used recalcitrant twice this early means they can at least use a fucking thesaurus. Right now it has that thing where I'm reading shit and following it but then they toss in some made up word for some normal concept and I have to mentally translate it to understand what they just said. Now that that is out of the way let me praise the fact that reading shit will give you actual clues that aren't just automatically imbued upon you. The soul impressions are evocative and let you use your own imagination. There was a guy and I read his soul thing and was able to grok that he was a chanter of great power. There was no gameplay benefit to that knowledge but it also didn't remove me from the world of the game.
  14. He's in my Hall of Fame just on the 10/19/84 match with Cowboy Bob.
  15. Skin Medicine. Okay now this started out with some good shit but then near the end it got super dumb. There's all this seemingly well researched Civil War shit but then you get this stupid fucking throwaway Jack the Ripper thing that had my ass audibly groaning. Unfocused and a hundred pages too long. Lotta shit just kinda goes unused. The Cajun psychic guy just seemed to exist solely for exposition, you see him 3 times and then he plays no part in taking down the bad guys. Graybrow is killed "off-camera" with no real closure. The part where all the sudden the dude realizes that "iron is the devil's weakness"? So lame. I already mentioned that idiotic Jack the Ripper part but Jesus was that ever fucking awful. Postbellum old west witches and werewolves with Jack the ripper for no reason. Let me just ask again, why was Jack the Ripper in this book where fucking demonic werewolves with dusters and shotguns killed entire towns? Why? Woof.
  16. I've simplified down to Botchamania and the occasional match on that JAHMAL1111 dailymotion channel.
  17. assfax

    Best sport books?

    Satchel Paige's America. Catcher in the wry. I can recommend.
  18. Hey maybe they'll make a new Fallout game. That'd be cool.
  19. Especially on the remake, Chris is what you do if you know exactly what in th' fuck yer doin' on that first playthrough. If you have all the puzzles deeply ingrained you can do whatevert the fuck you want.
  20. Someone got drunk and ordered both Godland Celestial editions. This shit is legit. Books are HUGE.
  21. Playing Battlefield 4. Okay, they still kept the bogus internet browser way of starting the game. That's 100 demerits. Then, I got into a game and was a FNG engineer running the machine gun with some super experienced tank guy and we were just kicking ass and not dying. +100. Then, I played some of the main game and just couldn't stop doin' Omar quotes. + 1 points. Then it glitched out in that China hotel and I jumped out a window and landed on the ground with no damage. Ran around shooting at weird half rendered buildings. Overall I rate this game a 1.
  22. Knights of the Old Republic II has a major restoration patch on the same level as Fallout 2.
  23. As soon as you get to the endgame portion you'll wish you spent more time fucking around. When I play this game again right after they announce the next one, I won't even finish it.
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