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Everything posted by JLSigman

  1. Finished the final volume of this, and I don't think he stuck the landing as well as he could have. To be honest, there were a couple of times in the final volume where I would have canceled my subscription if I'd been buying individual issues (10+ pages of nearly identical panels is not fun; nor is several pages of just black panels). To be honest, I think this would've been better as a series of short stories or something; there was an interlude where they told the story of the end of the 1923 batch of gods that worked really well in that format. Not a waste of time, but limped and stumbled a lot.
  2. Former Smash Mouth lead singer Steve Harwell is receiving hospice care treatment at home, a representative confirmed to CBS News Sunday. I'd only seen a TMZ post, and I trust them about as far as I could throw one of their neckbeard fans, but this is from CBS.
  3. So I beat the story of Path of Exile for the first time (since they expanded it to 10 acts). I'm guessing the MMO part of the game kicks in now, the endless map grind? LOLno I found enough neat Unique items to want to try out a couple of more complicated builds, a staff wielder and maybe a Int/Dex hybrid dagger something. I beat the game with a straight Shield Rush/Heavy Blow Juggernaut Maurader build. I've got the Sea of Stars demo downloaded and I want to try that out.
  4. The remaster of Suikoden I and II is being delayed until "as soon as possible"
  5. Grim Dawn, the ARPG that keeps on giving, is going to release another expansion next year. New area, new mastery, some neat new quality of life stuff.
  6. Been reading "The Wicked + The Divine" collections. Kieron Gillon never met a mythological figure he didn't love twisting a bit (or a lot, see the undead Arthur books), but these are pretty good when the artist isn't changing every other page.
  7. Well, that's one way to fall out of a window...
  8. So the reason BioWare has shown us nothing at Gamescon is because they're busy laying off a bunch of folks.
  9. So who's taking care of Hera's son while she's gallivanting round?
  10. (testing that I can link from pics posted on Mastodon) This was early in the Hickman run, and my god those early issues were absolutely some of the best comics writing in decades. I used the second one as my phone wallpaper for a while.
  11. AP's reviewer gave it 2.5/4 stars, says it's not that bad just doesn't do much new. Considering this is a hero that has barely ever been mentioned outside of comic books, that's not as encouraging as I'd like.
  12. Not sure how I missed this originally, considering how many thousands of hours I'd put into the first game pre and post Steam. Official website makes it look like it'll be more of the same, which is perfect.
  13. Flu shots are starting to be available. Go get one! (got mine today)
  14. The fuck is that prosthetic nose for?
  15. That's a feels like of 40C for our metric friends, and it'll get even higher before sundown.
  16. Reading Empires of Time. It's definitely vegetable reading, but now that I've gotten out of the introduction and into the parts the author has actually studied and is excited about it's picking up. Read the second half of the ElfQuest: Stargazer's Quest. Why do I do this to myself? There's been no good ElfQuest since the late 1990s, and definitely not since the beginning of the Final Quest. Malika: Warrior Queen volume 1 was a free borrow from Hoopla, and I liked it enough to want to read the next part of it eventually. The art's a little mushy, but the story is good.
  17. I wish they would release the character creator as a demo. I would blow up my computer just to try it out.
  18. I'm facerolling through it at the moment, once I turned everything that might make it interesting off. It still randomly dumps to the login screen about once a day. My stubborn side has latched on, tho, so I'll go as far as I can (I don't think I've ever gotten past Act V) before giving up again.
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