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Everything posted by twiztor

  1. SO glad i watched the event this morning without reading spoilers. the main was absolute insanity and i loved every damned second of it. the Shogun KO was just brutal. especially the punch afterwards. Bader dominated and showed why he's "the guy" to beat en route to a title shot. who saw Soa Palelei winning that fight? biggest shocker to me.
  2. Midnight Express pretty much has to be Van Halen, right? originally a kick ass group (Condrey/Eaton-Roth), then a main member left and they came back still awesome yet different entirely (Eaton/Lane-Hagar), then they tried to reinvent themselves and it was just terrible (NEW Midnight Express-VH3). Finally the originals get back together and while it's good, it never recaptures that magic.
  3. dvd- the Monday Night Wars event- wrestlemania 17 i'm not going to do a list of matches, but just know that it involves heavy involvement of Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, and Ultimo Dragon.
  4. that "Cena/Sullivan is the culprit" bit. wow. i'm only slightly more disgusted than impressed by the conviction
  5. hot on the heels of buying a Wii-U, i have also (finally) picked up a 3ds (XL). the Zelda game put it over the top for me. What does everyone recommend with that? the only games on my "must-have" list are Kid Icarus and Mario 3D Land. keep in mind that i never owned a regular DS either, so all those games are fair play.
  6. fantastic selection of games. the n64 is my 2nd favorite system of all time (behind only the NES) and i love every game you listed here (except Pokemon Stadium). World Tour was my introduction to AKI games and it'll always hold a soft spot in my heart. for future games, start with Goldeneye and also pick up Mario Kart, NBA Hangtime, Smash Bros, and Donkey Kong 64, and you pretty much have my entire teenage years.
  7. i figured this was a given, being that this is a wrestling board and all, but this was the first thing i thought of too. One of my favorite movies ever is "the Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space. it was made-for-TV movie by the crew that also did the Hercules and Xena tv shows. It's super cheesy, much like an updated '66 Batman. It boasts Ron Perlman, Liz Vassey, and Nichelle Nichols as members of its cast. it's not commercially available anywhere, but i found it at Cinemageddon a couple years ago, so check it out if you're interested. also, Bring It On and Clueless are 2 of my favorite '90s comedies. and anybody that hates Clue should be shot. or hit with a candlestick. by the butler. or Mrs. Peacock. in the study.
  8. i'm rocking out with Super Mario 3D World. this catsuit is unfuckwithable.
  9. finally broke down and bought a Wii-U. had some friends over to play it last night, had a blast. Mostly played Super Mario Bros. U (this and the Luigi U game came with the system) but also played a bunch of NintendoLand minigames. can't wait for Friday and Mario 3D World!
  10. i think they're only allowed to use 10-8 once every 4 months, and they only get three opportunities in life to use either 10-7 or 10-10.
  11. did Michael Buffer even try? i always remember "triple d" diamond dallas and my personal favorite, Lex Luthor
  12. i had Hendricks clearly winning rds 1 and 4, GSP getting the nod in 2 and 5, with 3 being the swing round, which i felt Hendricks won. also, fuck yeah, Robbie Lawler!
  13. in what world is Jay Hieron ranked #16 in the world but a Rick Story who had won 4 in a row in the UFC isn't near that? moral of the story i like Askren even less now for putting someone else down to attempt to build himself up.
  14. i must be off on my weeks. i coulda swore that Shlemenko faced Marshall tonight. guess i'll have to wait another 7 days then.
  15. background: i work in an electronics store. had a lady yell at me today for not selling her an X-Box One. despite it not having released yet, and despite not actually getting any yet. She was furious and said that she knows of "numerous other people that got them here".
  16. I'm not sure I should even ask.... but why? two main things. i didn't really enjoy the (first) Man of Steel movie, and there's pretty much no way that i can see Ben Affleck as Batman. with those two points, there's next to no chance of me enjoying this one, so figured it's just better to pass on it.
  17. i hope that Nightwing rumor is false. i really want to completely skip this movie, but including my favorite character forces me to go see it.
  18. this is also the order i'd rank them. haven't seen Thor 2 yet. probably this weekend. a Luke Cage series? i will be checking this out. the rest don't do anything for me, but sound cool enough. hope they work out.
  19. i had no idea there were 2 ufc events this week. honestly, i thought the vitor/hendo match was early next year. maybe i just don't pay enough attention.
  20. on this day on Raw, 17 years ago, Pillman pulled a gun on Austin after Austin broke into his house. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDal51lxcZE
  21. didn't he go by "Cheetah Master"? and i don't believe he wore a mask.
  22. thanks for that, i'm still searching for video of it tho, if anyone can help. It's the 11/5/94 WWF Mania episode. as for questions, watching late '96 WCW. on a couple of the "B" shows is a wrestler named "The Cheetah Kid". who is under the mask? It's obviously not Rocco Rock, regardless of what Google keeps trying to tell me. I was under the impression that it was Prince Iaukea, but an upcoming match from January '97 has Iaukea vs Cheetah Kid, so now i have no idea.
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