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Ultimo Necro

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Everything posted by Ultimo Necro

  1. Can't wait for the 'How did this get made?' episode on the Final Deletion. Someone hit Paul Scheer up with it! "Next, level, bonkers"
  2. I've made a conscious decision to start following Impact again, after the Final Deletion now seems like as good a time to "see where this goes" as any. Plus hopefully if the figures go up Dixie might just give us even more insane stuff.
  3. Popstar: Never stop Never stopping. Laughed my ass off throughout but it tailed off towards the end. So immature in places but I love that humor.
  4. Konnan seems to have replaced Court and MSL with Kevin Gill and Disco so it keeps a similar dynamic and the first episode was pretty good. Helms on Jericho was a ton of fun, just wish they had done this post Final Deletion.
  5. Hunter was p. great on this also. "I knew it would be good when I had guys that even he (Bryan) hadn't heard of" Kendrick and Bryan's Shawn Michaels story. the Jack Gallagher piece. Can't believe I saw him wrestle in front of about 30 people in Cumbernauld, Scotland of all places. ZSJ coming off like a megastar. So much goodness.
  6. Hearing Steve Austin discussing Chikara paydays with Ricochet might be the strangest "wrestling has come full circle" moment to date. I was kind of hoping Austin was going to start listing gimmicks. "I see here they have a cat named, Estonian Thunder Frog, what's so Estonian and Thunderous about a goddam Frog?" Ricochet comes across as a good guy, but we all knew that anyway.
  7. Batista on MLW Writers Room discussing Blue-tista among other things. You can sense his frustration with every aspect of his last run.
  8. Varys must have a speedboat. Essos to Dorne and back to be on board HMS Golden Dragon in time for the invasion! Loved Mini Mormont being the most badass new character. Would love Jorah to get cured of the grey scale, ride back to Mereen and meet up with Daario and be like "hey Daario, where's Khaleesi? Oh wait, you got friend zoned too? Shit"
  9. As a kid the Tombstone and Big Boot/Legdrop were so well protected they are my favourite finishers. Probably add in the Macho Elbow. The Perfect-Plex is my all time favourite though, just a thing of beauty.
  10. The current world champ has a pretty poor moveset if I'm being honest, that rebound clothesline is pretty yeuch.
  11. Came in to post Kanyon, always enjoyed his moves. Bret is the best though, the 5 moves of doom on top of all his other greatness, I would love it when Bret would bust out some brawling or a random submission because you thought "wow, he must be in a war as he doesn't normally bust that out" recent indy guys Super Dragon and Steen really brought me back into that world in the 2000s. flippy guys, Jody Fleisch of UK/ROH had that Teddy Hart, but crisper, vibe about him and was probably the first guy I saw use the style that most indy dudes use nowadays, maybe stick Quack in with him. 2 guys who were using exciting new styles back in the day. Jonny Saint is a shout for me also, nobody else can do what he does as well as he does it. also, Nova, because he invented everything.
  12. It's a Women's revolution, Cersei playing the role of Stephanie McMahon.
  13. Binge watched Colony over the last 2 nights, started slow and remembered how much I hated "Lori" from Walking Dead. Started pretty slow and I nearly tapped after 3 eps, but it found its stride towards the end. Looking forward to S2.
  14. I read that as "TNA should contact the losers of UFC" and thought, that definitely sounds like a Dixie talent recruitment policy.
  15. The cops only need to ask one question to determine how angry Lawler was at the time. "Mam, was his strap up or down?"
  16. Bro, lemme tellya, an I gotta be honest he-ahh, I agreed with a lot of what he had to say as well. the glass ceiling appears to have been replaced with a box storage system.
  17. Gerwitz wrestlers court story is fantastic, as is his Saturn impersonation. Really good episode.
  18. Someone order this for Vader to watch Ospreay v Bailey. Then film his head exploding in a fit of confusion.
  19. Nope, still there, what really disheartens me is that there are guys with genuine talent out there doing it, particularly in CZW and IWA MS, like John Wayne Murdoch, Danny Havoc, Reed Bentley and the most surprising of all to me Tim Donst. Donst was great in a non-DM environment in Chikara and it's really bizarre that he is in Tournament of Death next week. Even more bizarre than UltraMantis Black doing a death match.
  20. Goddam, if we could get a webcam in heaven right now to see Dusty and Muhammed together shooting the breeze.
  21. Whiplash works a great 'main event' style match, almost similar to Kurt Angle in that respect. When I attended ICW a few years back the best match over the 4-5 shows I went to was Grado v Whiplash, which, given the talent ICW has was quite a surprise. Both guys really brought it.
  22. Here's a penis and some balls. 2 seconds later, guys, we know you had to see that, so here's some titties. Some goddam unnessecary nudity this week. 'The actor Kevon Eldon' is my Ned Stark. British comedy legend!
  23. Are we sure the fallout isn't because Vince is going slightly blind / senile? He probably sees Ryback doing the Punk 'tribute' and thinks it is actually Punk. "HAHAHA, Punk might have put on 90lbs of solid muscle, but I'll show him, to the pre-show with him, also, Hunter, why is Jimmy Yang doing a Michael Jackson gimmick in NXT? get him back on Smackdown as a cowboy!'
  24. This potential investor has gotta be one of those things where Dixie is emailing herself without realising it? Right?
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