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Everything posted by Shartnado

  1. I'm kinda spacing out on Road Pig here! I sort of have an image in mind, but I'm not sure if it is the correct one? I do remember Sanzibar as far a Dreadknocks go and later on, there was very dreadknock-esqe guy called Gnawgahyde (sp?) who had a very wrestler-like appearance and muscularity!
  2. Yesterday evening's workout was just pretty intense arm and shoulder pump, nothing special. The work week had many challenges despite being only 4 days, but the bike rides have been a breeze now, despite taking the longer route most of the time. Today, I woke up a little earlier than usual and caught a part of this week's Dynamite before going for the jog. Jogging 36 minutes straight (including the hill climb and stairs as usual) then walked another 10 for recovery. Just now, I got the needed ingredients for my super oatmeal that has been my not so secret weapon during the diet for several years now. Just finished my first bowl of the stuff and yeah, this is what I needed. Some stretching, sauna and massage hammer should also be on tonight's agenda, but I think I'll finish the Dynamite before any of that. Yeah, this week could have gone better, but it definitely was a start, no doubt about it!
  3. Yup, this is pretty much how I figured people in 2020's would look and dress like, when I was a kid. I'm glad were finally there!
  4. Another jog/walk/run this afternoon when I woke up. Same route, same 35 minutes and a few minutes of walking inside that 35. The stairs that I use are (surprise!) at a side of a small hill. Yesterday as well as today I went all Kate Bush and was "Running up that Hill" for the first climb, then 3 times up and down the stairs, then slowly jogging down the hill (yes, also a lesser known Kate Bush track, you can imagine why that one never charted) and then back home. Whether it's smart or not, I think I'll try to keep the intensity up at first and then add more time to the jogs once it starts feeling easier. The only problem is how in teh fukk am I going have any decent leg days in the forseeable future on top of this? I need to go do some stretching now, as I should be heading for the gym in a little more than hour. The synth-wave gym playlist is working like a mofo for these jogs as well, as I mentioned before. I guess I'll just edit these in... This week's bench was a sets of 3 one and a half reps starting from 132 adding 22lbs each set until at 264 then several normal sets of 3 reps with that then one straight set each with 22 lbs off each set. The sleep and recovery before this week's trapbar was atrocious so I wasn't expecting much, and boy did I get it! Well, no, but I kept everything after 416 just straight up heavy singles and nothing more. Got 526 up and then failed three straight attempts at 579 and 568. I used 11 lb plates under the weight (later measured to be under one inch of thickness) to use as a platform and got 515 up, so I tried 568 again and got it up. I figured I'll give that one a go once more off the floor, but no, not moving. It is really weird how much that one extra inch seems to help! It can't be JUST psychological, either! At that point I was running out of time so I just switched to shrugs with 416, 306, 196, 75 and sets of 110 with each pair of 55's taken off the bar. This afternoon, after waking up I went for another jog/run to the stairs and was sprinting up that hill. That fucked me up, but I did the stairs 3 times and jogged down the hill like last time. Jogging felt fine, so I kept going about 42 minutes with probably 2-3 minutes of walking during that time. I am planning to go to the gym before work tonight as well, but I have no idea what I'm going to do there? The weight is down a couple of pounds, but the wonderful Scottish cuisine combined with dark rum and white wine sure did a number on me. Well, that's my choice and now it's time to get ripped and jacked again.
  5. After a decent time off from work as well as working out, I officially started the Spring/Summer diet today. Starting from 191 is OK, but I must admit that my motivation is not exactly where it was last year around this time. Went for a jog this morning, it was not bad. I tried not to over do it, so it was around 35 minutes with a few minutes of walking mixed in. I'm nowhere near where I was last summer, but I may be beyond where I was last spring, so it should be fine after a while. Tonight's workout felt super heavy, though, except that it was nowhere near heavy. I can't promise I'll even try anything heavy yet this week, but I'll know more tomorrow evening.
  6. Yeah, echoing the sentiments of that was one hell of an episode! Also, I never thought I would say this, but fucking Tony Nese! Damn you!
  7. Or a giant giant panda that does that? No, wait I've got it maybe a huge ass shark! Yeah, a friggin whirlwind with sharks! That would do it! And those sharks all ate something they shouldn't have! I guess the problem is that you would have to name it somehow, and I've got nothing!
  8. Well, he had a good run... no, wait... ... ... Well, he and Sonny Kiss had a good theme song as a tag team. I'd like to say it will be missed, but I hear it frequently on my most used playlist. I hope he finds success elsewhere. Let the Spring Breaks resume!
  9. I guess it was Rick's handlebar moustache that helped to pull that headgear look off. A bald head without facial hair doesn't exactly lend itself to a varsity style headgear. Too bad for the Walking Weapon.
  10. Thanks, Bro! We had a brunch at her favorite restaurant this morning, otherwise it's just been chillin' out at home. We returned home on Friday, after a night at an airport hotel. It's been a nice little holiday for us, pretty wild to think that it has been 20 years, now! Good times.
  11. Damn, that's hardcore! On both fronts!
  12. Yeah, I thought he was just wearing headphones to the ring and thought that was ok, but then I saw it was a headgear that was actually on during matches, too and was like "Aw, shit!"
  13. So, let's see? The guy I actually voted for won, even though I thought I was voting for the other one! Very good wrestling match. Punk v Page official. I know I'll probably get the PPV anyway, but this is a decent start to make sure of it. Swerve vs Allin seems like a pretty huge qualifying match, no? Death Triangle back in full force! I wonder if the match makes it to the actual PPV this time? Big victory for The Professor! During the match I was like, "why haven't I noticed how freakily far out Deeb's cheekbones protrude from her face before?" Then after the match I was like "Oh. Yeah, nevermind." That was explained pretty fast. I hope she didn't fracture anything, since she is now very solidly the number one contender. Wardlow busting out some Brian Cage moves against Archer was very warmly welcomed by me. So it's Big Ass Morrisey up next? Team Taz going for the tag titles? Christian Cage slowburn turn inching forward? Haven't seen the 10 man or the Ladder Match yet, but so far this was once again really, really good stuff, even without those. ... ... 10 man was an ok warm-up, but the damn ladder match was simply nuts. What the fuck, Sammy?!? Hey, your life, pal! You do you. What's with all these quick TNT title changes? Throwing fireballs is Sports Entertainment now, Chris? There go Kingston's eyebrows!
  14. Yeah, anyone who would have wanted him for the main roster is crazy! What would have been the chances of him being used any way good? Let's give him a mute gimmick! "That's it! Ok, you never speak. Not a single vowel, ever!"
  15. Even Kacy and Kayden changed up their gear a little bit after that, with more see-through mesh on the sides of their tights (well, Kacy wears tights, anyway), which was like a "please, don't"-move, but that's way less worse than that bullshit name change!
  16. Yeah, SOMEONE should do that, but there is NO way that term is ending up on my search history. But yes, sounds like a good idea to check in advance! And more to the actual topic, I don't know enough about current NJPW to add my dream matches, but if they announce good enough stuff in advance, I'm likely to spread my sweet "not WWE Network" money around and get this one as well!
  17. So yeah, we are currently visiting Edinburgh, as that is my wife's favorite city. This May 1st we are celebrating 20th anniversary of our relationship, although we've actually been married for close to 12 years. I still very clearly remember stuff that happened 20 years ago, even though few years in both decades to follow are a blur. Maybe people will freak out to know that Lose Yourself by Eminem was 20 years ago and next year, Fallen by Evanescence will be 20 years old, too! Feel old, yet?
  18. I was rather preoccupied during Rampage, but that backfist by Kingston was fucking brutal! That's good storytelling. The evil little dick absolutely will get you every time there is an opportunity for fuckery, but when it's just the two of you, it is still a tough fight, but that's when you will just cut...him...down!
  19. I think there are more recent and logical answers, but the first one that came to mind was Yoshi Yatsu from '90s NJPW. Looked like shit, but wrestled pretty exciting matches with pretty much anyone. Mind you, I had no idea about the stuff he did in the early 80's All-Japan at that point.
  20. I guess one should not be shocked that it took the abuse of potato chips to finally get Hook's attention? That is pretty evil, though! Just like the popcorn abuse earlier in the week and later that evening, only worse!
  21. Whatever else happens this week, workout-wise, will be inconsequential, so I might as well update now. Only two workouts so far, but I will go today, too. Tuesday was bench and lat pull-downs. I was able to get the right side of my neck and the right trap stiff af and it still kinda bothers me. I've had this before, so no biggie. I did more than 10 sets of bench within the 232-292 range, but the heavier ones were just singles with a couple of abysmal partials added. A clean 286 was all I took from this, once again. Had to skip Wednesday because of work stuff, but that included way more biking than usual, just to actually get back to where I was supposed to be by the time my shift started. Thursday was trapbar and I was aming high. So, I started quick and short. 10x140, 5x196, 5x306, 3x416, 1x515, then going for 579. After failing twice to get it off the ground, I was really bummed. I was in he process of taking it back down to 515, when I figured I could use the small platforms that I made that are usually beneath the 70lb kettlebells. They are basically just boards with some worn down padding at this point, no more than an inch, inch and a half max. I put them in place and go for 515. That cleared easily, so I load up 579 once more. And lo and behold, it comes up. Yes! I walk to the nearby office to gloat and ask if someone wants to come and see me do it again. No takers, so I go back and do it again. I say fuck it and add the remaining 11 lbs and now one of the co-workers does come to take a look. I take my position and lift 590. He seemed surprised. I was just happy. I knew I would clear it. I do it once more, before scaling back down to 526 and get 3 reps. At this point, the other avid gym user shows up for a quick workout before our shift and witnesses me doing 6x515. I decide that's enough of that and go for shrugs. Two sets with 416 with both going to around 15 reps or more, then two more sets with 403, same range, then one set with 306 and one more with 196 with two separate sets with 110 between those. Then the hanging knee raises with the chain and other ab work. Yeah, this was big. 579 without the platforms will have to wait for a bit longer, but that day will come. But c'mon, 590, that's like the combined weight of Demolition (Ax and Smash combo, anyway), for fuck's sake! Like I said, whatever happens there today, doesn't matter after yesterday. Beast-mode, motherfucker! Next week, I'll be in Edinburgh enjoying the fine Scottish cuisine for the first time since 2019, so there will only be walking at best. Then, the spring/summer diet begins. ...yeah, today's workout was just light upper body pump, not much else, although I did do the hanging knee raises with 2 chains this time! I looked somewhat similar to Gresham's Octopus-gear when wearing those around my neck. But the real reason for the edit is that I once again miscalculated the weight I was using on trapbar and it was in fact 581 and 593, which would make my last week's best 559 lbs, so only 2lbs beneath my all time record.
  22. It's him!!! Yeah, that one! I knew it was one or the other, but him, yes.
  23. And I just voted for the WRONG one, because I thought I could tell the names apart! Well, there IS no wrong answer here, but stil... I meant the other one!
  24. Dustin vs Punk was really solid straight up wrestling. MJF coming up with nice plan that didn't exactly pan out. His message to Wardlow via Sterling was choice. Did Mark wait until the handcuffs were on, before delivering the said message? I mean, I would have! Jake Roberts has found the perfect client! Archer said he doesn't care about the money! Heenan and Slick would be climbing over each other to manage someone like that! Who do you think ended up picking the money up in the end? KOR with a big win! And escaped the Snare Trap as well! Jungle Boy will bounce back. Will Eddie finally take out Garcia next week, when it's just the two of them!? Blackpool Combat Club kicked assume once more. What happens when they run into House of Black? FTR explodes for one night! Shades of Gargano/Ciampa CWC! Forbidden Door PPV, and Cole and Jay White ruining the announcement like they own the whole shit! Cold, man! Sting in a Sting mask was awesome! I was just thinking that Allin need his backup, and there he was! Yeah, Allin needed this win! Holy shit are Sammy and Tay going all out with their "subtle" heeling! They will NOT leave this opportunity unused! Hook vs Nese will be something. Has Danhausen actually witnessed his curse working or does he just assume that bad things happen straight afterwards? I mean, maybe it was all just a coincidence? Or, the not giving a single, solitary fuck is actually the antidote? Oh, and DMD qualified to OHFT! No surprise there. Yeah, what can I say? Once more, very good episode!
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