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Everything posted by (BP)

  1. You could say this about a lot of things, but it was great until Bischoff noticed it had been on tv for weeks and pulled the plug on it.
  2. My daughter's 18 months old. I have no idea what we're going to do. We may have to make some major sacrifices to home-school if things don't turn around before she's elementary age.
  3. Considering the histrionics I go into when I stub my toe, I can't even fathom selling being choked out after just having had my knee torn up.
  4. The story that I remember, which might be apocryphal, was that Vince wanted to call him Titan and Bischoff shit on the name during The Giant's beat down sendoff on Nitro. So, Vince just used his real name for his debut before trying out a bunch and settling on Big Show. Again, that may be an urban legend.
  5. Courtney Love is starring in a Lifetime movie about the Menendez brothers. I don't know who she's playing, but it can't be nearly as good as me imagining her playing both brothers. I also can't hear about the Menendez brothers without immediately thinking of The Cable Guy.
  6. I think we should do a separate GOAT for docs, since I couldn't even bring myself to put one on my list even though there are so many great ones. But I don't have to put 1000 movies into a spreadsheet right now, so I understand if it's awhile before one of these polls happens again.
  7. I really admired the way Soderbergh went against every natural instinct of making a sequel that people would be satisfied with when they did 12. Ocean's 13 is okay. It's a just a retread of 11, but it has its moments.
  8. In my personal experience Shane is talked about with almost as much reverence as Austin/Rock /Taker/Foley among lapsed Attitude Era fans.
  9. The Deadpool nomination talk was weird. I could see best adapted screenplay maybe. Even with the expanded best film category of recent years, if Dark Knight didn't get a nod then Deadpool and nearly any other comic book film won't.
  10. Didn't Meltzer say Sami's a heat magnet recently?
  11. I think three Kubrick films made my list, and 2001 wasn't one of them.
  12. I really whiffed on getting the list I wanted to have ready because current events killed my interest in even turning on a TV unless it was the baby channel for my daughter. I filled a few blind spots, but it's a lot of newer (as in last 20-30 years) films than I suspected I'd have. There are a lot of great golden age films I haven't watched since high school and I just couldn't place without a rewatch. There's also things I love that I just totally forgot about when throwing together the list (my apologies to Bergman for forgetting about Fanny and Alexander until I was in the middle of writing this post.)
  13. I forgot that part of Goldberg's charm is that he only gets hurt shooting on himself.
  14. @RIPPA I'll just send you my ballot now.
  15. If the Christmas special is still canon, Chewie was always a deadbeat dad.
  16. We saw Passengers today. The specifics of the first half could have made for a sinister thriller like Under the Skin (in space), or a black comedy like War of the Roses (in space). This was okay as is mostly because Pratt and Lawrence are charm factories even when they don't have the best chemistry together. It's just really strange that they even open the door for the movie being a creepy gender study just to pivot to a lazy third act.
  17. I haven't had the heart to talk wrestling for over a week. Bless these beautifully stupid people.
  18. I don't care what anyone says, we're going to be talking about that way more than if they'd gone out their and shit the bed for nine-and-a-half minutes.
  19. I'm really concerned that people are going to stay outraged at Trump's tweets and ancillary stuff like Pence seeing Hamilton while ignoring his policies beyond the obvious civil liberties concerns. His infrastructure plan will probably pass with bipartisan support even though it's just tax credit/handout scheme for investors and contractors.
  20. There are going to be thinkpieces and arguments forever about how he got the voters behind him, but I think it's simply that there are a lot of people in this country that are justifiably or not angry. They didn't care about him or what he stood for. They just responded to the idea of the government being weaponized (even more) against the marginilized because it satisfied aggressive urges.
  21. On the one hand it's kind of sad that Obama won't get any credit from the right for working so hard at making the transition work in the face of someone being so unprepared to lead and showing no signs of becoming moderate. Conservative media is spinning this into stories of him setting up a satellite government so he never leaves. On the other hand, he expanded the Executive branch's power with a completely unchecked national security regime and is now handing it over to someone who will almost certainly abuse it. If things go the way they appear, that'll be his legacy.
  22. Breitbart Goebbels being in there is really scary when you consider that Pence unsuccessfully tried to start state-run media in Indiana.
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