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Everything posted by Jiji

  1. Finish the third before getting into 4.
  2. Yeah, I just hit my second freeze during the Keith David mission later in the game, and you have to do the whole thing over again. I do not want to have to do that a fourth time. Is there word on a potential fix to this?
  3. I believe it was around the time Steam downloaded the patch that things went sideways. That's probably it.Sheeeeiiiiiiiiiit. But, yeah, Keith fucking David is such a great touch. I can't hate on this game.
  4. Man, I'm nearing the end but the game is glitching out on me saying I'm missing DLC I never had and freezing when I try to get my dildo bat Doc Manhattan style. A bunch of guns are coming up as the automatic rifle in weapons cache, too. Strange. It's a really fun game but I can't help feeling I enjoyed 3 more. This feels like a large DLC.
  5. That's wonderful. I managed to get to my first Whitecaps game in forever now that I no longer work on the weekends. It was a 1-0 loss against the Galaxy and the caps couldn't string three passes together. Still, I was at the supporters end and the atmosphere was nice and lively. I miss the old days of Swanguard though. I hate to say it, but Spuds have done an amazing job with their transfer business this summer. Lamela for 30 million Euros is a heck of a deal in comparison to the Willian transfer and he has the potential to become a top player. I don't see how Liverpool can crack the top 4 without spending money. Ibe (I think he just gave up on people pronouncing it properly and went "EYEB") and a batch of promising youngsters may help in 2 or 3 years but we need somebody with a cutting edge in the final third to help out Coutinho now. Somebody like, say, Erik Lamela more so than Victor Moses.
  6. What's the plan with Sandow? Have him win Money in the Bank and then make the audience entirely apathetic towards him? Give the man some heat for crying out loud. If you're going to shave Cody's 'stache, let HIM do it. Bryan/Ryback was really good during the gauntlet. Looking forward to another go 'round.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. Shoemaker's book looks interesting too.
  8. How i feel right now: http://youtu.be/f41jvJLd1Vc?t=1m37s "Fuck. Motherfuck," indeed. So many chances created, hit the frame 3 or 4 times and it's 2-2. Also, thanks for the infoz, RR. Edit: That'll do pig, that'll do.
  9. Only if they include a paltry price on the option to buy next summer after we've won the league and champions league (somehow). ReiseReise, who has Leverkusen replaced Schürrle with? Edit: Freiburg pulls level with Bayern at the 85th minute. Nicely worked goal.
  10. That running snuggle that Batista did was supposed to be a spear, I believe.
  11. Sid promos were so money when he wasn't tripping over his words.
  12. I remember it being the Sano match too. Probably a whole lot of second impact syndrome going on in the G1.
  13. Yeah, well... Sure my deadest of grandparents weren't born yet, but fuck you the same!
  14. They been doing a Hell in a Cell PPV for a few years now, thats 2 main event Cell matched on one PPV. Whats the difference, they been running gimmick concept PPVs before SS for a while now, so whats one main event gimmick match?It's difficult to sell a 4 v 4 Survivor Series match after the fans just paid to see a 4 v 4 match in wargames. And the team matches at Survivor Series the last handful of years have been afterthoughts/midcard filler.Well, don't do a 4 v 4 match at Survivor Series then. At least not involving Bryan and Orton. Put them as the main event. The WarGames would lead to that. I guess you could have the afterbirth of wargames without Randy/Bryan as the 8 man elimination match at Survivor Series. Show's big moment and all that.
  15. But they could bring Detroit another cup. And Datsyuk could fall back into the second line role he's better suited for. Although I don't know if Eastern Orthodoxy differentiates between twins and homosexuals. They were together in the womb, same thing really. Maybe Pavsy won't be up for this after all. HMMMM.
  16. They been doing a Hell in a Cell PPV for a few years now, thats 2 main event Cell matched on one PPV. Whats the difference, they been running gimmick concept PPVs before SS for a while now, so whats one main event gimmick match? It's difficult to sell a 4 v 4 Survivor Series match after the fans just paid to see a 4 v 4 match in wargames. And the team matches at Survivor Series the last handful of years have been afterthoughts/midcard filler. Edit: also, Heathers is radical.
  17. The Marine 4? Oh, right... "good reason."
  18. Wait for Toronto. I don't know how long they want to stretch this out, but it wouldn't it make sense for them to have Show snap in the build to Survivor Series. Hopefully the finish there isn't decisive, hence the need for WARGAMES (and the match beyond). Edit: just saw that Battlegrounds is before Survivor Series. Shit, I could see why Vince wouldn't want to do it, at least a month before you have your traditional survivor series match.
  19. HHH proclaiming the belt as his personal property that Randy just holds the strap was also A+ troll work. YES! And that Randy didn't have any issue with that. Just hilarious. This week's "SHIELD GUYS," moment. Triple H could pull this Vince thing off to great effect. Fuck the Miz, Mark Henry is your man for a fucking war games match. Show, Henry, Dolph and Bryan, baby!
  20. lol. Though Kronwall does suck, bro.
  21. This will lead up very nicely to Survivor Series and/or a potential War Games.
  22. AJ's promo was also really good and funny. The girls just screaming boring rhetoric back was good too. "YOU JUST SKIP."
  23. Exactly. You don't give the audience what they want right away. They are building it up so when Show and Dolph 'n' co. finally do snap it will be a big moment. It's like they went back to last week's episode, listened to the criticism and gave it another shot. This was executed so much better. They built up the tension on the ramp, they had Trips gloat in front of them, daring them to do something, and Orton get his last lick in. Shield gets the last laugh but Bryan also looks good, getting a mini-Austin moment with the Escalade and beating the Shield. Rollins' bump into Cole was fucking great! That Heyman/Punk segment was great. Paul E. has more psychology in how he works the ramp and facial expressions than the majority of the roster has in the ring telling a story. He's just too good. Punk looked great and he got his "MAKE IT GOOD" Dusty moment in there too. That was superb. Del Rio and Christian was okay as well. Really good show.
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