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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. "Lightweights who never do side slams/backbreakers except for when their opponent wants to do a headscissors" is up there with Del Rio's footstomp and the Stratusphere on my Contrived Bullshit Scale.
  2. Tried repeatedly to cross the Canada-US border for an AIW show in 2014 without a work visa and was banned from entering the US for five years. I voted for Clinton twice and I could have sworn that "let thick hot chicks cross the border freely" was a provision of NAFTA.
  3. LOL yes, Watt's minimalistic, no frills cabin
  4. I know that's Gabe but he looks like one of those Zika virus babies
  5. Music clearance on the Network is fucking weird. Grab them Cakes and Don't Go Messin' with a Country Boy are from the same album, but Cakes is played while Country Boy is overdubbed. And then I watched Mania 3 and almost fell out of my chair when "The Bird" by Morris Day and the Time somehow got cleared. WT actual F?
  6. Wow, thanks for mentioning Watt. He proves my point exactly. Aside from Deadspin calling Watt a fraud, I don't see anybody knocking him over his schtick. I'll take "guy who celebrates a little too much" over "humorless varsity jacket-wearing clod who holds himself up as the paragon of football virtue" any day of the week.
  7. I finally got around to seeing The Hateful Eight. I found it overlong and kind of boring. I really wanted to like it and it had some good spots but they didn't really add up to anything good. It's like Tarantino figured the best part of a Tarantino movie was the dialogue, so he made a movie that was nothing but Tarantino dialogue. I did enjoy Demian Bechir's 3 hour Strongbad impersonation, though.
  8. See I wondered if his angry guy thing was just schtick and he's just playing to his base, then I remember that he's been fired form every company he's ever worked for because he's an angry guy, so it's most likely legit. Or Kaufmanesque dedication to his gimmick.
  9. Disco can join the League of Nations, as Funkytown seceded from the U.S. 1977.
  10. Guy who was involved in scaffold matches and a feud with Miss Atlanta Lively reminisces about the old days when wrestling was taken seriously as a sport.
  11. Definitely. It's just that it comes across as disingenuous when Jada has no complaints until the year Will makes an Oscar bait pic and the academy doesn't go for it. Now she's an activist?
  12. NOOOOOOO Commentary and happy ending were stupid. DC is much better. Also, Aliens. Counterpoint: Though it was added at the behest of the studio, the bored, monotone voiceover makes it even more of a film noir detective movie. Much worse than that is how the the revisionist "Deckard is a Repicant" stuff ruins the story of how the Replicants have more humanity than Deckard. This one change moved what was a meditation on what it means to have humanity into lame-ass M. Night Shymalan territory. HE'S A ROBOT! WHAT A TWIST! All that said, I, too, can do without the tacked-on happy ending with its Shining overhead shots.
  13. I came here specifically to comment on how Business Casual King Cuerno dresses like a member of a Norteno band.
  14. LOL @ this Newton argument. The last thing uptight white folk like to see is a dominant black player enjoying his dominance. He should be stoic and maybe even thankful to the league owners for their graciousness in allowing him to ply his trade, right? What's with this "he should be like Jim Brown or Barry Sanders?" Picking two black dudes who "knew how to act?" That's offensive. Don't want a dude to laugh and dance? Play better defense. White QBs celebrate all the damn time. When Newton does it he's "uppity," I guess. This is the same shit we saw with Griffin and Kaepernick. White QB arrogance is reimagined as confidence and leadership while arrogant black QBs are just considered "thugs" who don't "play the game the right way." Wilson is the exception to the rule because he's a bible-thumper and doesn't make a show of himself. This is why I want to see Carolina win. Bullshit like this. EDIT: not meant as an attack on sabremike. I want to give you the benefit of a doubt and assume that's not what you mean. I've just been hearing shit like this all season and it's a disgusting double standard.
  15. WWE seamstresses just finished Reigns' new "Road to Wrestlemania" gear
  16. If you just want to get rid of the old PC, I picked up an ASUS VivoPC specifically for the living room and it's great. It was only like $250 and I use it for WWE network and watching movies from an attached USB drive. Works like a dream so far. Get that and a Bluetooth keyboard/touchpad combo and you're in business.
  17. He said, in his own Meltzerian way, that she did some shit someone didn't like and this was her punishment. But keep being contrarian. That never gets old.
  18. Yeah, none of this is an actual thing. Not even remotely. ( blah blah blah) Because you say so? Okay, then. So Rock was just reminiscing about romance, women are never portrayed poorly in wrestling and nobody is ever booked in a bad way as punishment. Glad we got that sorted. To stay consistent, please never comment on any wrestling news stories from Meltzer, etc because they're not credible in your mind.
  19. Sundance TV is airing Breaking Bad reruns every Wednesday night. God damn, what a show.
  20. I live and work in suburban DC, where we got a little over 2 feet and it's going to be over 60 next week. wtf
  21. UGH. Good luck, man.
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